Chapter 22

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I know it's been like FOREVER.  Terribly sorry; it's been a month since i've updated!  It's because I was thinking of making Charlie... Well.. you'll see!  I'll talk more at the end of the story.  Just know I've been terribly sorry and I'll be writing more this winter break! 

NOW... ON TO THE STORY!  I've been having mixed feelings about this but just bare with me please. 

Bold is a lot of fun to write in.. xD. OKAY! Back to the story. 


  Percy's P.O.V. 

  I woke up in a start.  I looked around me.  I was in my room.  Blue wall paper plastered against the wall.  A massive headache overcame me.  I winced and held my head.  "What.. Happened last night?"  I whispered.  I tried closing my eyes for any flasback, but ntohing is coming back. 

Really... I can't remember anything.  The last thing I remember was.... 

What did I really remember? 

All i remeber is seeing my mom... I looked at the calender, it was December.  The last time I saw my mom was back in... October.  What happened?  Why wasn't I remembering anything? 

"Percy?" A soft voice whispered. 

I turned my head to see Annabeth.  I rolled my eyes.  Her again?  "It's not... really the time right now Annabeth..."  I said, sighing and looking the other way.  I heard Annabeth sigh.  

Let me tell you one thing about Annabeth, she's the most annoying person on Earth.  i think she's in love with me.  As I was thinking, something popped into my head. "Aren't you supposed to be on a quest or whatever it was...?" 

  "I came back from it, two months ago."  Annabeth whispered.  I shot my head at her. "Where have I been?  Why is it the only thing I remember is from when i came back from my mom?  I dont' know why I'm asking you Annabeth... What what in the hell in happening?" 

Annabeth flinched and took a step back.  I took a deep breath, okay maybe I was being a little harsh on her.  "I'm sorry Annabeth, but I need to know what has been happening, Why is it that it's December when it's only supposed to be October? " 

  Annabeth took a step forward and said, "I'm not even supposed to be here Percy, I'm breaking about a thousand rules that could get me kicked out of camp halfblood.  I just came here to say goodbye.  So.. Good bye Percy.  Someone will be here to tell you what's been happening, or your just going to have to go figure it out yourself.  Hope the Gods are with you today Perc." 

  She stood up, and i paniced, what was she talking about?  She wasn't allowed to see me, she's leaving? "Where are you going Annabeth?  I may not like you as the way you like me, but where are you going?  i care annabeth, i really do!" 

  Annabeth looked at me and gave me a sly grin, "That's what they all say Percy.  In reality, they don't."  And with that last sentence, she turned around and walked out the door. "Oh, and by the way."  I looked up. "Tell her I said hi."  and left once again. 

  Annabeth just made everything a lot more confusing.  What kind of game is she playing with me?  Tell who hi?  Where is she going?  What did she mean when she said 'that's what they all say percy, in reality they don't.'

  As i was trying to put the unsolved pieces together, I didn't hear Chiron come in.  "Percy?"  I looked up and saw him. "Oh hey."  I said.  "What's going on Chiron?  Why can't i remember anything?"  Massive headaches started to form into my head once again. 

Chiron replied, "It's not the right time to tell you what's been happening.  It's too soon.  Honestly, I don't even know what has been going on, I don't know what happened to Charlie, I don't know what's happened to you Percy." 

  Right at that second I asked, "Who's Charlie?" 

Chiron stood up, "I'm sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that." and ran off. 

"Chiron!"  But it was too late, he was already gone.  I sighed and layed down again, and everything flooded back into my memory. 

Charlie, my dad, Aphrodite, what happened yesterday... 

I sat up. 

"You won't find her Percy."  

I turned and saw Aphrodite smirking.  "What have you done to my Charlie."  I growled. "oh, nothing much, kept in her in a safe place, not like you would ever find her."  I stared at Aphrodite and sighed, "Why do you want to do this to me Aphrodite?  It's already hard having one God mad at me...  Which is Athena...  Why do you want to hate me too?" 

"Because, I don't trust your dad, which means I don't trust you with her."  Aphrodite simply said, "Bye for now Percy Jackson."  ANd left. 

"I might know where you can find her..."  I looked up and saw Grover. "Where am i going to find her?"  I spated out, "Aphrodite probably put her in like a cage."  Grover looked at me and said, "Probably a nice one.. It's Aphrodite."  i rolled my eyes and gave in with a little smile. 

"I have someone that might be able to help us..."  grover said, and moved aside, giving another cantaur.  He was younger than Grover. "Who's he?"  I said. "I'm.. Charlie's best friend.  More like her protecter, but her best friend.  I'm Alex" I looked at Alex and said, "you want to find her as much as i do don't you." Alex nodded his head

"I think i know where Aphrodite took her...  There's another camp you see....  It's... A Roman camp" 



And this is why I might need help. 

I'm not entirely sure if I want Charlie to be stuck in the other camp, because i haven't actually read the lost olympians; i only read some of it. 

If you guys want to help me out please message me and i'll give you a shout out at the end of the chapter! 

I love you guys

mwahh :* 

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