Chapter 15

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Hey Guys!  Sorry for not updating.  Been wondering what I should write!  Well; Here we are!  Oh my gosh; 1,000 reads, thank you so much!  From both me and TheyCallUsTeens! (: Okay; Here's the story! 


Charlie's P.O.V. 

"Chirion... I don't get this." 

"Common' Charlie; I've explain this to you almost twenty times; How many more times must I tell you this?" 

"At least one more.." 

I stare Chirion in the eye.  There was something he wasn't telling me.  I saw Chirion groan at my confusion.  You couldn't blame me though!  This wouldn't make sense to you if you were told this right when you woke up. 

  I looked down at my hand to see Percy holding mines.  He then squeezed it for reassureance and that Chirion will tell me everything.  I sighed and looked back at Chirion. 

"Look Chirion, I understand almost ALL of it.  But...  Wouldn't that mean I'm a God?  If Posidon is my dad and Aphrodite is my mom?" 

"At least you got that Posidon is your fathr and Aphrodite is your mother.  You were being planned to be a God; But then somehow...  You didn't have the powers that Gods were supposed to have; You only somehow had powers like a regular Demi-God would have.  So they put you in a home where you wouldn't have to know at that time" 

  I still couldn't beleive my ears.  I stood up.  "Thanks Chirion.  Is it okay if I think about what I just learned please?"  I looked pleadly in his eyes.  He understood and noded.  I saw Percy walk towards me but I stopped him. I looked him saying that he couldn't come with me, even if he was my boyfriend.


Then it struck me, hard.  

Posidon is my father.  I stared into Percy's eyes and he looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of his. He was a bit confused of why tears were streaming down my face. Percy's hand touched my cheeks and slowly stroked it. 

"Charlie, it's okay, just because your not a God doesn't mean ---" 

I slapped his hand away from my face when he thought I was crying because I wasn't a God.  Sure it would have been cool to be a God; but does he really think that I care about that?  Doesn't he understand?  I laughed harshly thinking he actually understood me and said,

"You don't get it do you?  At all?  You think I'm just a selfish girl who cares about being a God?  If I was a God I would never been able to meet you!  I would never be me!  You really think I'm mad about that?  God, Percy."  

Percy took a step back, probably trying to suck in everything I said.  I don't regret what I told him; But I regret saying it such a harsh voice. 

"C-Charlie...  I don't get it.. What are you trying to tell me? Please, I can't stand you crying... Charlie..." 

"We..."  I say, "We..."  I start to say again.  I close my mouth, hearing Percy still saying my name.  They way he said my name; it was so peaceful; yet hurt.  I can't say it, I thought.  Those words can't come out my mouth. "We.. C-Can't.."  I stammer again.  

I close my eyes, letting more tears spill out of my eyes.  I couldn't just stand here.  I had to leave.  I push Percy out of the way, leaving him with a confused face, and probably hurt feelings. 

  As I run into the forest and into the lake.  I sit on the side of it and let my tears out.  I haven't cried like this.. Since who knows when.  As the last tear fell down my cheek; I hear the bushes move.  i quickly turn back; thinking it might be a monster that pass the line.  As I stood up cautiously, i saw someone come out.  

  A boy that had black, flippy hair.  I then notice his eyes, and how beautiful they were; even if they were grey.  His arms and legs were full of scars.  I went back to his eyes and saw his eyes sparkling at me.  My heart started to beat as i stared into his eyes. "H-Hi..."  He said, "I'm Chris, I'm new here.  I was outside looking around when I saw you crying... So I came and followed you, to make sure you were alright."  

  I didn't answer.  Chris then sat next to me and said, "Sorry...  I knew I shouldn't have followed; But I couldn't help but wonder if your alright."  I looked at him.  The urges of telling him everything.  "I..."  I started, but then stopped.  Why am i telling Chris all this?  I just met him... 

  Those grey eyes told me he would understand.  They were so calming, yet pleading me to tell him everything about me. I took a deep breath, not even sure if i'm making the right decision.  I told him.. I told him everything before I could stop myself.  My life, my family and how messed up it was, my best friend who was also my protector, Alex.  I also told him about Percy, Annabeth, and how it wasn't right with me and Percy... I mean.. After All...  

  I felt all the weight on my chest released as I finished up explaining my life to Chris.  I looked up at Chris one more time.  I smiled and he smiled back down.  "Even though it's all messed up right now...  Everything is going to get better, I don't know how just yet; But I know how."  He said.  I looked up and him and said, "You think?"  "Yeah.. I know so."  Chris replied.  I leaned down on his shoulder, sighing. 

  "Hey.. Charlie?" 

I looked up at Chris, "Yeah?" 

"I know.. I barely know you.. But.. I want to be the guy that you come to when your scared, sad, and even happy.  I want to be.. your boyfriend.  Since Percy... can't be the one.. Can he?"  Chris said, laughing.  I laugh along too, not really sure why.  I felt like when i was with Chris he was the one. 

"Yes... Yes You can be my boyfriend."  I said, smiling.  Chris grinned at me.  I smiled back.  As I stood up, he stood up with me and kiss me on the lips.  They didnt feel right... But I didn't care.  I wanted to be with him. As he closed his eyes, something snapped.  It was like I was brought back to life.  

  I remember what I told him and don't even know why I told him that!  I quickly realized I was kissing him and I quickly broke it.  I looked at him, staring at me.  I got lost in his eyes again... I closed my eyes and quickly turned around.  "Y-Your eyes.." I whisper.  "Charlie..." He said, grabbing my wrist.  I took it out of his hand and I ran.  

  I stopped at a certain point.  I caught my breath and asked outloud, "What happened.." I said.  His eyes.  They're hypnotizing.  I told him everything about my life...  "What did I do wrong?"  I turned around at the voice to see Percy; a very broken Percy. 

"Percy.."  i started to say. "I saw everything Charlie.. Don't even try explaining it to me. I saw you kissing him, and him asking to be your boyfriend.. And you saying yes!  Charlie; what did I do?"  Percy whispered at the end. "Percy it wasn't me it was ---"  

  Percy didn't let me finish.  "Is this what you wanted to tell me?  Why I didn't 'Get it' ? And now I have to figure it out myself and to feel my heart break into pieces?  Is this what you wanted Charlie?"  He screamed at the end, tears flowing down his face. 

  "I.. I.."  I couldn't control my words, they were stumbling all over the place.  "We.. parents.. Percy..  Posidon...  We're siblings."  I said, finally getting words.  I felt mad. "Percy, we're fucking siblings for sake!  We can't go out.  We.. can't..."  I looked up at him.

 Percy looked even madder, "Oh, so you just play with my feelings; knowing you can't have me, and then just go out with some other boy!  Yeah; that's how you tell me."  I was about to say something until he stopped me. 

"I realized we couldn't go out when you left.  Chirion kind of announced it.  I was going to tell you we could make it togther; that I would keep you safe, you were the love of my life."  Percy then took another breath.  "WERE.  Forget it Charlie.  Go back to your boyfriend that you can actually be with."   

Percy looked at me one more time, having pain, hurt, sadness, and anger.  He then left me in the middle of the forest, broken hearted.  

So this is how my life is going to be now. 

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