Chapter 18.

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Percy's P.O.V

  She was... She was there again, in front of me.  No matter where we are, she's always going to be there.  I don't know why; but Annabeth wasn't on my mind anymore; it was Charlie.  I once again saw her long, black hair.  I felt her skin against mines.  I smelled her strawberry shampoo.  

Memories flashed back through my head because of her presence.  The first day i met her, the day she joked around with me.  The day she met Rachel.  The day that when...  I found someone that loved me for me; and not because I was famous.  I remembered her kissing me becasue of who I was.  I remembered her laughing because of my jokes.  I needed her back so badly. 

  I felt her get off me and run quickly, but not quick enough for her to get out of my sight.  I don't know why, but my body moved on my own, I got up to her and ran to her. "Percy!"  i heard a voice, but I didn't want to listen to anyone right now.  I wanted her.  I wanted my baby again. 

  Charlie ran out and into the forest once again.  I ran as fast as I could.  When i got into the forest, I knew i had lost her; until I heard sniffing.  "C-Charlie?"  I whispered. "Go away."  Her voice whispered, cracking.  I ran to her voice, to see her sitting and leaning against the tree, crying. 

  Those tears flowed down her cheek and dropped on the floor.  I couldn't see her like this.  I ran up to her and made her hands interlock with mines.  Charlie wouldn't let me look her in the eye. "Please... Babe..."  I said.  I knew I made the wrong move. 

  My hands were moved from her hands and felt a sting on my cheek. "Don't call me babe.  I'm not yours.  You bastard.  Thinking your all that.  I was wrong about you Percy.  Your just a boy who thinks everything is his.  i knew i was right in the beginning.  Get away from me." Charlie growled, and pushed me away.  

  I was hurt.  I honestly was.  "Charlie, you don't mean that..."  I whispered, putting my hand on her shoulder.  She shurgged it off and kept walking.  I was up in front of her and got a glimsp of her sparkling blue eyes.  I held her chin and made her face me. "You didn't mean that Charlie.  I know you didnt."  I said in a monotone. 

  "I did mean it.  Now let go of me ! "  She said.  "No."  I whispered, and leaned down to kiss her.  I felt her plumped lips once again.  I knew she was fighting it, making me hold onto her even more.  A few minutes she kissed me back.  I was surprised, but I smiled into it even more.  I then pulled back and said, "Tell me.. Look at me in the eye and tell me you didn't feel those sparks." 

Charlie's P.O.V

  "I.. I..."  I said, stumbling on my words.  I couldnt' let Percy know I felt what I've always wanted to feel those lips again.  I loved.. Chris; But Percy... Is Someone different.  He tried so hard not to let people like him because of what his reputation is, but yet he still gets liked because of that.  

  "Just tell the truth, Charlie."  He said.  I took a deep breath.  "I felt those sparks, Percy."  I whispered.  I closed my eyes to hear him taunting me, but he didn't.  I felt him coming closer to me, and hugging me.  

  I closed my eyes and cried.  I missed him so much.  When i fell on him; and saw a bit of his blue eyes I've yearned for so much?  I knew I couldn't like Chris anymore.  He seemed... Too familar.  Someone that I used to know. I just didn't know who....

  "Charlie.."  He whispered, kissing me on the head.  I smiled, knowing he was mines once again.  But then something stumped me. "Percy... What about Chris and Annabeth?"  He looked down at me and said, "I'm sure they'll understand.  I'm so sorry Charlie; I don't wnat to lose you like the EVER again.   Or more like I NEVER want to lose you.  Your so special to me Charlie, and I don't know where my life is without you."  

  I leaned my head against his chest and whispered, "It's okay Percy.  I'm just glad I can't ever lose you. I love you..."  

  Percy kissed me on the forhead and whispered, "I love you too..." 


HAPPY ENDING!  :D.  I'm so so so so so so so sorry that I couldn't update sooner !  I've had this HUGE writers block.  Think this is the end of it? NO WAY.  I got lots in store (:  I'll probably update Thursday! <3.  Thank you guys so much for reading. xoxoxo. 

What do you guys think Annabeth and Chris is going to do? (; 

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