Chapter 25

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ARUGH IM LATE I KNOW; I was going through a lot of things that happened unexpectly; and now I'm back!  I'm trying to get used to writing long chapters; but I'm terrible at it haha, love you all!  Thank you for staying with me for this long; i love you all. x. 


  "Percy, we've been looking everywhere now!" 

  "We can't give up, not right now." 

  "You're in love with her, aren't you." 

  "Aren't you?" 

  Alex stared at the 16 year old boy covered in dirt.  Percy Jackson -- he is following THE Percy Jackson, from the books.  "I-I'm not in love with her!" he stammered, but he knew he didn't mean it.  But it wasn't the time to confess that, he cared more about their friendship more than what he cared about.  

  Of course Alex was worried about his best friend-- someone who finally accepted him as who he was. Most kids were scared of him because he was labeled handi-capped in the mortal world.  He didn't even find her, she found him when he first came to her school. 

  Alex sighed, and said, "Let's just try to find her, okay?"  Percy nodded.  It's been about 3 days, searching in caves, beaches, meadows, anywhere possibly for a girl to dissapear into.  "It shouldn't take this long." Percy muttered, "How can it take this long to find a girl that was blown away from a god and goddess?" 

  Alex said, "It would--", "Don't even answer my question."  Percy interupped. Alex nodded and they kept walking until they saw a town.  No; not a town... A CITY.  

  "That...?" Alex wondered. "Yeah, New York City."  Percy breathe.  Percy remembered the time that they went to New York to save Olympus; since the Empire State Building IS the place to go to Olympus; though it does change around here and there, it's been mainly at the Empire State Building, where he discovered Luke stealing the lightning bolt from Zeus -- But that's another story to tell at another time. 

  "That's where I live."  Alex said, "It's where me and Charlie became friends at the academy." 

  Suddenly, in front of them was a image in front of them.  At first it was blurry, you couldn't see much, except some brown fur, a human head... 

"Chiron?" They both said. 

The grown Centaur looked at the screen and the image became clear.  Chiron was at camp, ignoring all the noise in the backround.  Chiron smiled and said, "It worked!  Even if it was unexpected..." he muttered.  He then realized Percy and Alex were staring at him, confused.  "Sorry boys, forgot that I was on this Isis message"  

  The boys nodded their head, waiting for Chiron to continue.  If Chiron calls at a time like this ; it means that something is wrong. "What's going on Chiron?"  Percy asked, trying to look at the backround of the Isis call, "Percy, no need to look in the backround, we need to talk." 

  "About what, Chiron?" Alex asked.  He knew it had to do something with Charlie, or why else would he have called?  He knows they're on an important mission... 

"  We need you to pick up a demi god, along the way with finding Charlie." Chiron said.  Alex and Percy were confused, almost as confused as Chiron looked himself.  "But sir, we need to look for Charlie."  Percy insisted, "I know demi gods need to be found but this mission was for--" 

  "I know, Percy, I know." Chiron sighed.  He knew how stubborn Percy was. "But this is for--" 

  "I don't care who asked."  Percy snapped, "I need to find Charlie, Chiron!  The demi god can wait."   Percy was annoyed.  It's been three days since trying to find Charlie, and no sign of her -- NONE!  He was clearly annoyed, the fact that he lost a girl that he actually loved, and his own dad taking her away!  "Im sorry Chiron."  Percy grumbled, "But this is for Charlie."  

  "ITS FOR ATHENA!" Chiron exclamed.  Both Percy and Alex jumped.  It was the first time he's ever yelled.  "A-A-Athena?"  Percy stammered.  He was both frighten and scared. Athena didn't like him too much in the books, and also in reality.  After rejecting her daughter, Athena wasn't too fond of him.  It would be something really important for Athena to be asking him at a time like this. 

  "Yes, Athena." Chiron sighed, "You now know how important this is. " 

  They both nodded their heads and followed instructions.  

  "This girl , apparently she's an important one, or that's what Athena explained.  Her powers are different -- special, but only a few people know.  Now you will find this girl.  She's at home, resting.  She is only supposed to know her mother to be Aphrodite --" 

  "Aphordite?  That's Charlie's mom..."  Percy thought.  It couldn't...  Could it? 

 "Remember; she's has Posidon as her father." Alex said. 

"...And her father as Posidon." Chiron finished. 

They all looked at each other. "That's impossible, how could this demi god have both of the same ones as Charlie, and we've already met Charlie..."  Percy said. 

"Where is this demi-god?" Alex asked.

"1259 Franklin House, Number 23 Ap." Chiron replied, "That's what lady Athena said." 

They were all silent.  "Thats..."  Percy stated. 

"Charlie's house."  Alex said, and they both started running towards the city 


OK LATE I KNOW ; CLIFF HANGER I KNOW IM SORRY ; I'm updating tomorrow ; because i have to go sleep now and I wanted you guys to know IM STILL ALIVE.  Hopefully you guys are still reading.  much love. x


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