Chapter 26.

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GUYS IM BACK AGAIN ; I'm going to try to update every week at least twice. ((so basically twice a week)), and hopefully i can get some of my readers back (: But if not oh well ; they're missing a pretty good story (: much love xxxx. 


  Charlie's POV ; 

  "Dont take me away!" 

  "I'll find you again!!" 

  "I love you..." 

   I opened my eyes, then squinting at the bright light that was coming through my windows.  I groaned at the time, 6:38 A.M.  Each night, I have the same dream.  I don't know who it is, but I think it's me.  Yeah, it's me talking to someone.  But who? 

  It's been three days since the first time I drempt this, but I don't understand who or what it's about.   I'm actually in love with someone?  A person that would sacrifice their life to find me?  It's such a joke.  I've never been in love with someone.  I'm not going to find someone, because they'll leave me, like how my dad left my mom.  i'm not going to be heart brokened.  So I'll never find love. 

  It's been really strange these past few days.  It's like my mom is scared of me.  When i walked through the door, she came straight towards me and asked me if I was okay, and if I was hurt, and some other weird questions, like how Alex was and how this guy... Permy?  Percy?  Something like  that, and how he is, and if Chiron is okay, and if I found out about Posidon and Zeus.  

  I don't understand any of the questions she's asking me.  Why would she ask me if Alex was okay?  He was with me at school when I came home, but when I went back to school for the next two days, he wasn't there...  Weird, isn't it? 

  And who's Percy?  I dont' know anyone else who's called Percy, besides Percy Jackson in the series that I'm OBSESSED with, but he's not real.  Same with Chiron.  Why was she asking me how Posidon and Zeus were?  They're not real, they are from Greek Mythology, hint the word MYTH.  They're not real.  They are characters from Greece and Gods that Greeks worshipped about 400 years ago.  

  I swear my mom isn't okay.  

  Yesterday, my mom started acting normal to me, as if she never asked any of those questions.  She treated me normally, like something or someone brought her back to her senses. 

  I went downstairs to get some ceral and milk.  My mom was already up -- which was normal for her becasue she has to go to work, and I have to get to school.  "Morning swetie, this time you actually woke yourself up." My mom said, laughing.  I groaned, but still smiled, "I have to learn how to wake myself up, Mom."  I replied, pouring my milk and ceral.  

  My mom coughed, and said, "Charlie, do you remember what happened maybe about a week ago?"  I stopped, and wondered how she knew.  I couldn't remember anything since the time I was embarassed in class.  She must be just asking me out of curiosity, I thought, then said, "I was at school of course, where else can i be?"  I smiled.  

  My mom looked at me, not quite convinced, but sighed and dropped the subject.  "Okay, just go get ready."  I smiled and nodded, heading back upstairs to get ready.  I brushed my teeth, and decided to take a shower, to wake me up a little more. 

  As i turned on the water, i feel some sort of warm energy in my veins.  It's really weird.  I've been having that feeling as a kid, and it's really weird becasue i can sometimes control how hard the water is, and controlling the temperature without even turning the knob.  I ignore the powers and continue taking a normal shower, feeling much more awaked and energetic.  

  I then turn off the water, step out of the showers, and step into my room, wondering what to wear.  I decide to wear my regular old day jeans and an over sized hoodie, that had a Micky Mouse picture on the front.  What?  I'm not in the mood to wear something fancy.  I suddenly hear 'plitter platter', and realize it's raining outside.  Perfect.  It fit my mood perfectly.  A little down, but not sad.  Just confused. 

  As my hair started to dry, I decided to put on some make up, just some thin eyeliner.  I used a tint of blush, putting it on perfectly, and putting my hair in two braids, perfectly again.  Sometimes I wonder how I get my hair and make up perfect sometimes.  There's a lot that I do that don't make sense at all.  With my ADHD it's not really surprising when I try telling people what I can do, or what I 'think' i can do.  No one ever believes I can do these things, and when i try showing them, it never works.  

  As I come back down the stairs, I realize my mom has already gone to work.  I sighed, grabbing my bag for school.  As I open the door out of the house, I realize two kids about to knock. 

  I was about to scream , until I noticed that they were drenched with rain.  I never realized how much it started pouring, so the first thing I said was, "Oh my god, come inside."  Trust me, I think it was stupid too, since I had no idea who they were.  They were both wearing hooded jackets, so they could have been robbers for all I cared.  They were wet, and I wanted to help them.  

  I ran upstairs to get some towels, and came back down.  "Here."  I said, throwing them both a blue and green towel.  They nodded and tried to dry themselves out.  I sighed and sat on the couch.  School didn't matter much at this point.  One of them lifted up their head, only finding out it was Alex. 

  "ALEX!"  I screamed, standing up and running towards him.  I hugged him and said, "Where were you?  I've been missing out on you for three days, you know how boring it is sitting at lunch without you?  I'm such a loner."  I gushed. I turned to look at the person with him.  "Who is he?"  I whispered to Alex. 

  Alex looked at me, quite relieved and confused at the same time.  I could tell by his face. "  We have to take you back to camp."  He said, staring at me quite seriously. "What camp?"  I asked, tilting my head.  What are they talking about?  It wasn't until i realized who was next to him.  His bright blue eyes and that pen in his hand... 

"Percy Jackson?  Common' Alex, this can't be real.  This isn't Percy Jackson, and this is just some joke becasue you were sick and haven't seen me in three days."  I laughed.  Alex stared at me.  I stopped laughing.  "So... You don't remember about Percy, or anything that's going on right now."  I stared at him, "Alex, what camp are you talking about?  I don't go camping, remember?  Animals come and attack me, or I think they're animals..."  I said. 

  "Oh god, no they couldn't have.."  So called 'Percy Jackson' said, "They brain washed her, and forgetting everything that she had of Camp, and all the Gods." Alex looked at him, and then to me, and smacked his head, "You're right, shoot man, how could I have missed that.  We need to take her back, and fast, before she remembers all her powers.  Remember what Athena and Chiron said?" Percy nodded, but was a bit confused. "She's already seen Posidon's and Aphrodite's powers, isn't that all?  Aren't those her parents?" Alex shook his head, "It's more to the Prophocy than that, Perc.  She has so many more powers.  I'll talk about it on the way there." 

  "HELLO?!"  Both Percy and Alex turned their heads to me.  "What are you guys even talking about?!"  i shreiked, "I'm so confused..."  I shook my head, "I'm going to school.  Have fun on whatever you're doing." 

  As I was about to walk out of the door, the two stopped me, grabbed my hand, and ran out the door, going the opposite direction of school. 

  I groaned.  Could this get any more confusing?  As I look to the look alike Percy, he looked at me seriously, but his eyes lowered, and gave me a sad smile, and kept running, dragging me along. 

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