Chapter 2

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“What do you mean I have to go home early?” I asked the front office lady. I was really confused, and baffled.

“Honey, you’re not going alone. Apparently, Alex here is coming along with you.” She gestured towards Alex who was standing right behind me.  

He didn’t look the least bit shocked or confused. Now that’s even more confusing.

“What are you talking about?! Why would he go with me?” I replied.

“Thanks, Charles.” Alex mumbled behind me.

I ignored him, “My mom is crazy about my education. She would never let me leave early!”

“Well look right here, Charlie,” She pointed at the orange sheet of paper in her hands, “It says that you and your friend over there are leaving early.”

“Ugh.” I said as I picked up my backpack and grabbed Alex. We both walked out the two front doors of the school and waited on the sidewalk for my mom, or someone to pick us up.  Sure i should be happy, leaving that hell hole, but I'm mad because I'm so confused!  What was happening to me?! 

I tapped my foot angrily on the ground. A couple minutes later, I saw my mom’s familiar white mini-van turning the corner. Alex and I both picked up our backpacks and walked closer to the curb. The car pulled up in front of us, and my mom told us to get it. I rode shot gun and Alex rode in the back.

“Hi honey.” My mom calmly said, pulling out of the parking lot.

“Can you explain to me why and where we’re going?” I asked. I was pissed off. No one warned me about any of this.

“We’re going somewhere special.” My mom replied. All expression was wiped off her face.

“Can you explain to me where and what that special place is? And why Alex is coming along?” I turned around to face Alex, “No offense.”

He rolled his eyes and looked out the window. Trees and houses passed by. Soon enough, we were speeding up into the country side.

“We’re going somewhere for special kids like you.” My mom said.

“What?” I asked, puzzled.

“It’s not you Charlie,” She turned her head and laid her eyes on me, “It’s about your father.”

“My father? That rich guy?” I asked, even more confused.

“No honey,” she sighed and looked back onto the road, “Your real father.”

I froze, “I don’t even know him, mom.  And I could care less about him.  He pisses me off”

“It’ll all make sense when we get there, okay?” She said frustratingly, "And don't talk to your father then!" 

“You know mom,” I started.

“What?” she asked.

“This is like what happened to Percy Jackson.” I said smiling, and then leaned back into my seat.

Right when I said ‘Percy Jackson’, her body tensed. Her hands squeezed the wheel, making her knuckles turn white.


But she didn’t answer. We started driving on a rocky and bumpy dirt path. I realized Alex was still with me and turned around. He was staring at me.

“Alex, what’s going on?” I asked. He obviously knows something. He’s been quiet this whole time and didn’t look shocked at all at school. He better start coughing things up.

Instead of answering my question, he turned back to look out the window again. I grunted in frustration and turned around to look ahead of me.

“We have to walk from here.” My mom said, taking the keys out of the ignition. I opened the door and got out of the car.

I didn’t recognize or see anything, and then I saw some wood. I squinted my eyes and tried to see what was ahead of us.


There was a big rectangular arch kind of thing that was clearly made of wood with a bunch of torch stand thingies leading a path under it. Beyond it was more trees, and a path. The wood was polished and smooth, like it was here in the woods for centuries, getting pelted by rain and wind. But something caught my eye. At the top were words. Greek words to be exact. I normally would’ve closed my eyes, knowing the movement of the letters because of dyslexia would cause a headache. But I kept them peeled. The lines and symbols rearranged themselves and spelled out a

peculiar word:

Camp Half Blood


“MOM!!” I screamed, “Why are we here!?!? Is this a joke!?!? ALEX!!!” I turned around and ran up to Alex and my mom.

“Alex!” I shook his shoulders really hard, “Tell me this isn’t real! I’m dreaming! There’s no such thing as gods and goddesses! There’s no such thing as Camp Half Blood! All of this is fake! ALEX!!” I screamed making my lungs burst.

He shook his hands off of me, and kicked off his jeans. HIS JEANS. And all of a sudden his legs started to transform into goat legs. GOAT LEGS. I stared at him in disbelief, and noticed he had tiny horns growing out of his head.

Oh no…

“Charlie,” He started, “I’m a satyr. And I’m your protector.”

“HOLY SHIT, ALEX!!!” I screamed throwing my hands into the air.

“Look, Charlie, calm down.” He raised his hands trying to keep me from bursting into flames.

“I’m dreaming,” I chuckled, “I’ll close my eyes, and I’ll wake up on my desk in fifth period or something.” I said.

I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them. I was still here. I squeezed my eyes even harder. Still here. My breathing quickened. Everything started to spin.

“Ok,” I sad trying to keep my cool, “So what you’re saying is that I’m a demigod?”

My mom and Alex nodded their heads.

“Well then who-,” but I was cut off by the loud sounds of hooves clapping onto the forest floor. I turned around and saw something that looked even crazier than Alex.

IT’S A FRICKIN CENTAUR. (Half horse, half man)

“Hello,” The centaur called out. He had a loud but smooth voice and long curly hair,

“I’m Chiron.”

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