Chapter 13- Trapped

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It's been 3 fucking days, he hasn't open that door. (It's Sunday)

Michael's POV*


Luke, text me back please?

Did I do something wrong?* Luke hasn't texted or called me for 3 days. He always use to text me everyday, I know I sound really clingy but I'm really worried about him.

My phone buzzed, *I HATE YOU! Don't talk to me ever again!* What? But I didn't do anything wrong... that I know of. I'm going to go to his house. Over the past 3 days, my mum got me a car. I put the keys in and drive out of the garage onto the streets.

When I got there, I knocked 5 times until someone finally opens the door, "What do you want?" A guy says clearly annoyed.

Behind him there was banging and sobs, "Where's Luke? What did you do to him?" I push past him.

"Hey! Get out of my house, how much did he tell you?" He yanks me back by my sleeve.

"Enough to know you should be in jail," I pull back my arm but he grabs it again, "Let go of me!" I try again but with more success.

"Get out of my house, if you don't I'm going to call the cops!" He yells.

I ignore him and run up the stairs, "Luke?!"

I jiggle the door knob but it was locked. There was a jingling coming from behind me, "Looking for these?"

I turn around and see his dad near the stairs waving the keys in the air. I lunge at him trying to get the keys, "Give it!"

"No!" He puts the keys above his head, putting his hand out to keep me from reaching it.

I stop trying to reach them and kicked him in the balls. He groaned and fell over. I ran over and took the keys to the door, I shove the keys into the door. Luke was crying on his bed curled up in a ball with his ears flattened against his head and tail wrapped around him.

"Luke, I'm here. Its going to be okay," I rush over to his side and he springs up away from me. It broke me to see him like this, tears were still coming rapidly down and bruise around his neck and his knuckles had dry blood. I can't believe his own dad did this to him.

"Please, I'm just trying to help," I scoot closer but he hissed at me and I could see claws starting to form on his nail, "Luke don't you remember us? Our first date? ...Our first kiss?"

His expression softens, his nails return back to normal and cried into my shoulder, "I-I'm s-sorry"

"There's nothing to be sorry for," I trace circles around his back, trying to comfort him, "How long have you been in here?"

"3 da-days," He stutters.

"Can I see your wrist?"


"I want to know how many times I wasn't there for you," He looks down at his hand but let's me look at his left arm. There was 8 cuts on his arms, 8 times he was alone, 8 times he needed me and I wasn't there to help.

"Please tell me he at least let you eat," I plead.

He sniffles, "I-If he did I w-wouldn't h-have ate it an-anyways"


"Yeah, I know"

"Did you send a text that you hate me?" Please be a no, please be a no...

"No, my dad took my phone," He says, "I don't hate you"

"Okay good. Do you wanna stay at my house?" I wrap an arm around him and he sits on my lap, wrapping his arm around my chest. I notice that whenever he's upset he stutters.

He looks up at me, with his blue eyes I love, "What about my mum? She's on a business trip" But his eyes were dull, drained of color.

"We can-" I was interrupted by police sirens, "Oh shit, he actually called the cops"

I got up, Luke scooted off of me and I peeked out the door and see a police women and man with Luke's dad.

A/N: sorry it's late


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