Chapter 17- Confidence

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Michael's POV*
My eyes shot opened sitting straight up and sweat dripping down my face. It was 1 in the morning. I went to grab my phone and pressed the call button, "Michael?"

"Hi," I sigh in relief, "Sorry I woke you up, I just REALLY needed to hear your voice"

"Oh it's okay," He says, "Do you wanna talk?"

"Yeah okay," My breathing was back to normal.

We ended talking for hours, I told about the dream and I was sobbing by the end. Luke help me reduce the sobs to sniffles. I really truly love him.

"I gotta get ready, see you at school?" I had 30 minutes to get ready.

"M'Kay," He ended the call.

I got changed into black skinny jeans and a Black Veil Brides band tee. I went downstairs and ate with my mum. Turns out my parents divorced...


"Why weren't you on the bus?" I ask as we walk into school.

"Oh, my brothers came to town so they gave me a ride," Luke explained.

(Flashback to Yesterday in Luke's POV*)
They all started wrestling and laughing dog piling on each other in the living room like old times before everything had gone south. Liz was leaning on a counter watching them with a smile on her face. It has been so long since she saw all of them together like that. A tear of joy slipped from her eyes as she watched her boys play with each other as if they were 4 again.

"Boys time to eat!" Liz yelled from the kitchen.

Luke got off Jack, Jack got off Ben and Ben was too lazy to get up. The 2 younger siblings helped the older brother up and raced to the kitchen. Luke started eating more ever since he stayed over with Michael.

The next day instead of taking the bus Jack and Ben offered to drive him to school, Luke of course said yes. They all put on a beanie before leaving the house.

"I call driving!" Ben ran over to the driver's seat.

Luke ran to the car sitting next to him, while Jack was stuck in the back seat, "This is not fair"

They all seem like mature grown men, but they have the mind of a 4 year old. The 2 older brothers dropped the younger brother off in front of the school. Michael was just getting off the bus at the same time.
(Flashback Ends)

"Well let's get to first class," I wrap my arms around him, going to our lockers.

"The little fag (*cringes at the sight of that word*) hybrid freak finally got a boyfriend," Drew walks over with his ,and my ex, girlfriend, Abigail Breslin. Guess he dumped Brittany.

"Hey watch your mouth you homophobic prick!" I grabbed the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"Whatever loser," He pushed me off and they both walked away.

I turn back to him, "Just ignore them Lukey"

"I'm sick of people telling me I'm a fag or a hybrid freak," For the first time, he took off his beanie and unwrapped his tail from around his waist in school.

A smile spreads across my face, "I'm so proud of you"

His tail was swing from side to side and his ears perked up. He looked genuinely happy, not like how I first met him. I pressed a kiss on his forehead, "I love you"

"Forever and ever?"

"Forever and ever"

A/N: hehe... I'm so evil😈

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