Chapter 2- I Don't Know

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I feel it's early to have pictures of the characters but whatever ⬆️
I walk over to our usual spot, the whole entire grade is divided into groups at lunch. There's the "populars", nerds, geeks, drama queens/king and then us, the rejects.

"Hey Ashton," He sat across from me with the hugest smile, I know what this means, "What's his name?"

"How do you know if its a guy?" Ashton crossed his arms.

I raised an eyebrow, "Cause I you told the entire school dumb ass" Ashton was openly gay, he didn't give a damn if someone teased him about it. I'm gay too, but only Ashton and my parents knows.

"Calum," He starts picking at his food.

I stuff my face with food, "Is it the Asian guy?"

"Yeah, he's really cute. I hope he's gay" he mutters, "You like anybody?"

I don't why but my mind goes directly to Blondie, "No, no one yet"

We go empty our trays and talk more about random stuff. The bell rung, "Nooo, this is my favorite class"

"Stop whining, lets go," He stands up.

I groaned, "You sound like my mum this morning"

The rest of school was went by really fast surprisingly, it uasually feels like a drag. I was walking to my last class when I heard a noise from the stairs that leads to the basement of the school, "Why won't you talk? I'm so disgusted to have you as my step-brother. Hybid freak!" Hybrids were welcomed here, but some people thought they belong in hybrid asylums, "I wish our parents never adopted you!"

I run over to the stairs and saw Drew, the school's bully, beating up some poor smuck. The poor smuck was Blondie, "Hey, get off of him!" Blondie quickly put his beanie on.

"Get out Clifford, this isn't any of your business" Drew hisses and turns back to Blondie, "I'll get you next time, your knight in shining armor won't always be there for you" and leaves.

I walk over to him, he was curled up in a ball, "Can you look up? I promise I won't hurt you" He peeks his head out from his position.

I examine his injuries, his lip was busted, there was bruises on his arms and one on his cheek. I look back up at him, his eyes widen in fear, "You okay? Want me to get the nurse?" He shook his head no.

The last bell rung, guess I missed class. Blond- Luke stands up and leaves quickly trying to blend with everyone else, I frowned. I meet up with Ashton by his locker, he slams his locker shut, "So Drew beat up the new kid? Thats normal Michael"

"I know, but he called him a hybrid, Ashton! Are you even listening to me?" I wave my hand in front of his face.

"Sorry, its just that I over heard Calum saying he's bi during math," Ashton smiles.

"So are you gonna try talking to him?" We start walking to the buses.

He shrugs, "I don't know, he probably doesn't even know who I am. Wait earlier you said something about a hybrid?" I see what you're doing there.

"Are you trying to change the topic?" I stop walking.

He turns to me, "What? Pftt, I don't know what you're talking about"

"Whatever," I roll my eyes.

"But seriously, hybrid?" He asks.

I shrug, "I don't know. Drew called him a hybrid freak"

He ran off to his bus, "Text me about it I don't want to be late for the bus!"

I get on the bus, I look around for Luke and found him sitting by the window. I walk over to him sat down. He seemed surprised that I wanted to sit with him.

Halfway through the bus ride, Luke tapped me on the shoulder and gave me his phone, Thanks for earlier...

I gave it back to him, "No problem" guess he doesn't talk a lot.

Luke didn't "talk" to me the rest of the ride until before I got off, bye, he waved and I waved back to him.

He seemed really cute, I was grinning like an idiot until I ran into a pole, "Fuck"

I said hi to my mum and ran upstairs to my room. Being the geek I am, I went straight for my computer and played Sims 4 and Minecraft for hours. Bzzzzzzzz, I look over to my phone and see a message from Ashton,

Ash Xx: Heeyy
Me: Hi :)
Ash Xx: So, what did you want to talk about again?
Me: Right, do you think Luke is a hybrid?
Ash Xx: Do you like him?

The question surprised me, do I like him? He is cute, but I barely know him.

Me: No, I just met him
Ash Xx: Okay...
Me: But do you think Luke is a hybrid?
Ash Xx: Yeah, I think so. I mean, he wears a beanie all the time and the fact Drew called him a hybrid
Me: I guess
Ash Xx: I have to go, mum caught me texting you :/ bye
Me: Okay bye

I look at my clock, 11:55PM, oops. I heard the garage door open dad's home, yay! When I told my parents about being gay, my dad didn't take it so well. He stormed out and didn't come back for 3 days, when he did come back he said he ashamed having me as son.

I walk down stairs for a drink, "Hi dad"

"Faggot," he spits.

I snap, "You don't have to be so rude!"

"I'm your father I can say what I want," he growls.

I mutter, "You sure don't act like one"

He slams his hand on the counter "What did you say?!"

"What's going on?" Mum walks down the stairs.

"Nothing," I take a plastic water bottle from the fridge and walk up the stairs to my room.

Why can't he just accept me, he's an asshole. I groaned into my pillow out of frustration, there were distant whispering coming from the kitchen, but I could still hear them, "'re his father! Why can't you just accept that?"

"Because I will not have a faggot as a son!"


"FINE" The door slams and I could hear the screeching of tires.

The door opened revealing my mum, "I'm so sorry" she walks over to me.

"Its okay, it's not your fault," I hug her and she hugs me back.

"Goodnight, sweetie" She gives me a kiss on my forehead and leaves.

I was about to get into bed when I realize I was still in my school clothes. I was too lazy to change, so I just slept in my boxers.

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