Chapter 17- Fake

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A/N: I have made a super long chapter for you guys (remember the chapter title)

I never knew he was so sad...

3rd Person*
After school was done for the day, Michael drove Luke back to his house. Luke was going to get his clothes back tomorrow, he never did.

"Oh my god, Luke are you okay? I missed you so much," Liz practically ran out door.

Luke got out the car to hug her. He really missed her, even though it's was only 4 days. Michael stayed in the car and watched the two hug. He waved goodbye to Luke and drove out of the driveway.

Luke went inside with his mum and talked with her, "So what now?" Luke had gotten over his stutter, but he still does when he's upset.

"Oh! Your brothers Jack and Ben are visiting for a few days!" She beamed.

He was so excited, he hadn't seen his brothers since they left a few years ago. They also had cat ears too. Jack and Ben were old enough to move out away from their dad 'cause well... you know, but Luke was still young so he couldn't go. Their dad threaten Luke if him or his mother tried to leave he would make them wish they were never born.

While everyone was asleep, apparently Jack and Ben snuck out the window with their luggage and some money, before slipping a note under Luke's door.

"When are they coming?!" Luke smiled so big his cheeks started hurting.

She started, "Well they're coming-" but was cut off by a doorbell.

Luke bounced over to the door, the door opened revealing the blonde's older brothers.

"Hey Champ!" Jack said giving him a hug while ruffling his hair.

"Hey! Let me hug him first!" Ben whined, "I was born first!"

"So?" Jack stuck his tongue out, which started an argument.

They all started wrestling and laughing with each other in the living room like old times before everything had gone south. Liz was leaning on a counter watching them with a smile on her face. It has been so long since she saw all of them together like that. A tear of joy slipped from her eyes as she watched her boys play with each other as if they were 4 again.

2 weeks went by and Michael's and Luke's relationship grew even bigger. Jack and Ben left after 4 days staying there with him. But what Michael didn't know was Luke was forcing a smile or a laugh. He bumped into 'Abigail' again at the grocery store and she called him names again. Abigail was jealous, she couldn't accept the fact that Michael dumped her. He fell back into his depression and stopped eating again. He felt insecure about his cat features.

(The Next Day)
"Hey Luke!" Michael ran over to him, he wasn't on the bus this morning.

He ignored Michael and walked the other way, everything was going perfect so he knew it was all going to end soon. He started pushing people away and distancing himself from other people as the days went by. He didn't even talk to his mum a lot anymore. Michael noticed it but gave him some space until now.

Michael frowned and ran over to him stopping him, "Luke what's wrong? You're not talking to me anymore"

"It's nothing," He brushed by and walked to his class, leaving Michael a little heartbroken.

He went to class and sat next to his 'ex-friend', "Ashton, I'm really sorry. Please can you just forgive me? It's been over 2 weeks"

Ashton wasn't mad anymore he just wanted his best friend back, "It's okay"

"So friends again?" The colored hair boy asks.

"Friends," he confirmed.

The two started talking again and they caught up on everything not listening to a single word to whatever the teacher was talking about.

The weekend came and Mikey decided to check on Luke. He drove over to his house and knocked on the front door. Liz opened it with a smile, "Hey Michael! Luke's upstairs if you wanted to see him" He thanked her and walked to his room.

The door was slightly opened so he pushed the door open and felt his heart being ripped out his chest, torn into teeny tiny pieces then stomped on. On the bed laid his boyfriend surrounded by 5 bottles of sleeping pills, empty.

Tears immediately ran down his cheek like the Niagara Falls sobbing, he bent over to Luke shaking his shoulder trying to wake him up, "No! Luke please don't do this to me! WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP!"

Liz came upstairs to see what was going on and started sobbing as soon as she saw Luke laying lifelessly on the bed. She called 911, they could barely understand her through the sobs.

Michael looked over saw a piece of paper with writing on it,

Dear Michael,

I'm so sorry it had to end like this. Please don't blame yourself, it was my decision and move on from me. Just know that I've always loved you. You made me smile through the toughest times. You were always there for me. I love you so much.


Tears were covering the paper as Michael sobbed on Luke's chest. The ambulance came and carried Luke off to the hospital never to be seen again, just because he was a hybrid.

Luke Robert Hemmings was pronounced dead on March 18, 2015 by suicide.

A/N: I literally broke my own heart typing this 💔


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