Chapter 7- Movies And Pizza

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Italics= Luke writing on the whiteboard or phone, unless it has * around it.


Michael's POV*
He begins to blush a dark shade of red. We sit there in silence, until his phone buzzes. He took it out from one of his jean's pocket.

He gave me his phone after reading the text, I have to go, my dad wants me back home, I look outside and it already dark.

"Do you wanna watch a movie, first?" I ask, giving the phone back to him. Luke puts it back in his pocket.

He hesitated at first, then nods his head, Fine. I led him to the living room and sat on the couch.

He hesitantly sits next to me, "Do you mind if we watch The Fault In Our Stars?" He shook his head.

I took the CD out and pop it in the DVD player. I know, why do you have TFIOS?, well I have it because I do, okay? Actually, don't answer that.

Half way through the movie, Luke ends up curled up against me. He looks so adorable :3! I wrap my arms around him, its a cheesy move but I don't care. It was the scene when Hazel gets to the gas station to find Gus, Luke hugs me around my ribs tightly like if he let go I would disappear.

His sleeves accidentally roll up, and my heart instantly drops. He's do perfect, why would he do this? The way he smile when he blushes, his sleeves fell back down. I need to get rid of anything sharp.

By the end of the movie, we're both sobbing, we might've used up a whole tissue box. The credits scrolled through and we both had to dry our face so I had to open another tissue box.

"Did you like the movie?"

He reaches over to the whiteboard, Yeah I liked it, but it was really sad

Ansel Elgort is really hot. What? You probably think he is too. The door swung open and revealed a grinning Ashton Irwin. Luke pushes me up and curls up behind me on the couch, clutching onto the whiteboard.

"Hi-" He walks into the living room.

"Ashton, shut up!" I held my finger up to my lips.

"Okay, okay" He held his hands up in defense. Oh no, Luke sobs from behind me.

I turned off the T.V, "We just watched TFIOS"

"Ah," He slowly walks over to us.

Luke clings onto to my shirt and when did he gets claws- OW! Luke...

"Luke, calm down. That's Ashton, he help me find you," He stops clawing my back, finally. And pokes his head out from behind me, Hi Ashton

"Hey, Luke," Ash flashed him his award winning smile, "I'm guessing you don't talk much?"

He nodded, he seems so fragile, like glass. One mistake and everything shatters, you can try fixing it but you can still see the cracks.

"Pizza, anyone?" I say as my stomach grumbled, what? I'm a very hungry person.

"M'kay," Ashton agrees, I look at Luke and he shrugs.

I stand up going to grab my phone to order it, "Hi, can I have 3 large pepperoni pizza?"

The guy said it would take a couple minutes, but pizza is worth waiting for. You know what they say, if he/she doesn't give you the same feeling as the pizza man. They're probably not worth it! Pizza is love, pizza is life.

When the door bell rung and I ran over to the open the door, "Hello pizza! Here's your mone- wait aren't you Calum?" I open the box and stuffing my face with pizza.

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