Get to the Airport!!!

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Korrina: Why is Charizard going slower than before?

Ash: Well Sukasuchi city is only 45 minutes away, we don't need to rush anymore and Charizard is quite tired.

Ash: And Korrina one more thing

Korrina: Yes?

Ash: I totally forgot to ask you this, but do know anything about Aura, it's the reason I'm coming to train with your grandfather

Korrina: Aura, you want to know about Aura?

Ash: Yes, since I was six I have been having strange things happen to me. I can sense people and pokemon feelings, I can see from miles away, I'm a lot stronger and faster than a regular person, and when I get injured I heal extremely fast.

Korrina: That's not aura.

Ash: -looked back at Korrina with a shocked face- That's not aura? Then what have I been experiencing?

Korrina: I'm not sure but I know that's not aura. Aura is the inner energy of every living thing, it is invisible and is always there. Some pokemon can harness or channel its energy and use it for attacks. Thousands of years ago no one knew what aura was until he came along, Sir Aaron. As you probably already know Sir Aaron is the son of Arceus and the hero who'll stop the Great War thousands of years ago. Sir Aaron made a pokemon specifically for aura, Lucario. His Lucario was not normal, it looked completely different from a regular Lucario and it was much stronger! It outclasses most legendary pokemon.

Ash: What do you mean?

Korrina: There are extremely old stone inscriptions at the royal castle. One of them had a drawing of Sir Aaron and his pokemon. I saw it when my grandfather took me and my sister to region 1. The Lucario was different, it had a strange form.

Ash: Can you describe it for me?

Korrina: I'll try, but I last saw it 7 years ago. Its feet were red with 2 spikes on each foot. There were black streaks on its legs and on its arm and face. Its eyes were orange instead of red, it looked like it had a small cape, and do you know those 4 detectors behind Lucario's ears?

Ash: Those are detectors?

Korrina: Yeah they detect Aura, there's not really a name for them

Ash: I also thought those were extra ears.

Korrina: Why would they be extra ears when it has 2 working ones? To be honest, the first time I saw a Lucario I thought they were tentacles

Ash: Tentacles!? Really!?!? -starts laughing- Ridiculously!!

Korrina: I was 3 ok!!! You're the idiot who said they were extra ears, that's just idiotic.

Ash: At least mine made sense!! HAHAHA!!

Korrina: Shut up!!

Ash: Ok I'm sorry!! HAHA!! Ok, I'm done, we're getting off-topic

Korrina: And who's fault was that?!

Ash: I said I'm sorry, now continue what you were saying

Korrina: Stop smirking!!

Korrina: Stop smirking!!

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