Entering Rengoku

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-On a jet heading towards region 1-

Gladion: Mother, why would you let that peasant speak to you like that!?

Lusamine: -stares Gladion directly in the eye- I will tell you this once child, don't embarrass me with your foolishness at the summit. I despise the average person, weak people disgust me and deserve to be stepped upon like a bug. At the same time there are extraordinarily rare cases of when a mere commoner archives greatness. Burnet is one of the best scientists in the world, top 10 I can argue, and if she's been teaching that boy for 4 years it's petrifying what that boy can do during his lifetime. You see you fool, I'm simply seeing how that commoner can benefit my foundation in the future, if he disappoints me I will have him killed. Now quiet down you fool, listening to you only makes me more furious

Lusamine: -pulls out the notebook Clemont gave her and starts reading through it-

-She sees something called the "Starter Pokemon System"-

"In case anyone is reading this I will explain the starter pokemon system that I have thought about. First let me explain why I created this in the first place. Since the creation of the first pokeball up to present day every pokemon trainer has had to catch their own pokemon. I suggest that professors should give a new trainer a starter pokemon, there would be 3 choices. Pretty simple stuff, but the problem was what pokemon should be given. It took me 2 years to acquire data on the perfect set of pokemon for each region. First I trimmed down the pokemon types to Fire, Water, and Grass. These 3 types are pretty basic and standard elements. Now for the starter pokemon that I have picked."

Region 1: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle

Region 2: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile

Region 3: Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip

Region 4: Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup

Region 5: Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott

Region 6: Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie

Region 7: Rowlet, Litten, Popplio

Region 8: Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble

"I looked for 3 staged evolutions of fire, water, and grass pokemon that are most common in a region and came up with this."

Lusamine: (If it was possible we would have done this years ago, it's not a bad idea though, and the pokemon he chose are pretty blanched. Hmph.) -closes the notebook-

-back in the dream realm-
"That's right, I trying to do something"

"No!! Focus on me Clemont," it yelled.

The mysterious female voice called out again. "Clemont!! This is Fennel, if you can hear me you need to calm down!!

Right then I remembered what I was supposed to be doing. "How could I forget." I looked around at the darkness and back at my shadow clone. "I'm in the dream world aren't I?"

It sighed. "Well there is no point in trying to hide it now since you are aware. Yes we are in the dream world, but specifically in Jigoku."

"Jigoku? What is that?"

"It's the name of what you may call the nightmare zone. I guess I should tell you more since you're planning to explore this place."

"How did you know th-

"I told you already, I am you. Anyway I'm going to go over the places in the dream world. We are currently in Jigoku, a place where people as well as pokemon have nightmares and other horrible evil dreams. This place used to be run by Darkrai until as you probably already know is in the hands of a human named Tobias."

"Wait Darkrai!? Tell me what does Darkrai have to do with Jigoku."
"You will discover that for yourself now let me finish. The place where all the happy and fascinating dreams are located is in a place called Tengoku. Now for the last realm, Rengoku, a neutral realm that is free from any dreams of sort and where you can find some good information at. That's all I'm going to tell you.

"Why would you bother telling me this?"
"Well for one, I am you and you are me so it's only natural that I help you, we are connected. The real reason I told you all this is because I was ordered. Obviously it's the truth that I am you, but for me to visibly appear like this to give you good or bad dreams is by the power of the ruler of all 3 realms.

"That's all you're telling isn't it?"

"Of course, you're trying to help that girl Fennel so she won't hurt herself anymore. To truly help her you need to find the secrets of the dream world. Clemont listen to me when I say this, finding out the secrets of this world is the very last of your problems ahead. Also since you're currently wondering. Time, gravity, and things like that are different here. 24 hours here is an hour in the real world."

-With Fennel-

Fennel: This is just great!! His brain signals are normal again!! Thanks for your help Musharna! -returns Musharna and looks at needles filled with the sleeping drug-

Fennel: Why am I letting someone else do my dream for me, am I that pathetic. -grabs 10 needle and sits in a corner-

Fennel: Welp, time to try this again -injects herself and falls asleep-

-With Clemont and Dark Clemont-

"There are a couple of things I should tell you but you'll figure it out yourself, I know that for fact because I am you, and have always been a part of you since your birth."

Dark Clemont starts fading away. "Good luck to you Clemont, I shall be watching you." He completely fades away and then suddenly a door appears in a shining light.

Clemont: -gulps- Here we go!! -goes through the door-

Clemont: -looks around- This looks like an city but... -touches the ground and a wall on a house- This is all made entirely of different gemstones

-A girl on a hoverboard heads towards in blinding speeds Clemont-

The girl: Out of my way!!

Clemont: -jumps in her way- Wait! Can you te- -gets hit and they both are on the ground-

???: You can't run now Elaine!! -A group of guys said-

Elaine: Not planning on it you jerks!! -a pokeball appears out of thin air and she throws her pokemon out- Ready to lose again to me and Reuniclus!!

Guy #1: We won't lose again!

Guy #2: Yeah we're ready now!

Guy #3 set out your pokemon guys

-They sent of Cacturne, Trevenant, and Forretress-

Elaine: Reuniclus use psychic on Trevenant!

-The Cacturne jumps in the way-

Elaine: No biggie, focus blast on Cacturne!

-Trevenant jumps in the way-

Elaine: You guys got even more annoying, but I will still win!

Guy #2: Are you sure about that Elaine? We are formed this team to cover your reuniclus

Guy #1: Everyone, let's do our triple attack!!

Guy #1: Trevenant shadow ball!!

Guy #2: Cacturne use dark pulse!!

Guy #3: Forretress use signal bram!!

-All 3 beams fly at Reuniclus-

Clemont: Luxray blow them all the way with thunder!!

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