Challenge 1: Hades part 7

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Bea: -confused- Uhh? Of course I do. You're my sister
Korrina: If...I wasn't your sister. Would you still love me?
Bea: -stays silent for a second- Yes
Korrina: You just hesitated. It really hurts that you can't see my perspective. Being raised in a marital arts family, being in your shadow, and let me tell you! Being in someone else's shadow is never fun! You said mom and dad treat me more like a daughter, what the hell does that even mean!?
Bea: -stands up from her seat- You know exactly what it means Korrina!!
Korrina: What then!? Being able to do what I want, go where I want, that's not freedom! That's not treating me like a daughter!! That's treating me less than human, they give me freedom because they don't truly care what I do, because they have YOU!
Bea: Even through all this, you need cared to ask what I thi-
Korrina: I don't give a damn what you think!! -slams her fist on the table- Why...why can't you see from my point of view. You're using your own selflessness to invalidate my experience!!.
Bea: it's beca-
Korrina: Just listen to me!!! -tears start forming from her eyes-
Korrina: I c-can't do t-this anymore...I can't. I wish...I was born into another family, being a noble is frustrating, we were forced to compete against each other from birth for the attention of not only our parents, but the other nobles. You are better than me in every possible way. Only thing, the one thing...I had was Lucario, and now I might lose her forever because I'm not good enough to complete grandfather's challenge.
Bea: Why haven't you told mom and dad about this then? Bottling up your emotions in never good
Korrina: I don't need one of your leisures right now! I'm tired, I was planning on leaving after I had the chance to complete my grandfather's challenge. But it looks like I can't even do that now
-The room goes silent for a while-
Korrina: Well!? Say something
Bea: (Why aren't words coming out of my mouth!?)
Korrina: I guess you have nothing to say -turns her back about to leave-
Bea: Wait! -grabs her wrist- I-I u-u-uhh...I'm sorry. don't leave -tilts her head awkwardly-
Korrina: Bea, please. I already made up my mind long ago, it's not changing any time soon
Bea: W-w-what do you w-want, I'll be better I promise, just don't leave me alone, please!! -on the verge of tears-
Korrina: Will you?
Bea: Yes!! I'll be more considerate of your feelings, I'll give you more space, whatever you want!!
Korrina: Why are you so desperate!? Your life will be better without me in it!.
Bea: That's a lie!!
Korrina: You and I both know that it's the truth!! Tell me Bea, if either me or you were to disappear, who do you think our family would be more worried about? Sure if I were gone they would cry for a day max, but if their little perfect offspring were to go they would turn this entire world upside!!
Korrina: This is the kinda life I have been living, a life where what I do doesn't matter, so long as it doesn't affect my perfect twin sister! Even our birthday parties are really just for you! I wanted to go on a journey with Lucario to find what I'm meant to do. Let's be real, I was never cut out for training, and this whole aura thing is just so confusing!! -she starts full on crying- Why are you so much better!! Dammit!!
Bea: -hugs her- The reason is because you're here. Knowing that you believed in me is why I tried so hard. I trained not for mom and dad, or for our family name. I traided to protect you. What I didn't realize is that in becoming your shield, you were always forced to be behind me. -she also starts cry- I shielded you away from your own freedom. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Kore!
Korrina: Bea...
-both put their heads together-
Korrina: I'm sorry I tried to split us apart, we're twin after all
Bea: -wipes her tears off- No worries, you're your own person, you can leave if you want -smiles-
Korrina: -smiles- Not yet, we have to get our partners back
Bea: -laughs- You're right -raises her arm up for a fist bump-
Korrina: -returns the fist bump-
-The two suddenly get a strange sensation stronger than the ones before-
Korrina: Woah!?
Bea: This, this is it -gets excited- You feel it right, your Pokémon!?
Bea: Medicham's aura is stronger, it's like it's here!!
Korrina: I guess Ash was right yet again! Let's go meet out with him and Gloria, I think we can't actually complete now
Bea: Right behind you!
-Both the sisters laugh and rush over to Ash and Gloria-
Gloria: You guys are back!
Ash: -smiles- From the looks on your faces I can guess you've both settled everything?
Korrina: Not everything, but we're pretty good now!! -gives him a thumbs up-
Bea: We can both feel our Pokémon's complete presence, it's even stronger than when it was this morning.
Ash: Good, me and Gloria have that same feeling.
Gloria: This is so cool!! I like to call this sensation, aura link!!
Korrina: -laughs- Hahahaha aura link!?
Bea: -chuckles- Hm, it does sort of have a ring to it
Ash: Yeah, I like it!! Aura link it is. Also, your grandfather gave us a hint, he said "Life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see how deep it goes."
Korrina: Uhhhhh!! Grandpa and his riddles!!
Bea: -looks at Ash- I'm already guessing that you figured it out, right genius?
Ash: I'm not a genius, but I have some kind of idea. This entire pool is filled with water and thousands of pokeballs. Korrina Gloria, you two went in the pool right, how is it?
Korrina: We only really stayed near the surface of the water. If we were to go even just a bit deeper it would be near impossible to come back up since they weight of the pokeballs and the water pressure will push down on us, and then we basically drown
Ash: That is true, so why don't we all try it
Gloria: -confused look- Huh!?
Korrina: Wait what!?
Bea: -intrigued and smiles- What's your plan here
Ash: Mustard's hint showed me something. This whole talk about aura, what it is, how to achieve it. It's all really just a leap of faith, a leap into the unknown. It's the law of equivalent exchange, a life for a life. So many others were under able to complete this challenge because they were not prepared to risk their lives for their pokemon. To truly break through this barrier of aura, I think there needs to be a balance or unity of a person and their Pokémon.
Bea: So we have to go even deeper in this abyss if we want our Pokémon to find us.
Korrina: Let's see our Pokémon find us, how do we go back up to the surface, we need air
Ash: We'll find out soon enough
Gloria: This is extremely dangerous!
Ash: -starts taking off his shirt and shoes- Me and Riolu are all about danger -smiles and dives in the pool-

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