A New Trainer!

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I have been gone for a while because I have been learning some other stuff to do, like piano and computer coding, and also mainly because of school, since it's almost spring/Easter break for me I will be posting more chapters at the a time this week

(That night we had so much fun. Serena bought her ticket so that she could go with Mallow. We ate then told funny stories all night long. We slept on the seats at the airport and woke up the next day, December 27 at 5:15 AM and before we knew it, it was already 5:55 AM.)

Ash: my flight is at 6:00 sharp huh...

Mallow: Yeah...it looks like this is where we part ways

Risa: hmph...

Ash: -stands up and grabs his suitcase- Well goodbye guys

Serena: Wait, take this -hands Ash a necklace-

Ash: Is that...

Risa: A necklace?

Mallow: Yeah, we got some of those necklaces 5 years from our teacher


-In a classroom-

Chief Riley: Does everyone have a necklace or bracelet?

Gold: -turns to Lyra- What do you think this is for?

Lyra: How am I supposed know

Red: Maybe if you would just shut up and listen you would of heard what he said earlier

Yellow: Your one to talk

Red: -sighs- I'm not going to waste my energy with you yellow

Chief Riley: That's enough guys, now listen. Everyone is going to come up to me and I'll give you a special gem

Iris: Are we going to get our key stones!?

Chief Riley: Yes Iris, as you all already know everyone is required to obtain these beautiful shining gems we call key stones at the age of 5. But since you are all of age I will now go in depth a little more about this stone. When you are all ten years old you will graduate and find your first pokemon and I will give you the same stones once again but it will be for your pokemon

-pulls out another gem-

Chief RIley: This is what we call a mega stone. We humans react to the key stones while pokemon react to a mega stone, and only when trainer and pokemon hearts are one and bonds are at its fullest will see your pokemon's true inner strength.

Serena: -raises her hand-

Chief RIley: Yes Serena, speak

Serena: So these key and mega stones are scaling our bonds with our pokemon like how an actual scale weighs a human

Chief Riley: Very good comparison, but it's more than that. Unfortunately I can't go into detail until you are all 10, but for now everyone come up in a single file line to get a key stone.

-Everyone in the class got a key stone and sat down-

Ash: It's pretty small

Iris: Chief Riley what's this symbol inside it

Chief Riley: Can't say until you're 10 years old

Iris: Uhh!

Mallow: It's glowing!

Chief Riley: The stone is responding to your emotion. Your anger, sadness, happiness, and all your other emotions will make the stone shine bright.

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