Break the Boulder

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-2-3 more months pass-

-On a Yacht-

Korrina: I wonder why we're going to the Isle of Armor

Gloria: Maybe it's because I can finally get an Urshifu

Ash: Doubt it, he says he waiting for a special occasion for you to compete a tower

Bea: I'm thinking we're going to have some new grand challenge to face

Ash: I agree. For multiple months now we have been training our Pokémon mentally and physically, as well as ourselves. I wonder what's left

Bea: Training never ends, I think we're going to be using what we've learned for the past year to work

Honey: -come out of another room- We are here! Get ready to get off

-After a few seconds they dock the boat and get on land-

Korrina: Wow!! The last time we were on this island was when we were little. Still as massive as ever!

-Mustard leads everyone deep within the forest where his secret training jungle is, it takes about 45 minutes to reach-

Mustard: All right kiddos, we're here

Gloria: Ha Finally!!

Korrina: What's with these big ass rocks -says without knowing-

Mustard: -chops the top of her head- Language

Korrina: Ow ow owwww! Sorry!

Mustard: Ok these are your next obstacle! -points to a giant boulder-

Bea: A rock?

Ash: -examines it closer- Wait, I think I felt something

Bea: -touches the rock- I think I feel it too

Mustard: That's good that's good -strokes his beard- Right at the center of this 10 feet tall boulder is a small branch. What you may not know is that, that branch has a faint scent of Aura.

Korrina: I guess that makes sense since Aura is in all living things

Mustard: Right, so what I you all to do is to break a boulder from the inside out

Bea: ?

Ash: Wait huh?

Gloria: How are we supposed to do that

Mustard: Let me demonstrate -throws a pokeball- Lucario focus up

-Mustard and Lucario get in a stance holding it together while syncing their mind or bodies together-

Mustard: HIIIYAAAA!!

Lucario: -punches the boulder-

-The boulder completely starts to crumble but there was no damage visual outside-

Ash: -shocked- (Am I seeing this!? The boulder didn't have a scratch on it but it still crumbled to pieces!)

Korrina: Wow...

Gloria: I think I know what you did

Mustard: -smirks- Hmmm elaborate

Gloria: You said we need to break the boulder from the inside out, and you also said there was a branch at the center of the boulder. You targeted the branch and destroyed it which causes everything to break dowm

Mustard: -smiles- (She's getting better and better each day that passes. Ash must have said something to her)

Bea: Wait that makes sense

Korrina: Yeah I get it, there's no scratch on the boulder because he only aimed for the branch

Mustard: Correct, this is one of the hardest Aura Techniques, I don't even have a good gasp on it.

Honey: Yeah, currently Mustard is the only known person currently in the world that can perform this high level technique.

Mustard: And even then I can't even utilize it in battle because it requires so much focus and synchronization with my Pokémon. My Urshifu's and most of my other fighting types can't perform this in battle, that's why I used my Lucario for the example. This is a technique where you and your Pokémon synchronize both of your Aura together, but it has to be literally perfect. And then you attack an opponent not using your physical body or other moves, but using ONLY your Aura. Lastly you target the aura of the opponent and you pour your synchronized Aura into the opponent which disrupts their Aura which can in most cases will result in an instance win

Ash: In short terms your attacking an opponent aura directly

Mustard: Yeah, and that's extremely dangerous

Bea: I see, since aura is the life force of every living thing directly affecting that would be like if someone were to my entire DNA structure

Mustard: It's far worse than that, for example when a baby is born they naturally have their own aura, but the thing is that aura doesn't get bigger or smaller, it stays the same for the rest of that baby's life. Even if the baby is 80 or 90 years old where their body has grown weak, their aura still remains the same. So if someone's aura is damaged it will in 80% of the time causes death, 19% of the causes causes basically someone to become brain dead, and in the other 1% causes won't do anything, but their aura will never be the same again nor will it repair itself

Ash: How do you know all the statistics?

Mustard: I don't really, it's more of a rough estimate. No one other than me and most likely Sir Aaron has even achieved this stage where we can use it on people or Pokémon. And even then using it on another Pokémon is close to impossible, but I still manage to succeed and that day I caused the death of a Pokémon. And to this day I have never been able to replicate the same aura attack I used. I also forgot to mention the fact that this technique could also kill you and your Pokémon. When synchronized and when I mean synchronized, you have to be COMPLETELY connected with your Pokémon, and only high level trainers like Leon, Cynthia, King Giovanni, etc. can achieve that fully. Your physically pouring your aura into the opponent with the intention is disrupting it, but the opponents aura has a high chance of pouring that back into you, so in all it's just not reliable. It's safe to say only someone like Sir Aaron who was basically part God can achieve and control this level of aura mastery

Gloria: -takes a deep breath- That was a lot to digest

Korrina: Yeah that's a lot to take in

Mustard: I know, but it's crucial you understand you should even try to use this on humans or Pokémon who have naturally have high aura

Korrina: Wait wouldn't the same rules apply to the tree branch also, since it has aura

Mustard: Good question but no. The branch is already moved from the tree and is a couple of decades old. Its aura is too small to affect anything, but you all understand what to do. Locate the branch and drive your aura in it to break the boulder from the inside. This is will be even longer than your waterfall training so don't rush it, once you get it the first time you already past

Ash: Do you have boulders for all of us?

Mustard: Yes -pulls out 4 maps and gives it to each one of the group- You boulder is labeled on the map so just follow that. Also, when the sun is about to set come here -points to his dojo- I have another dojo here and that will be the place you sleep and eat until you all are able to break the boulder

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