Explosive Potential

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Mustard: Focus focus focus. You all must maintain a steady sense of meditation and aura under this waterfall

Gloria: This is so hard

Mustard: -hits her with a stick- Focus!

-After 5 minutes they all stop-

Mustard: Ok, take a small break and comeback

Korrina: Jeez my arms are so stiff, how are you doing Lucario?

Lucario: -sighs- Luuu

Bea: Grandfather, we've been doing this for a month now

Mustard: Yes I understand, you'll see the purpose of this waterfall training when it's over. Now carry on and go eat. Ash you stay behind

-The girls leave-

Mustard: How's that Aura Sphere training looking?

Ash: -chuckles- HeHe, I don't want to tell you, I show you when this is all over, but just know it's going good

Mustard: Alright Alright

-Mustard leaves-

Ash: Ok Lucario let's do this again!! Aura Sphere

Lucario: Carrrraaaa!! -channels Aura Sphere and holds it in place-

-About 4 minutes pass-

Ash: Perfect, 4 minutes and 29 seconds is our new peak. We made amazing progress these several weeks Lucario! -goes back to the waterfall-

Ash: Ok focus Lucario! (Sure keeping Lucario's Aura Sphere steady while standing still is great, but in the heat of battle when Lucario is going to be moving, it'll be harder to maintain it. We can use this waterfall training to our advantage)

-Korrina walks in-

Korrina: Looks like you're doing well

Ash: Sure am

Korrina: You and Lucario are amazing, holding Aura Sphere for 4 minutes, my Lucario can only hold his for 2 minutes

Ash: it's all about trust -thumbs up-

Korrina: Why don't we have a little sparring match

Ash: That sounds like a good idea. It's been weeks since I actually battled anyone, let's see some of the results of this training

Korrina: Ok Lucario power up punch!

-Lucario charges at Ash's Lucario-

A's Lucario: -dodges-

Ash: Force Palm

L's Lucario: -also dodges-

Ash: I'm already seeing the results of our training. Both our Lucario's can sense each other's aura which gives an extra aid to them being able to predict and dodge attacks. -rubs his nose and smiles- Let's see what else changed

Korrina: Agreed! Lucario low kick

A's Lucario: Luuu! -jumps over K's Lucario-

Ash: Mega Kick!

Korrina: Guard the attack!

K's Lucario: -shifted its body weight to it's calves and puts it arms up in a cross position-

A's Lucario: RIOOOO!! -hits Lucario with Mega kick-

-Korrina Lucario stands tall, barely feeling the attack-

Ash: (She took that!?)

Korrina: Hehe, you may be more proficient in aura, but when it comes to me, I've had a Lucario far longer than you. I know it's anatomy, strength, and weaknesses all too well. Like this!!

-K's Lucario punches A's Lucario on both of its thighs stunning it temporarily-

Ash: Huh!?

Korrina: Low kick then power up!

K's Lucario: -trips A's Lucario over then a split second before it hits the ground lands a critical hit with a super effective power up punch to the stomach sending Lucario flying-

Ash: Lucario!! (Woah, I wasn't expecting that!)

Korrina: Hehe

A's Lucario: -stands up-

Korrina: Still got some fight in you, Lucario aura sphere

Ash: Don't think you've won, we haven't even started yet. Show them your aura sphere!

-Both Aura Sphere shred the air as they move and once they clash A's Lucario aura sphere completely overpowers and sends K's Lucario flying-

Korrina: So powerful!

Ash: Lucario vacuum wave then  force palm!!

Korrina: Recover from the damage quickly and use Aura sphere

-A's Lucario moves his arm behind to use a  vacuum wave to boost forward building speed-

Korrina: What the!?

K's Lucario: !!!

-A's Lucario proceeds to duck under the aura and deliver a deadly fire palm to Lucario chest paralyzing it-

Korrina: I've never seen vacuum wave used like that!

Ash: Hehe, me and Lucario haven't really done a lot of physical training, it's been all aura based. The results speak for themselves, training his aura greatly enhanced his battle awareness and skill

Korrina: (Better stop here before he gets started) Let's stop here before someone gets hurt

Ash: I guess you're right

-With Mustard, Honey, Klara-

Honey: The kids' training seems to be going pretty well. Ash as expected is beyond our comprehension, but the girls are growing at an exceptional rate as well. The one I'm mainly worried about is Gloria, yes she is doing well now, but will she be able to keep up with the others?

Klara: I agree with Honey, why did you bother accepting a training request for her anyway

Mustard: -stares at his tea- Your tea is as sweet as always -drinks it- Gloria is an interesting one. I didn't just accept her cause her mother was good friends with Honey. The reason is because I can just add honey to it

Klara: Huh? (Senile old man and his riddles!)

Mustard: Tell me, is green tea good by itself

Klara: Well I guess

Mustard: -laughs- Sure is Hahahahaha!! But adding honey to it makes it taste even better. Sure Gloria is already a remarkable young trainer right now, but with the right push, she has the potential to be one of the greatest students I have ever taught

Klara: Really!?

Mustard: Yes really, what's holding her back is her lack of focus, a lack of a true goal. Surely making your Pokémon stronger to defend and better yourself is honorable, but if Gloria truly wants to break through those walls and reach the level of the greats, she will need to push herself past her limits.

Honey: -smiles and chuckles- And you believe Ash will be the one to push her, right?

Mustard: You know me all too well. You see Klara, Ash is such a wonder, out of every single person I have ever trained with, Ash might just be the greatest

Klara: -scoffs- Yeah ok, I do admit his raw potential and talent is nothing to laugh at

Mustard: It's not just that. Ash's character, passion, and drive is what allows him to further enhance his already natural talents. He's the perfect person for Gloria, as a rival and a friend

Klara: (Stupid old man, his age is finally catching up to him mentally)

Honey: -chuckles- You know, you just might be right. Look at how Bea and Korrina are, Ash being here speeds the growth of everyone around him, that boy is truly one of a kind

Mustard: Let's continue to watch all of them, great things will happen -smirks-

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