A Good Start

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Kate: Come on guys keep up!! -running through the forest following Noivern-

Risa: O-ok!! (She's so fast!!)

Solana: -trying to keep up- (Dang, my leg still hurts, but I can't slow us down!!)

-They reached the area of the screech a notice a group a beedrill attacking a group of 13 furret

Solana: I got this -about to grab a pokeball-

Kate: Wait, are you going to hurt them

Solana: Yeah, how else will we save the

Kate: We're Pokémon rangers, using violence and brute force shouldn't be our first option. We're here to de-escalate situations as smoothly and effortlessly as possible. I got this -throws a pokeball- Exeggutor help me out!!

Kate: Exeggutor use vine whip and grab the fur return out of there -Exeggutor pulls the group of to the girls

-The beedrills quickly switch their attention and head towards the girls-

Kate: Exeggutor quickly go behind the beedrill, Noivern keep them busy until Exeggutor gets in position

-After a couple of seconds of stalling-

Kate: (Good, now with Exeggutor in position and the Beedrill following Noivern in a single file line we can get this over with!!)

Kate: Noivern fly up high and blast sound waves at the Beedrill!!

Noivern: Nnnnnnooooiii!! -blast the group of beedrill with pure sound waves scaring them into the opposite direction right in front of Exeggutor-

Kate: Sleep powder!!

-Exeggutor succeeds, putting every single one of the Beedrill to sleep instantly-

Kate: Woah -wipes the sweat off of her face- There we go!! No one got hurt, this is how you're supposed to do it Solana. Find the best possible outcome that doesn't lead to conflict

Solana: -sighs and crosses her arm- Yeah ok, I'll keep that in mind... -rolls her eyes and continues walking forward-

Kate: She's a real piece of work ain't she

Risa: I agree, but after that talk we have she seems to be actually changing, I'm surprised she didn't dismiss the idea entirely

Kate: Yeah, I guess I got a little greedy. She'll come around, slowly but surely

Solana: Stop just standing there, move it!

-After a few minutes of walking-

Solana: This test blows. It's so boring, I thought there was going to be action

Kate: Let's not jinx it, you might regret it later. Enjoy this peace to recover from your injuries

Risa: -gasps- Speaking of injuries I still feel a little sting, can we switch to aerial travel now?

Kate: I guess that's fine, Solana call out your Flygon and I'll call out my Noivern. Your Flygon has good eyes and my Noivern has good hearing, a perfect combination in the air.

Solana: -nods- Right, Risa ride with me

-The girls take to the skies-

Solana: -looks at her watch- You know, now that I'm really looking at this, the map on these watches are that descriptive

Kate: Look closely at it, it just shows us the mark for the finish now, but as we keep moving on it sorta registered every place we've been

Risa: I'm surprised we haven't seen any other teams yet, Solana rights, this is sorta boring

Kate: Well don't let your guard down, my guessing is that this race is based on survival and how efficiently we are as a team to save pokemon and complete the objective at the same time

Risa: You always come up with the perfect response, since nothing is happening right now can you tell us why you decided to become a pokemon ranger

Solana: I'm also interested to know why the famous Kate Butai decided to become a pokemon ranger

Kate: There's really nothing to say, I don't have some tragic or interesting backstory. My aunt, uncle, and grandpa were pokemon rangers so that sorta sparked the career interest. I really truly decided to become a pokemon ranger because I want to help pokemon, that's really all it is. Why did you decide to become a ranger Risa?

Risa: Honestly the same reasons as you, I just love pokemon and want to help them directly. Also my friend form before, Ash, really coached me into truly going for it

Kate: That's nice, and I guess you decided to become a ranger because of your family, right Solana?

Solana: -stays quiet for a moment- Not exactly...

Risa: What's that supposed to mean?

Solana: Forget it, why don't we go look for food, I'm starving

Kate: I am kinda hungry. Let's fly for a few more miles and land

-After some time they land-

Solana: There's a river!! I'm thirsty!! -rushes over to it-

Kate: You're just going to drink the water without knowing if it's clean?

Solana: -

Kate: What's with that face?

Solana: -looks away- Oh nothing -drinks the water-

Risa: -throws a Pokémon all revealing Pikachu- While we rest here i'll have Pikachu find some edible food, he's experienced in it

Kate: Let Pachirisu help

Solana: That's some good water. Let plustle go to

-the 3 Pokémon leave together to find food-

Kate: Noivern keep on the lookout, if there's anything strange come to me

Solana: -throws 2 pokeballs- Chesnaunt cover the ground. Milotic can you try and find food in the river, thanks

Milotic: -Dives in the lake-

Solana: Now let's start building that fire -about to grab a pokeball-

Risa: -Stops her arm-

Solana: Huh? What's the big idea!?

Risa: Why don't we build a fire the old fashioned, without Pokémon

Solana: There's no reason to, Kate back me up

Kate: Stop trying to make me pick a side, but Risa there really isn't a reason for it, it'll just be a waste of time

Risa: Come on guys please, just this once as a team, let's build a fire. I've always dreamed of it

-Solana and Kate look at each other with puzzled looks and both sighed-

Solana: Fine

Kate: Let's go find some branches then

Risa: -widens her smile- Thank you!!

-After about 30-45 minutes the girls return back to the river with all their Pokémon-

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