Get to the Airport!!!

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*One note, I started a new series called "Sabrina's Diary", it focuses on a love story between Sabrina and Ash, check it out, you may like it!*

Mallow: Hello! Earth to Serena!!

Serena: Oh! Sorry, I just remembered something!

Risa: Guys we are in the next town now!!

Mallow: That's good!! The next city after this town is Sukasuchi city, we can probably reach there in a couple of minutes

Mallow: Luxray keep it up!

Luxray: Ray!!

Mallow: Now that we're thinking about our future now, what are you going to do when you become a pokemon ranger, Risa? I know becoming a pokemon ranger requires training so do you know the process?

Risa: Yes, the process it's tuff. First, you need to get my citizen id card which requires someone to be the age of 10 or older, but to be a pokemon ranger you have to be 16 so I'm going to do 6 years of training. I read about how tough it is, you need your body to be in shape constantly.

Mallow: There are no worries, you can do it easily Risa -pats her back- Kukui helped you train so this should be child's play.

Serena: But Risa, why do you have to go to region 3, aren't there schools here in region 7?

Risa: Well region 3 is where the main base and because of my parent's connections I can go to school there

Mallow: Hey Serena! Remember that time when you got lost in the forest for a day and As-

Serena: -covers her mouth- What is this, storytime!?

Risa: Guys can I ask you something

Mallow: Sure

Serena: Go ahead

Risa: Umm, I never ask this cause I thought it was insensitive but you guys bu- -before Risa can talk a huge jet fly's right by them with blazing speed-

Mallow: Dang, that scared me

Serena: What is a jet doing flying this low to the ground!?

Risa: That's a jet from region 8

Mallow: It is?

Risa: Yeah, I saw a mark on it and I know for a fact that the mark of Former Lord Mustard's dojo

Serena: What's it doing here then?

Risa: It looks like it heading towards where we are going, Korrina must have called someone

-With Ash and Korrina-

-The Jet flies over them-

Ash: What the!

Korrina: -sighs- She doesn't learn does she

Ash: Is that the jet we are going on?
Korrina: Yep, and my friend Klara is piloting it

Ash: Klara? Who is she?

Korrina: Who she, you ask. -getting angry- She is a perverted no good witch with a superiority complex. I want to punch her like just because you are 19 and I'm 10 doesn't mean you can just treat me like a tool.

Ash: Chill out. Is she really that bad, I mean she came to another region to pick you upright?

Korrina: Ash, let me give you some advice, don't fall for her charms. She may be hot and kind at first but she is secretly a devil.

Ash: Ok, I'll keep that in mind -looks over- We here!!

Korrina: Finally!! I need to go to the bathroom!

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