Fire Demolition Core

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-Two shadowy figures appear to be coming down from the skies-

Lavana: What are those?

Ben: Wait...

-The figures are getting closer-

Ben: They're coming towards us!! Dodge, quick!!

-Dragonite and Braviary used Sky Drop to drive down at record speeds completely blitzing the other 6-

Keith: Damn! They're getting away. Let's go!

-Dragonite and Braviary get farther away-

Ben:'s too late, we're not going to catch up to them

Lavana: What do we do then!?

Ben: Calm down -pulls out the map on his watch- Judging from their speed and from the direction they went we have about 2 possible ways to ambush them.

Lavana: Ok then, let's get to it!

Ben: No, I don't think it's wise to chase after them. It'll take too much time, we have an objective here, let's return to that -looks back at the girls- We'll have to continue our battle some other time

Lavana: Later losers -sticks her middle finger out-

-They leave-

Solana: Bitch

Risa: -sighs- What a bummer. We should probably follow what they're doing. It would take to long to track down Kellyn and his team

Kate: -clicks her tongue- You're right. We didn't accomplish anything but losing our cards and injuring our Pokémon. Let's just go eat and start walking again

-They returned to their site, rest up and finished eating-

-After 2 hours of walking through the forest and helping in total of 36 different Pokémon-

Solana: I'm going to need a long shower after this -stretches-

Kate: -checks her map- We're making progress though

Risa: Yeah, our Pokémon still have good energy, the strat is working well

Solana: Yeah but it's still weird how we haven't run into a single team after 3 hours. It makes me think that we're behind

Kate: I get what you're saying

-Screams are echoed throughout the area-

Risa: Huh!?

Solana: What was that!?

Kate: No idea!! -throws out a pokeball- Noivern locate the area with the most abundance of sound!!

Noivern: Noiiiii -flies off-

Kate: Come on let's follow!!

-The girls follow Noivern until they reach an area surrounded by fire and multiple different teams hurt-

Kate: What is going on!?

Risa: A forest fire!?

Solana: There looks to be about 50+ people here!!

-Another team runs up to them-

Spencer: Hey get out of here, it's not safe!!

Risa: What happened here!?

Spencer: I don't know, but a Pokémon fell from the sky and started attacking us. More and more people came but that Pokémon defeated everyone

-Back with the instructors-

Aria: So it begins

Luana: Lets see how everyone deals with this

Jack: I'm sorry but can you two explain what's happening . This is my first time instructing an actual team, so I'm new to this

Aria: Looks like someone forget to read the job requirements

Jack: Looks like someone forgot to stop bitching all the time

Aria: -moves up in his face- Repeat that again, I think I missed heard you

Jack: Hmph, hard of hearing too? You must be getting old

Arua: Why you!!

Luana: That's enough! Jack this is the most difficult part of this race, the Fire Demolition Core. During the halfway mark of each race the Fire Demolition Core is sent as an obstacle for the rangers. The Fire Demolition Core or FDC is an organization working with the Pokémon ranger committee. They breed, raise, and train exceptional fire type Pokémon for these specific trials every year. They operate in groups of 6 and are spread across the entire map

Luana: Shouldn't you already know this, it's been apart of these races for 40+ years

Jack: We didn't run into any of these Pokémon when we did the race

Luana: True, but another thing. These Pokémon are individually worth 250 points. But so far Jack, I don't think it's going to look good for your team

-Out of the thick flames Scovillain approaches-

Solana: What is that!?

Risa: It's a Scovillain, fire and grass type

Kate: This Pokémon defeated all of these people!? We have to be on guard

Luana: Scovillian's going to be a problem

Jack: How so?

Aria: -sighs-Do you not know anything about Pokémon!? Idiot. Scovillain hidden ability is moody

Luana: And Scovillain has been active for 30 minutes now, which means it's been getting repeated boost that just keep stacking on and on

Solana: -grabs a pokeball and throws it- Milotic Hydro Pump

Kate: Wait, don't just attack!

Scovillain: Raahhhhhh!! -It charges a flamethrower with its redhead and a solar beam with its green head-

Risa: Uh Oh, that doesn't look good! -throws a pokeball- Leafeon use Leaf Storm to protect us

-Scovillains dual attack shreds through Hydro Pumps moving towards Milotic-

Solana: Dodge Milotic!!

-Milotic uses its snake like anatomy to swiftly dodge the attack-

Solana: It's coming straight towards us!!

Risa: Don't worry!

-The leaf storm changes the beams direction upward in the air-

Solana: That was close

Risa: Let's not focus on this thing

Kate: I agree, the trees are on fire and it will spread destroying habitats and killing many pokemon. Not only that there are many injured people here

-Scovillian charges in front of Milotic and uses crunch gnawing at its neck-

Solana: Milotic!!

Kate: Return Milotic Solana! -Throws a pokeball- Beartic use Blizzard! 

-Solana quick returns Milotic and the blizzard freezes Scovillian-

Kate: That thing is going to be a problem -coughs- It's getting harder to breath

Solana: Yeah this fire is spreading rapidly!

Risa: (We'll have to split up the work or else these people will die!) Hey Solana, let me control Milotic and then you and Kate can hold Scovillian off while try to minimize the fire and save people

Solana: Hmph, that's fine with me

Kate: I got no problems here as well -throws a pokeball- Take my Noivern with you as well

-Scovillian breaks out of the ice-

Kate: Get going Risa, we'll be fine here!

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