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Risa: Here's my point, that's a terrible idea
Solana: My God! You're just a hater!
Risa: How exactly!? I admit using pokemon who can fly to help with our own injuries is smart, but they can't fly for multiple hours straight! It'll kill them!
Solana: Then what are your suggestions then!?
Risa: Uh...I'll figure something out
Solana: -facepalm- Brilliant! Do you want us to walk on foot, because we'll be at a disadvantage! Do you know why, it's because we are still fucking hurt!!
Risa: Stop cursing and yapping at me! Damn! -gets up and sits on her bed-
Kate: Let's relax here, we just need our entire team to complete not get 1st place. It's obvious we're not getting into any of the top spots. Going back to Solana's idea, let's change that a bit. We can't fly for multiple hours straight, but we don't have to. We can repeatedly switch between walking on foot and flying to conserve some energy.
Risa: -bites her lip- I guess that fine
Solana: -jumps up- AHHHHHAAAAA!! -points at her-
Risa: Relax! Kate made your idea better that's all, but even then, are you sure we still can even qualify?
Kate: Well based on Instructor Jack, the challenge is not just based on speed, its points.
Risa: So instead of being fast, we can just paste ourselves while collecting the most points!!
Kate: Exactly!!
Solana: -grumbles- That's no fun, what's the point in a race if we don't get first place
Kate: -gives her a death stare-
Solana: U-uh y-y-you know what, this is a foolproof plan!!
Kate: Ok, now that we're all in agreement let's strategize with our Pokémon.
Risa: We already know each others pokemon and somewhat of what they're capable of, so it'll be easier to strategize
Solana: I actually have a couple more Pokémon in my pc that I didn't user
Kate: Same here, in addition to the other 6 you both saw. I have a Primarina, Boltund, and a Crobat
Solana: And I have a Milotic, Chesnaught, Sableye, and a Talonflame
Risa: Good, so we have many different options we can choose from, I'll start. I'm going to choose my Jolteon as my first pick. Based on all of our Pokémon I think it would be good if we have a fast, small, and powerful Pokémon, my jolteon also has a keen sense of smell and sight. He can also hear sound from far away
Kate: Hmph -smiles- I like that, I guess I choose my pick. I'm going with my Noivern, it's easily one of my best Pokémon. It can fly at solid speed even while carrying two people. Its full capacity I would say would be at most 3, 4-5 would be pushing it. Not only that, why Noivern can also hear sound from far away. If we ever get lost I can tell Noivern to send a sound wave that Jolteon can hear!!
Risa: -raises her hand up high- That's perfect right there
Kate: Yeah!!
-They high-five-
Solana: Hmm, I'm definitely choosing my Metagross. It can carry way more people than Noivern and has lots of stamina so it could be our secondary flier. Not to mention, my Metagross hits like a truck and can take attacks like a champ!! My second option is my Milotic. It'll give us some water coverage as well as many support attacks.
Kate: These are some actual good choices
Solana: What!? Don't look shocked, I'm literally doing what you asked!!
Kate: Haha I'm sorry I'm sorry! Metagross, Milotic, Jolteon, and Noivern hmm. I'm bringing my Chandorlore. It'll give us another air mobile Pokémon, and my Chandelure will provide us with fire and heat.
Risa: I'm next!! I want to bring Umbreon and Leafeon. Since we'll be on an island for more than 12+ hours it'll definitely get dark. Umbreon is at its peak in the dark, his senses are heightened so it'll be a perfect nighttime guard dog! With my Leafeon, she can use photosynthesis to produce clean air, I definitely feel like that could come in handy, I'm also guessing since this is an island there are going to be trees, Leafeon can camouflage and decipher whatever berries, fruits, etc are good to eat of the trees
Solana: My next picks will be Flygon, Chesnaunt, and Sableye. Flygon is another air mobile mon, Chesnaunt can do stuff and Sableye also does stuff
Kate: Very descriptive Solana, then I'll go with my Beartic, Forretress, and Exeggutor. I'll tell you all my last mon after you're all done
Risa: That leaves me then. As my final picks, I'll bring Flareon, Pikachu, and my partner, Eevee.
Kate: You're bringing your partner as well? -chuckle- I am too, my last choice is my Pachirisu, my first pokemon. I'm a little shocked that you have a Pikachu considering you only use Eevveelotuions.
Risa: It was a gift from my friend Ash
Solana: We all had the same idea then, I'm bringing my best bud plusle.
Risa: -claps her hands- Alright then, we have our teams!!
Risa - Jolteon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Flareon, Pikachu, and Eevee
Solana - Metagross, Milotic, Flygon, Chesnaunt, Sableye, and Plusle
Kate - Noivern, Chandelure, Beartic, Forretress, Exeggutor, and Pachirisu
Kate: It's good we agreed on what pokemon to use, but this doesn't guarantee we qualify. I suggest some rules, rule number 1. Only 2 pokemon are allowed outside of their ball. This will help maintain stamina. Rule 2, we must make a decision "as a group." So no rushing off without each other -Takes a quick glance at Solana-
Solana: What are you looking at me for!?
Kate: Alright next, we mark every place we have been with a symbol. It will be a landmark to make sure we're not running in circles
Risa: What's the symbol?
Kate: U-uh....I don't know, just a symbol
Risa: Like a team symbol, that could also be good for communication
Solana: Speaking of team symbol, we still need a team name right?
Kate: You're right, I'll let you 2 handle it, I'm not good with naming things
Risa: Team Rainbow!!
Kate: Denied
Solana: Hell no!
Solana: I know a good one, team S-
Kate: Say Team Solana, and I'm going to slap you
Solana: Worth a shot
Risa: Kate Butai, Risa Omoshiroi, Solana Ranger....hmmm -puts her hand on her chin-
Risa: I got it, team Pi!!
Solana: What?
Kate: Like the food pie?
Solana: No Pi, like in one of the ancient letters. I'm trying to remember the ancient alphabet, but I do know it was the 16th letter. It kind of looks like a Torii you would see in front of a shrine in Region 1 or 2. -shows them a picture of Pi on her phone-
Kate: Why Pi though?
Solana: Yeah, it sounds sort and just boring
Risa: Well the lower case letter for Pi is used a lot in math.
Kate: 3.14? That pie?
Risa: Yes, that's where it came from. It's a number that never ends. So use that as our team name to symbolize that we will always be with one another, even after death
Solana: That's actually...not bad -a bit flustered-
Kate: That's such a cute meaning!! Ok now that we have that down, let's make a strategy!
Solana and Risa: Ok!!

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