Victory for Team Pi!

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Darmanitan: Uaaaaahhjj!! -uses fire punch and charges at Dragonite-
Kellyn: Dragonite guard it!!
-Dragonite gets pushed back heavily-
Kellyn: (Damn, Dragonite's close to fainting!!)
Risa: Hey girls, let's use the same dig strategy we used against Palmer
Kate: That might work
Solana: Let's try it
-Eevee, Pikachu, Pachirisu, and Plusle use dig and go underground-
Kate: Kellyn Lunick, our Pokémon are underground and will attack Darmanitan from behind, you guys distract it
Kellyn: We'll do our best. Emolga thunderbolt
-Darmanitan swift dodges-
Lunick: Greninja double team, and use water shuriken!!
-Greninja creates many clones and launches water shurikens at it-
Darmanitan: -use Overheat and gets rid of all the clones and evaporates the water shuriken-
Lunick: We'll I be damned
Darmanitan: Darrrrr!! -quickly catches up to Greninja and uses a point blank focus punch on it sending it flying-
Lunick: Greninja!!
Kellyn: Dragonite Hurricane!! Emolga nuzzle!!
Darmanitan: Mannn!! -uses Stone Edge-
-The stone edge powers through Hurricane hitting Dragonite making it faint-
Kellyn: Go Emolga!!
Emolga: Emmaaa!! -presses close with muzzle-
Darmanitan: -charges a Hammer Arm-
Kellyn: Oh no dodge it. No she won't make it!!
-Darmanitan hits Emolga slamming it to the ground resulting in it fainting-
Risa: Now!!
-The four Pokémon appear from the ground and charge a group thunderbolt with Eevee uses copycat-
Darmanitan: -turns it's head around and tries to dodge but is too late and gets hit with the full force attacks-
Solana: Haha, there's no way it can take 4 different thunderbolts!!
Lunick: Wait look!
-Darmanitan slowly gets up injured but fine-
Risa: Even from all that it can still stand!?
Kate: Quick let's go back underground, it definitely won't take a second one!
-The Pokémon go back underground-
Darmanitan: -just stands still-
Risa: (Wait, something's wrong, it's not doing anything, could it be...!?) Guys retreat your Pokémon from underground, quick!!!
Darmanitan: DAAARRRRMAANNNN -uses Earthquake shaking the entire forest ground-
Solana: It knows Earthquake!?
Kate: It's too late, our Pokémon will get hit!!
-Darmanitan hits the remanding four Pokémon making all of them faint-
Solana: That's it, we have no more Pokémon
Darmanitan: Daaarrr!! -charges a fire punch and heads towards the group-
Kellyn: Everyone run!!
Lunick: No, there's no time
Kellyn: Damn!! -pulls Kate in and tries to protect her-
Lunick: -pulls Risa and Solana in to protect them-
-Just before Darmanitan lands the attack, it is blocked-
Summer: Don't fear, I am here!!
Lunick: Summer!?
Solana: She really saved us!?
Risa: Wait, if you're here, where's Emboar?
Summer: You mean that weak Pig, I beat it all by myself. Looks like you guys couldn't beat Darmanitan, just sit back and enjoy the show
Moltres: -uses its wings to blow Darmanitan back-
Darmanitan: Daarrr!! -uses Stone Edge-
Summer: Molty use air cutter!!
-Moltres chips the Stones to pieces-
Summer: Throw them right back at it with Twister!!
-Moltres sends the stone pieces back at Darmanitan-
Darmanitan: Mann!! -gets ready to use fire blast-
Moltres: -appears behind Darmanitan at record speeds-
Summer: Gotcha!! Brave Bird!!
-Before Darmanitan can react it's hit with a full forces Brave Bird launching it into a tree-
Kate: She used the Stone edges as a bait!
Solana: She's actually pretty good
Kellyn: Yeah, she's the obvious powerhouse of our team
Summer: We're not finished yet, Mystic fire!!
-Moltres sends balls of fire towards Darmanitan-
Darmanitan: -attempts to escape each Mystic fire and then uses Flamethrower-
Moltres: -counters it with its Flamethrower-
Darmanitan: -charges in Zen Headbutt-
Summer: Wing Attack!
-Both moves collide creating massive shockwaves-
Summer: Overheat!!
Darmanitan: Darr! -uses Psychic to push the flames back at Moltres
Summer: Sky attack!! -uses Sky attack to evade the flames while rises up in the air-
Darmanitan: -pinkish aura starts clouding it's eyes and it uses Future Sight-
-After some time Meteor like objects appear out of a portal heading towards Moltres-
Summer: Future Sight huh? Moltres dodge them
-Moltres maneuvers effortlessly around the Future Sight-
Summer: Use consecutive fire blasts!!
-While coming down from the sky about a dozen fire blast are sent to Darmanitan-
Darmanitan: -tries to counter and dodge at the same time but eventually one fire blast manages to hit stunning it for a couple of seconds-
Summer: A perfect golden opportunity!! Moltres close this act with Sky Attack!!
-Raining down like a shooting star Moltres hits Darmanitan with a devastating Sky attack result in its lost-
Summer: And that's how you do it
Risa: She's amazing!!
Solana: (Hate to say it but Risa's right. Not only does she have a Moltres, she's an excellent trainer)
Kate: -awkwardly laughs- I see why you act so high and mighty now
Summer: You best believe that I, Summer Natsu will become the greatest ranger to ever live!!

 Not only does she have a Moltres, she's an excellent trainer)Kate: -awkwardly laughs- I see why you act so high and mighty now Summer: You best believe that I, Summer Natsu will become the greatest ranger to ever live!!

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Kellyn: The finish line is just up ahead. Let's all just go together
Summer: Hey!! -pinched his cheeks- doesn't that defeat the point of the race!!
Lunick: Don't be such a downer, we're probably in first place anyway

Summer: Ahhhhhhh!! Fine!!-The 6 rangers go closer to the finish line, leave the forest, and see many people standing waiting- Announcer: Hand to your watches to finish the race -Kellyn team steps forward claim there first place title- Solana: Firs...

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Summer: Ahhhhhhh!! Fine!!
-The 6 rangers go closer to the finish line, leave the forest, and see many people standing waiting-
Announcer: Hand to your watches to finish the race
-Kellyn team steps forward claim there first place title-
Solana: First place!? Wait, that means we're second!?
Kate: What a weird turn of events, we actually got second
Risa: -pulls Solana and Kate in- We actually did it guys!! We're going to be Rangers!!
-Jack walks to the girls-
Jack: Well I be damned -smirks- Excellent work you three
-Risa hands the girls watches to the announcer claim their second place with a total of 1,795 points (completed in 15 hours, with 68 people saved, and 213 Pokémon saved)-
Risa: 1,130 points, how many points did your team have Summer?
Summer: -smirks pridefully- 3,150 points completed in 15 hours, with 183 Pokémon saved, 45 people saved, and 3 Fire Team Demolition Core members defeated whatever that means
Risa: Fire Team Demolition Core?
Aria: That Darmanitan and Emboar you faced were part of that core, a defeat of them is worth 250 points
Summer: Oh, then I guess that Scovillain we fault before was a part of that core
Solana: (She beat that Scovillain too!?)
Kate: (She's a monster)
Jack: Anyway girls your final placement will be submitted after 8 other teams complete, but I can confidently say that you guys definitely pass. Let's go back!!
-Jack leads the girls to a helicopter-
Risa: We'll that was fun
Kate: Hmph, yeah, I quite enjoyed that
Solana: It was surely interesting, but I need to take a long shower
Risa: What's after this Instructor Jack?
Jack: You guys already proved yourself by passing, now your true Pokémon ranger training will begin. For the next 6 years we'll have lost of Adventure
Kate: -chuckles-
Solana: -smiles-
Risa: (I never thought I would have made it this far. This was thanks to my friends, family, and teammates. I can't wait to grow and meet more people) -laughs out loud- Hahahaha I can't wait for more!!

 I can't wait to grow and meet more people) -laughs out loud- Hahahaha I can't wait for more!!

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