Final Discussions

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Ash: Jewel?

Serena: What Jewel

Klara: I only skimmed through the news and saw parts of it, but a large pink jewel was found and brought to professor sycamore's lab, that's all I know. Let's go now before an official gets here.

Ash: Korrina you said Klara is 19 right?

Korrina: Yeah so?

Ash: You have to be 21 to fly any kind of aircraft here in region 7

Korrina and Klara: WHAT!!?

Klara: No, I didn't know that, I can get arrested!!

Korrina: But in region 8 you can fly at 18

Mallow: Are we in region 8 now?

Mallow: Who comes to another region without checking it's laws

Klara: Let's hurry up kids!! -rushes to the pilot seat

-Everyone gets on board-

Ash: Guys isn't this the first time we been on a jet, I'm pretty worried

Mallow: Ash you literally fly on a Charizard everyday

Ash: Oh yeah, HaHaha

Klara: Ok buckle help, we are heading to the airport at full speed

-Before she even let us speak the jet took off instantly-

Korrina: Can you let people speak!! God!

Ash: How long will this take?

Klara: This is Mustard's fastest jet, it will take between 15-30 minutes.

Mallow: Is this jet that fast!?!?

Korrina: Of course, so sit back and relaxed

(We all talked and laughed throughout the way and before we knew, we reach the airport)

Ash: Woo, we got here really fast!

Risa: Yeah!

Mallow: We can finally rest now

Korrina: No we can't, Klara is pretty bad at landing

Everyone: What!?!

Klara: It will be ok -smiles- *Damn, I'm bad at landing, please Arceus help me, if I Damage this Jet Mustard will never trust me again*

-The radio channel on the plane starts talking-

Radio Channel: Hello!! Who is this, you are authorized to land here!! Turn around now!

Klara: I am Klara Maldad, a part of the Shiroihono family. I have Korrina Shiroihono with me

Radio Channel: Oh!! I'm sorry for my rudeness!! You can land here but be careful!!

Klara: There's a problem with that, I can fly a jet or plane but I can land good!

-The Radio went silent for while until a new person came on-

Radio Channel: Hello!! This is Skyla, stay where you are, I'm coming!!

Ash: -points out the window- No way!!

Risa: Is she crazy!?

-Skyla is flying on a bravery towards the jet-

Radio Channel: Lady Skyla said to open the hatch

Klara: Are you nuts!!

Radio Channel: Just do it, Lady Skyla knows what she is doing!!

Klara: Ok, hope you're right -press the button to open the hatch-

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