Arrival to Region 8!!

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Rosalind: Rengoku is a realm that is a big dream space that why it's called a neutral zone

Clemont: What is a dream space?

Rosalind: It's like a separate private room where someone either has sweet dreams or nightmares. The realm of Rengoku is made upon a giant dream space infinite in size and density.

Clemont: So basically everyone is a part of the same dream right?

Rosalind: Yes again, you're pretty smart Clemont.

Clemont: Can Darkrai and Cresslia make dream spaces outside their own realms?

Rosalind: From what I heard their full dream powers only work in their specific realms since they were created that way

Clemont: (I should ask when the dream world was created but how would she know that, well its worth a shot) Rosalind do you know when the dream world was created

Rosalind: Yeah I do
Clemont: Wait you know!? How?!

Rosalind: Well for one, in the dream world you are immortal so you don't age and your injuries heal instantly, you also don't need oxygen, food, water, etc.

Clemont: Interesting

Rosalind: For your question about when the dream world was created, from the books I read this plane of existence was created about 23-24 thousand years ago

Clemont: (Wait that equals about 1000-2000 thousand years in our world, that could only mean one person is behind the creation of the dream world.....Sir Aaron, but why would he create this realm) Hey Rosalind, have you ever heard the name Sir Aaron?

Rosalind: -she gasped- Clemont please refrain from using that blessed name

Clemont: So I'm guessing you're religious?

Rosalind: Yes and I know the name of our messiah

Clemont: My apologies, I didn't any disrespect

Rosalind: It's all good, but why you ask about our Lord

Clemont: Before I tell you can you explain a few things about your Lord so I can make sure that it's the same person

Rosalind: From all the stories I heard and read he is god born among men. The son of god Arceus who was born by a human woman. You could say he is the incarnation of God. A radiant hero with his partner Lucario. Also-

Clemont: That's all you need to say. I'm asking because in my world he stopped the greatest war in history, the 100 year world so how and why he create this place and why do you worship him

Rosalind: So Sir Aaron originated in your universe, I'm so jealous!! But it looks like you don't know the full story.

Clemont: Full story? You mean about Sir Aaron's life!?

Rosalind: As far as I know no one in the dream world knows any real personal and specific things about our Lord, it's usually the same stories about him, but what I do know is that our Lord has travel to thousands of universes, timelines, and realities and has saved them, after all that he created Rengoku and later Darkrai and Cresselia, after that not much is known about how and when he exactly died

Clemont: Thank you for telling me this -writes in his note book- Although it still barely answers anything about him, he's still remains a mystery

Clemont: Rosalind there is another thing I want to confirm. You said just a few moments ago "From all the stories I heard and read." Does this mean there are books here that I can read, maybe a library?

Rosalind: You're right again, there is a huge library in the center of Rengoku that has been here since the creation of this place. All you gotta do is follow the white star in the sky. Since you can't see it I'll help to the Saisho library

Clemont: Thank you so much, I'm so glad I met you!

Rosalind: I'm flattered and it just your luck cause we're almost at the library 

*This is Zodiac here once more I'm going to skip around a little. As you already know Risa, Ash, Mallow, and Serena are on a plane heading to a different region. For Ash it will take 2-3 for their destination, 2-3 for Mallow and Serena, and 3-4 for Risa. Remember from Beginning 7.5 the earth in this series is as big as our solar system's neptune. A single region here is bigger than our moon and some regions are bigger than our earth so of course flight will take a while but It's amazing to realize that it only takes a few days for them to reach from one region to another. My point in explaining all this is that I'm going to skip to where each of the gang reaches their destination since nothing of real importance happens on the planes. For Ash and Gloria all that really happens is that they get closer as friends. I'm still going to continue this dream world saga that Clemont is experiencing, anyway thank you for the support, have a good one*

Ash: -jumps down the stairs- I'm finally here in region 8!!!!

Gloria: -yawns- Come on Ash we just got off the plane, it's still the middle of the night calm down

Ash: Don't be a downer Gloria it's my first time in another region, let me be

-Ash's phone starts ringing-

Ash: Unknown number huh -answers it- Who is this?

Korrina: Hello Ash

Ash: Korrina!?

Korrina: You just arrived right, do you still want me to pick you up or do you still want to explore the region like you said?

Ash: How did you get my number and how did you know I just arrived?

Korrina: That's not important now, answer my question

Ash: -looks at Gloria-

Gloria: -yawns- sleep...

Ash: -sighs- Come get me please

Korrina: Alright!! -hangs up-

Ash: Come on Gloria lets go inside

Gloria: -stretches her arms- Alright

-While inside on one of the seats-

Ash: You can lay on my lap and sleep of you wa-

Gloria: -puts her head on Ash's lap and instantly starts sleeping-

Ash: -chuckles- -starts to feel drowsy- I guess I'm also tired

Ash: -strokes her hair- We have a long way ahead of us

-an hour later-

Korrina: Ash!! Ash!! Wake up!

Ash: -slowly opens his eyes- huh? Wha-at. Oh Korrina

Korrina: Don't sleep here, come on

Ash: Wait let me introduce you to my friend right here

Korrina: Why wouldn't I know a new recruit? Gloria right? Wake her up and follow

Ash: Hey Gloria wake up, Gloria1 -repeatedly shakes her- Korrina can you get our bags and suitcases

Korrina: Just this once

Ash: -grabs both of Gloria's arms and legs and carries her on his back-

-They all walk out the airport and stop at a car in a privately own area-

Ash: That's Rolls-Royce Phantom

-The chauffeur comes out of the car-

The Chauffeur: Miss Korrina I can't allow you to carry such heavy luggage

Korrina: -opens the car door for Ash and Gloria-

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