The Final Stages of the Race

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Risa: -huff- Damn it's been nearly 30 minutes, this smoke is getting unbearable
-A Tree is about to fall on another team
Risa: Pikachu Iron Tail!!
-It cuts the tree-
Risa: -helps the team- Get out of here! -She rushes deeper in the flames-
Risa: Flareon absorb as much fire as you can and Miltoic keep your rain dance up!
-With Solana and Kate-
Kate: I think we got to retreat, this thing is far too much
Solana: Hate to admit it but you're right
Kate: Risa already nearly all the pokemon and pokemon as well as minimize the flames
-Risa runs over to them-
Risa: -out of breath- Everything's good, now for this thing 
Kate: -hops of Noivern and grabs Risa's ad Solana hands- Noivern go!!
-Noivern flies away fast-
Risa: Wait! Are you just going to leave it there!/?
Kate: We got no reason to fight it, everyone has evacuated and the forest fire has been put out. Now to mention the fact that that thing beat damn near all of our pokemon. Right now Noivern is the only flying pokemon we have that is not extremely injured to fly
Solana: -looks at Risa and grabs her arm-
Risa: Huh? What's wrong?
Solana: -looks at multiple cuts on her arms and bandages them up- You did good, you've got some burns on your shoulder too, I fix it when I have time
Risa: -shock-
Solana: -blushes- Don't go looking shocked. I'm just saying, I admire you helping out first before yourself
Risa: U-uh...thank you. I sorta do it unconsciously, most likely because of my friend Ash
Solana: -smiles- That is a good thing. -takes a massive gulp of air- I decided to become a pokemon ranger not because of my family, but because of...a secret
Kate: Secret?
Solana: I know I can at least just tell you two since you both put others before yourself. About 4 years ago I overheard a conversation between my father and grandfather. They were talking about general stuff until I overheard the word "Stone Tablet's."
Kate: Stone Tablet's?
Risa: you mean the Stone Tablet's of Arceus!?
Solana: -surprised- Wait you know what those Tablet's are!?
Risa: Yeah, this one time I went with my mother and Lord Lusamine to the royal palace for a conference with Former King Samuel Oak. My mother left me in their private library until she was done. That's when I saw an open book on the desk and someone came from behind me. It was Prince Gary, he told me something about Arceus and its plates. There are 18 plates that represent the 18 types, that's about all he told me. I didn't really care or remember that encounter though
Kate: First time I'm hearing anything about this, finish your story Solana
Solana: Oh yeah, well they also mentioned "Atlantis" and that's where the Splash Plate is. But the thing is "Atlantis" is at the bottom of the ocean at a random location. Only the higher ups know of its existence. I don't know but I decided to make the decision to become a Pokemon ranger, rise up the ranks, and to figure out what these secrets hold. -smiles- But now, I think I actually want to become a Pokemon ranger. You both have this passion that drives you to put yourself before others, it sorta rubbed off on me... -blushes and looks away-
-Both Kate and Risa have shocked faces looking at each other-
Kate: -Goes in and hugged Solana tight- Awwwweee look at you!! You'r so cute when you're honest!!
Risa: -laughs- HaHaHaHaaaa
Solana: -embarrassed and blushes- Stop it...
Risa: (After that we started talking about all sorts of things growing closer as friends. Multiple hours passed and during that time we helped a bunch of pokemon as well as overcome obstacles such as falling rocks, mountain climbing, etc.)
Kate: Hey girls, we're really close to the finish line, just up ahead
Solana: -stretches- Ahhhh....finally!!
-The closer they approach the finish line they hear a familiar noise-
Kate: Come on -runs-
Solana: Huhhhh! Not another obstacle!!
Risa: At least we're almost done, lets go -they follow her-
Kellyn: -looks back- Oh Kate!
Kate: Kellyn!?
-An Emboar and Darmanitan from the Fire Demolition Core appear-
Risa: Huh!? An Emboar and Darmanitan!?
Kellyn: These two pokemon are blocking the exit, and they're insanely strong
-Summer and Lunick pull up- 
Emboar: Boooaaarrr!! -shoots a fire blast at the group-
Summer: Moltres counter it with yours
-Moltres's fire blast completely overpowers Emboars attack landing a direct hit on it-
Solana: THE HELL!?
Risa: You have a Moltres!?
Kate: A Moltres!?
Kellyn: Let's worry about that later, focus up, these 2 are blocking the finish line path. Looks like we have to beat them
Summer: I can handle Emboar by myself, you 5 just worry about Darmanitan
Lunick: Cocky as ever
Kate: Are you sure? We fought another fire type like these before and it was extremely tough, definitely was trained
Kellyn: -puts his hand on Kate's shoulder- Trust her, I hate to admit it but she's the strongest out of us here
Lunick: -sighs- Yeah, it pains me to agree with you. If it weren't for Summer it would have taken us longer to get here
Summer: -smirk- HeHeHeHeHe, you peasants can't hold a candle to the great Summer Natsu
Solana: Corny 
Kate: Let's just go
-The 5 surround Darmanitan-
Kellyn: How's everyone's pokemon like!!
Risa: Mine are pretty much tired and close to fainting
Solana: Most of mine are fainted
Kate: Yeah same over here
Kellyn: Ok, me and Lunick Pokémon aren't too badly beaten, but they're close to their limits. We'll have to work together. Throw your pokeballs
-Everyone throws out all the Pokémon they have left-
Risa: -calls out Eevee and Pikachu-
Solana: -calls out Plusle-
Kate: -calls out Pachirisu-
Kellyn: -calls out Dragonite and Emolga-
Lunick: -calls out Greninja-
Kellyn: Ok Lunick's the only one with a water type, let's focus on supporting him with our Pokémon!
Everyone: Right!

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