Impenetrable Wall

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Ash: Again!

Lucario: Lu!! -hits the boulder with its fist-

Ash: -huff and puffs- Even after all this time we haven't made a single ounce of progress

Charizard: -yawns- Aarrrrdddd -lays down on its back ready to sleep-

Ash: -smiles- I guess it's let, we'll try again tomorrow guys!

Dragapult: Umppp!! -circles around the sky-

Lucario: -sighs- Luuu...

Urshifu: Fu.....

Ash: -returns Lucario, Dragapult, Urshifu, and hops on Charizard as they fly back to the dojo-

Ash: -opens the door and walks in to Gloria and Korrina sparring-

Korrina: Hello Ash

Gloria: So you're finally back

Ash: Yeah sadly...

Bea: -sitting on a chair- I'm guessing that means you've also made no progress?

Ash: Yeah. It's agonizing not even making a single... ounce... of progress

Korrina: -looks back to them- At Least with the waterfall training we could see results as we spared, but it's been what 3 months and nothing

Gloria: Never look away from your opponent, Blazing Roundhouse kick!!

Cunderace: Race! -slams into Lucario resulting in it fainting on its knees-

Bea: And that's why you should always pay attention

Korrina: Awe rats, I'm sorry Lucario

Ash: It's shocking how strong Gloria has gotten.

Bea: Yeah I won't lie, since we started I also thought of her as the weakest link out of all of us. But a few months ago it was like someone had a light bulb went off in her head. She had a new fire in her eyes and she got remarkably stronger. We need to be careful Ash, she'll definitely give us a run for our money in a full on fight

Ash: If you're saying that then it has to be true. Imma head to take a shower

Bea: Alright

-After an hour in which Ash took a shower, ate dinner, and did some meditation he is ready for bed-

Ash: -looks up at the ceiling- We've tried everything, and still, nothing. -clenches his fist- Maybe Mega Lucario could have broken it by now, no...I know it would have. I still haven't remembered that feeling, it was that same sensation I had with Pikachu and Riolu all those years ago. All that Aura following through Lucario to me was enormous. Maybe we can channel something deep within Lucario to draw that aura out. -jumps up- I know, we'll try a completely different approach

-2 weeks later-

Lucario: -meditating on the boulder-

Ash: -mediating with him- Alright break time!

-Ash's other 3 Pokémon were training from a distance and came back to them-

Ash: Sorry Lucario, I know it's boring but I think if we just focus on mediating and training our aura until we know we can break it. Charizard, how's that dragon rush lookin now?

Charizard: -breaths fire in the sky and stomps- Raaahhh!

Ash: Haha I'm guessing you pretty much perfected it, thanks Dragapult

Dragapult: -joyfully flying around everywhere-

Ash: After the break let's focus on training our Martial Arts next

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