Challenge 1: Hades part 3

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-Gloria and Korrina return to Ash and Bea-
Gloria: We started at 8:00 and now it is 2:00!
Korrina: Why are you two still meditating, it's not working!
Bea: Stop being such a hothead and listen. It is working, me and Ash were able to sense our Pokémon several hours ago. The mediating is also making that connection stronger
Korrina: Why didn't you tell us!?
Bea: You were too busy not listening to me and being stubborn
Korrina: Oh I'm sorry that I care about my Lucario!
Bea: Are you implying that I don't care about my Medicham? Stop being childish, of course I do. But the best way to handle any situation is in a calm manner.
Korrina: -sighs and sits down-
Gloria: -stomach grumbles- Ugh I'm so hungry
Korrina: Then why don't we all eat, remember we have 2 days to complete this
Bea: Fine
Ash: I'll eat later, I actually want to go somewhere real fast
Gloria: Ok
Ash: See you all later -leaves the room and goes outside-
Ash: Charizard go back to the forest
-After some time they arrive at the forest-
Ash: -breaths in and out- First I want to teach you a new move buddy -grabs his pokedex out and shows a video to Charizard-
Ash: This is the move Dragon Rush. It will help us tremendously
Charizard: -Nods-
Ash: Get into a stance like you're about to do a flare blitz, gather that inner energy and coat your body with it. Then release on command!
-Blue energy starts spiraling around Charizard it goes for a charge then the energy goes away-
Ash: Good first try! Remember, imagine you're doing a flare blitz, but instead of cloaking yourself in fire, use your energy and anger as a source. Again!
-Charizard repeatedly does this move over and over again but fails-
Ash: -wipes the sweat away- You're doing good Charizard! (Dragon types are known for uncontrollable rage, moves like dragon rush and outrage use that rage in the form of power. Usually, it would take longer to learn moves but since Charizard already knows Flare Blitz I believe we can learn this in a day. Flare Blitz and Dragon Rush have a similar way of activating and follow a pretty straightforward way of attack, they charge at their enemy with their entire body. So I need Charizard to replace the flames with raw emotions. How do I draw those emotions out of Charizard?)
Ash: Wait, that's it! I can use what I learned about aura! If I share what I feel with Charizard then he will react to it like with Riolu inside of the Pokeballl. The good thing is that Charizard is already out of the Pokeballl and is the only aura in front of me.
Charizard: -tilts his head-
Ash: -meditates- (Bea and I used a Pokémon battle to stimulate our aura so that our Pokémon could feel us and react. I don't think that will work here so let me use something different.) -puts his hand in the
Ash: -digs in his memories- (Remember what happened that day, remember my family, friends, remember why I am here, remember what I'm going to do) Charizard please feel my emotions, happiness, sadness, rage, all of it! Use that to fill your flame!!
Charizard: -Puts his head to Ash's hand-
To complete the ocean, you need to link all the rivers together so that they flow into one ocean.
Ash: Charizard, I'm sorry I've never asked this. I have always sorta forced you to do what I want for my own purpose. So Charizard, what do you truly desire?
-All of the emotions and wants of Charizard flow into Ash, and all the emotion and wants of Ash flow into Charizard-
-Both of them smile-
Ash: -gets up- Let's try this again!!
Charizard: RAAAAA!! -breaths fire in the air-
Ash: Go now!! Dragon Rush!!
-Charizard is shrouded in pure emotion from itself and its master and charges at a tree completely destroying it-
Ash: Excellent!! -hugs Charizard- Good job!!
Charizard: Charrr!! -smiles-
Ash: It's not perfect but this is still great progress. Let's go catch our newest team member!!
-Ash and Charizard go deeper into the forest-
Ash: Be on guard
Charizard: Hiiimmmp!
Ash: -Looks at his phone- The Pokédex says it should be right here. I guess we will let it find us.
Ash: -grabs 2 Kasib berries from his backpack-
Charizard: -tilts head in confusion-
Ash: Kasib berries are used to halve the damage of a super effective ghost-type attack. The ironic thing is, ghost-type pokemon also like it. This will be our bait
-After 10-20 minutes of waiting something comes from behind a tree-
Ash: (It's 2 Deepy's!) You guys want these? Here. -puts his hands out
-Both Dreepy's start eating-
Ash: I'll get more for you both -turns to get his bag, but it's not there- W-what the!? Charizard did you see where my bag went?
Charizard: Aurrroo -shakes his head-
Ash: -looks back to see that the 2 dreepy are also gone- Where did they go!?
-The trees start blowing rapidly and a large figure comes out of hiding-
Ash: It got us!!
Dragapult: Umfffff!!
Charizard: Raaaaahhhhh!!
Ash: -looks to see Dragapult holding Ash's bag- Hey, give that back!!
Dragapult: -drops the bag and turns invisible-
Ash: -picks the bag up- Must be our lucky day, it's a rare sighting to see a Dragapult. I thought it would take longer to find, but here we are!!
Dragapult: -becomes visible and shoots hydro pump-
-Charizard swiftly dodges-
Ash: Wow!! How did this wild Dragapult learn Hydro pump of all things!? -smiles- I'm going to catch you!!
Dragapult: -uses Phantom force surrounding itself in energy and then disappearing-
Ash: It disappeared again...Charizard be on guard in every direction
Charizard: -repeatedly turning its body getting ready for an attack-
Ash: (This will be a little bit difficult. We're in a fairly large dark forest which is the perfect habit that complements Dragapult. Not only are they considered one of the fastest Pokémon, but they can turn invisible by clearing their mind and focusing. So we'll ruin that focus!!)
Ash: Charizard fly high!!
Charizard: -it flies in the air-
Dragapult: -Leaps out of its shadow to land a direct phantom force in front of Charizard-
Ash: Will-O-Wisp!
-Dragapult makes a steady escape in blinding speed-
Ash: (It's playing the chip game. It's using its surroundings to hide and only comes out to land attacks. It would have mostly withered us down until it can deliver a final blow)
Ash: -smirks- (But now it's burned! Which means even if it disappears Charizard should be able to track the fire as well as the increase of heat in a certain area)
Ash: Wait for the right moment, and then release a powerful flamethrower!!
-Dragapult is repeatedly going in circles until it gets ready to release another Hydro Pump-
Ash: Now
Charizard: -release a powerful flamethrower hitting Dragapult directly-
Dragapult: Raaaaaww -falling down-
Ash: Fire punch!!
-Catches up to Dragapult and delivers a fire punch smashing it into the ground-
Ash: Makes sure it doesn't run!! Grab its tail!
-Charizard reaches for its tail-
Dragapult: -quickly reacts and uses Dragon darts-
Charizard: -dodges-
Dragapult: -hastily get's up- Raaaawww!! -uses Dragon Tail-
Ash: Wing Attack!
-The Wing Attack overpowers Dragon tail blowing Dragapult away-
Ash: Flare Blitz!!
Charizard: -charges at Dragapult-
Dragapult: -at the last second it dodges and disappears-
Charizard: -stomps on the ground and roars- Arrrrhhhh!!
Ash: Don't sweat it, buddy. It's the stealth pokemon for a reason. We have the power advantage, buts its speed is trouble. We'll use flame charge to get faster than. On guard Charizard!
-Noise starts coming from all over the trees and then a shadow appears-
Ash: Now!!
Charizard: -uses a powerful flame charge to land a direct hit, but the shadow is completely destroyed-
Ash: Huh?
-Charizard is hit by a Hydro pump from behind-
Charizard: Raaaaaaa!!
Ash: -runs over to him- Are you ok!? -looks above- That wasn't Drapault!!
-Many versions of Dragapult come out of hiding-
Ash: Don't tell used double team!?

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