Future Pokemon

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Hello this is Zodiac and the reason why I haven't posted is because of school. I took my own electronics away to study for final exams and I just finish on June 11 so I can now post again. Ps: sorry for the short chapter

-With Bonnie-

Bonnie: This is pretty good but no

Bonnie: hmm...

Bonnie: No

Amara: Excuse me for my rudeness my lady, but you have been trying on clothes for over half an hour, I suggest hurry along to the foundation now

Bonnie: Ok, but can you stop calling me my lady, my name is Bonnie!

Amara: I'm afraid I can't do that, as a maid of the Ather family it is my duty to address you by the proper title.

Bonnie: But aren't you only supposed to call someone my lady when they're in a higher status?

Amara: That is correct, but you see, It was requested by Lord Lusamine herself to give you this special treatment

Bonnie: Ok, whatever you say. Well let's hurry up and go see my brother now!

-With Ash and Gloria-

Gloria: I don't really have any special backstory or something like that. For the most part my life up to now was normal, living with my mom and dad in a beautiful flower field.

Ash: *It's obvious that she's not telling me something, oh well we just met, she tell me sooner or later* Ok

Gloria: Is that all you want to know?

Ash: No, one more thing, how did you manage to get Mustard to agree to train you?

Gloria: That's cause my mom and Mustard's wife know each other

Ash: Another thing, what's your current pokemon team?

Gloria: Hehe -puts her finger to her mouth and winks- That's a secret!

Ash: You really gave me zero information huh?

Gloria: I can't show my cards to a potential enemy

Ash: What do you mean by "enemy?" Aren't we going to be training together?

Gloria: You haven't researched anything about the dojo haven't you?

Ash: HaHa...yes, I wanted to be surprised when I get there

Gloria: -sighs- You're hopeless aren't you

Ash: Saids the one who puts their inhaler in their hat!! -messes up her hair-

Gloria: That's not the issue at the moment

Ash: Yeah you're right the issue is why can't you tell me anything

Ash: Are you being chased down!?

Gloria: HaHaHa!!!

Flight Attendant: You two, for the last time, quiet down!!

Ash and Gloria: Sorry

-the Attendant walks back to her area-

Ash: Gloria this is the 6th time, why are you so loud

Gloria: -chuckles- It's not my fault, you're just hilarious, why would someone be chasing me

Ash: (she's definitely telling me something, well if it's stuff about her past or family then I have no right to keep asking her anymore)

Gloria: Ash what's your family name

Ash: It's Ketchum, why are you asking?

Gloria: -she gasped- (Ketchum!? Then he is that Ash!! Oh She's going to be so happy!!)

Ash: Well anyway I'm really excited to be going into another region!!! I want to try and catch a dragapult if possible

Gloria: Dragapult? How are you going to catch that, it's rare and an extremely powerful pokemon.

Ash: Oh I'll catch one, I want to be my main dragon type

Gloria: What do you mean by "main dragon type?"

Ash: Well I'm planning on catching every single pokemon s-

Gloria: -burst out laughing- HAHAHAHA!!!!

Other passengers: Someone get her out of here!!

Attendant: That's enough, I warned you far too many times!! Grab your things and follow me

Ash and Gloria: -sighed- ok...

-They both grabbed their luggage and moved to the back of the plane-

Attendant: And also, there will be a bill sent to your email for you to pay for your behavior, same with you young man -she walks away-

Gloria: Um...look on the bright side, there aren't anyone here to complain so I can laugh all I want -burst out laughing- Haha, woo!! That's a good one

Ash: -getting annoyed- Why do you keep laughing at my answers

Gloria: Oh come on who wouldn't, you really said you're planning to catch ever single pokemon, that includes legendaries and mythical pokemon which is impossible for one person to achieve'

Ash: Nothing is impossible unless you think it is

Gloria: That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Anyway back to the Dragapult question -grabs a pokeball from her backpack and throws it-

Dragapult: Rrrrrrrr!!

Ash: You have a dragapult!?

Gloria: Yeah I caught her a couple months ago, and let me tell you she's a tough one. She completely demolished my entire team until I used my ace

Gloria: I can help you find one but you will have to capture it on your own

Ash: That sounds perfect!!

Gloria: Don't expect too much, Dragapult is called the stealth pokemon for a reason

Gloria: -returns dragapult- What other pokemon are you thinking of getting?

Ash: I'll catch pokemon I feel connected to. I want to have at least 2 different sets of pokemon teams but I just don't want to catch pokemon just to catch, I want to build a bond with each of my future partners. That's how we can all get stronger by knowing and working with each other going on.

Gloria: -whispers- You're just like she described

Ash: What was that?

Gloria: Nothing nothing. -opens her backpack- Do you want to go for another round of Uno?

Ash: Sure!

-With Risa-

Attendant: Is everything to your liking?

Risa: Yes thank you, but may I ask a question?

Attendant: Ask away Miss Risa

Risa: How come I am the only person on this small plane

Attendant: You are heading directly to the ranger academy in region 3, you're of nobility, it's only fitting that you have a fast and private ride.

Risa: But I thought I bought a ticket for a regular plane

Attendant: Well for that, your future instructor insisted for you come travel like this

Risa: Ok...


"How many times have you seen the one you love die? Don't worry I have been counting, a total of 74 times? I'm impressed you still have not gone completely insane."

My body felt really hot and heavy and I could barely breathe. I kept thinking to myself what did I come here for? I know I came for something but the memory just escapes my head. Then I heard it, a voice calling me

"Clemont!! Clemont!! It's me Fennel, calm down!! If you can hear me calm down!!

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