New Friend Rosalind

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Clemont: Ok Luxray come on out!! -he jumps on Luxray's back but then it fall on its knees-
Clemont: Oh I'm sorry Luxray!!! I forgot you haven't spent much time in this place's gravity! We can walk together until you're adjusted to this pla!!! -falls face first to the ground-
Clemont: Guess I can't talk as well, ow!
-Luxray nudges Clemont's arm-
Clemont: -Are you telling me you can walk?
Luxray: Rayyyy!!!!
Clemont: -jumps on his back again- I guess I should expect this since you used to be a battle heavy pokemon. Ok Luxray let's explore the area then speed up bit by bit
-they start moving-
Clemont: (Maybe I should talk to someone in one of these buildings, but will they tell me anything? It's better than just walking around I guess)
-A female voice calls out to Clemont-
???: Hello there!!!
Clemont: huh? -looks back- Who are you?
???: My name is Rosalind
Clemont: Rosalind? -inspects her up and down- (Red hair, green eyes, wearing a floor-length skirt with a button-down shirt, also an apron over her skirt) Your hair is like the color of a rose, is that where you get your name?
Rosalind: Yes
Clemont: So do you need something?
Rosalind: Oh yes, I was wondering if you wanted to learn more about the dream
Clemont: How did you know I wanted that
Rosalind: Well first of all it's written all over your face and second you were standing in this same spot for a couple of minutes and you whispered things wanting to know more of the dream world
Clemont: Guess there's no hiding that, but what exactly can you tell me
Rosalind: It's better if you ask my parents and grandparents. I can lead the way to my house
Clemont: Why are you trying to help me?
Rosaline: want to learn about your world, the world of the living, and since you look about my age you can tell me right!! -she gets enthusiastic-
Clemont: (She doesn't look like she is lying, I guess I can tell her a couple things in exchange for what she knows) Sure! -smiles-
Rosaline: Now follow me!
Clemont: We can go faster on my Luxray
Rosaline: So that's the name of this pokemon. Is this what you call an "electric type?"
Clemont: You never seen an electric type? Wait, you also said you wanted to know about my world, were you born in the dream world!?
Rosaline: Exactly
Clemont: (Interesting, I assumed the people here came from the real world) Well come on my Luxray you can tell me more on the way) -helds his hand out to help-
Rosaline: -grabs Clemont's hand and hops on Luxray-
Rosaline: Is this safe!
Clemont: Yeah my partner here is harmless, you'll get used to riding on him soon enough, now where to?
Rosaline: Just follow the Orion constellation
Clemont: Orin constellation? -looks up at the sky- I don't see any stars
Rosaline: Me as well as people born in the dream world have special eyes. To you, you might see a red spiral sky like a void, but to me I see many stars including a crescent moon. Now can you tell me something about your world!
Clemont: Wait one moment -finishes writing in his book-
Clemont: -closes its- We should start moving now
Rosaline: Ok -points her finger in the direction of her house- Just keep going over there and when I see my place we'll stop
Clemont: What do you want to know?
Rosalind: Who do you people eat, what does the sun look like, what are the other types of Pokémon, ohh I have so many questions that can finally be answered by you -hold Clemont's hands- Thank you!!
Clemont: Thank you as well, you seem like a normal girl and perfect to talk to as well, with you maybe I can confirm somethings
Clemont: Ok first let me explain this. In my world there are 18 Pokémon types, these include Bug, Dark, Dragon, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Ice, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel, and Water.
Rosaline: That many!! In the dream world there are only psychic and ghost type pokemon
Clemont: Only psychic and ghost? I guess that makes sense since psychic pokemon can invade one's mind or put others to sleep while ghost can do the same and also invade someone's body
Clemont: There's another thing I want to clarify. -pulls out his notebook- this is what I imagined and manifested, let's say I write something on a page in the dream world, would it show up in my real note back back in my world?
Rosalind: ....That's tricky, I'm not sure, maybe my mom could answer that, I'm sorry
Clemont: It's fine but this next question I'm going to ask is extra important. What do you know about a man of the name Tobias
Rosalind: -her face was filled with shock- You mean the Tobias!?!? The man who captured Darkrai
Clemont: Yes that Tobias, do you know him?
Rosalind: Not personally but he is infamous through this entire infinite realm, not one person here doesn't know that name, but sadly I don't really got any information about him, I'm sorry again
Clemont: You don't have to apologize, but what you said has me a bit bewildered, what do you mean by infinite realm?
Rosalind: I guess you don't know, do you, we'll let me explain. The dream world is one single place, by that I mean there are no other parallel places across Arceus's great creations. This means people, Pokémon, as well as other living things from different timelines, different realities and universes are all connected in the dream world
Clemont: So I could possibly meet myself from another position in time?
Rosalind: That is correct but next to impossible, for a place to hold infinite dreams it must be infinite itselfs. The dream world is split into 3 different infinite realms that are a part of the same sphere. The realms are-
Clemont: Jigoku, Tengoku, and Rengoku
Rosalind: So you know already
Clemont: Yeah I just it about an hour ago
Hell this is Zodiac and I have two important announcements about new series, I will tell you a little bit about the first one. The title is still in the working phrase but the story is about the uni a protagonist, manga Rosa and Nate and they want to beat the gym, enter the power league, beat the elite four, and become champion. The real twist of the story is the adventure and danger that goes with it. This will not be a child friendly story, it's going to contain cannibalism, rape, murder, etc. Pokémon are actually going like how real world animals are, meaning extremely dangerous and versatile. Like I said before this is still in the working phrase, I could scrap it anytime, now for my last series announcement which I am personally really excited is most likely going to be called "The Legend of Hoopa." This story main character is Astrid and will center around the strange origin and birth of the Pokémon that we know as Hoopa, here is a beta cover which gives you something to view at and make predictions on what this is going to be about.

" This story main character is Astrid and will center around the strange origin and birth of the Pokémon that we know as Hoopa, here is a beta cover which gives you something to view at and make predictions on what this is going to be about

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