Former Elite Four Palmer

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-Inside a cave in the mountains

Palmer: Barry get ready, our visitors will be arriving soon

Barry: Why do we have to handle Jack's mess

Palmer: Your brother asked for help, it's our job as family to help him

Barry: Since when did you care about family

Palmer: That's not the issue here!!

-Both Palmer and Barry turn their heads instantly-

Palmer: Looks like our visitors are here, Barry go along

Barry: HAHAHAH You won't be fighting today cause I'm going to beat Jack's students and send them packing home!!! -heads to the entrance-

Risa: -leaps off Noivern- We're finally here

Solana: That actually didn't take as long as I thought it would. That was probably about 45 minutes. -returns flygon-

Kate: -returns Noivern- Let's g-

-Barry crashes into Kate-

Kate: Ow!! -rubs her head-

Barry: Oopsee!!! My bad -stands up and stares at Risa-

-After a moment of silence

Risa: Um...hi?

Barry: -rushes towards Risa and goes on one knee- Marry me!!

Risa: Wha-at?

Barry: -takes her hand- Your beautify, is unrivaled, please be my wife!!

Solana: -pushes Barry away- Get off you sicko, "Your beautify is unrivaled," hmph. How could you say that to her when I'm right here

Barry: -looks at Solana and then looks away in disgust- Hell no

Solana: WHAT!?!?! Are you blind!!??!

Kate: Solana, stop, we not here to prove anything, we want that key, Barry

Barry: You know my name? Oh yeah that's right!! You 3 must be Jack's students, that lucky bastard teaching this divine beauty and this cute little adorable girl. -staring at Kate and Risa-

Solana: -pops her head in front of Barry- And me right!?!

Barry: -pushes her head away- Move!! -holds Kate and Risa hand- Follow me

-They walk until they reach an arena-

Barry: -speeds to one side of the arena- You 3 are here to get the key for those chains. To do that you''ll have to beat me!!

Solana: I thought we were suppose to get the key from Former Elite Four Palmer

Barry: I'm sorry to say it, but you won't be reaching my father if you can't go through me

Solana: Father!? Why are 2 idiots related to a Former Elite Four General.

Barry: You sure do talk a lot, how about you battle me first

Solana: Gladly!! -pulls Risa with her and heads towards the other side of the arena-

Barry: You know the pokemon trainer rule right? "When the eyes of tw-

Solana: "Two trainers meet, they must battle." So come on!! -pulls a pokeball out of her pocket-

Barry: -does the same-

Kate: -goes to the middle of the arena- I'll be the ref

Barry: Fine by me, to keep it short this is going to be a 1 on 1 battle, you sure you can handle it

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