Confusion between Rangers

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Risa: Ok, now to build the fire!!

Solana: You and Kate take the lead, I got no idea what to do

Kate: Don't look at me, I don't know how to build a fire!

Risa: That's a surprise, I would have thought you would know. Well then I guess you guys just watch me. Building a fire looks difficult but trust me it's easy. We already got our wood and other smaller dry materials. Let's move further away from the river since we need a dry area.

-After some explain happens Risa final starts a spark-

Risa: There we go!!

Solana: Wow, you're actually useful for something

Risa: -gets up and moves towards Solana- Take your sarcasm and shove it up you—

Kate: -blocks Risa- Hey hey hey relax there. Let's start eating

Risa: -sighs- Just grab a stick and let's start cooking

Solana: Finally!!

-After sometime cooking the food in the fire-

Solana: Time to dig in!! -about to bite but it get snagged-

???: -flying on a Honchkrow- Thanks for the food!!

Solana: What the hell!? Get back here!!

???: Ok if you say so -flies down to the group of girls-

-two more figures appear-

Risa: Another team!! How did they not get detected by our Pokémon!?

Kate: We'll worry about that later, focus right now!! Who are you people!! -yells at the group

???: -hops off the Honchkrow- The names Ben Diez

Keith: Keith Junior

Lavana: I don't give my name out to losers

Ben: That's Lavana Hermosa

Lavana: Hey!!

Solana: So what do you want

Keith: Should be pretty self-exclamatory -throws a pokeball and a Floatzel appears- Floatzel Wave crash!!

Solana: So you want to fight! -throws a pokeball- Chesnaught spiky shield!!

-Chesnaunt guards the attack-

Ben: Just hand over the food, and we'll be on our way

Solana: Make some yourself jerks!!

Risa: Why are you trying to fight us, we're all rangers here right?

Lavana: Zip it rainbow hair, only 10 teams actually make it, so we're all enemies here. Now hand over all of your stuff

-A few seconds of silence pass-

Ben: -sighs- I really didn't want to have to fight so soon

Keith: I told you they wouldn't apply Ben, you're too soft, Lavana handle the blue hair girl, I got the famous prodigy Kate Butai

Lavana: I wanted to take Butai!!

Ben: Actually I thought we all agreed I would take Kate since I'm the strongest

Lavana and Keith: You are not the strongest!!

Solana: Hmph, they know Kate but not me. Guess the little flame princess over there is scared to fight me

Ben: A oh

Keith: Bad move

Lavana: -looks at her with a death stare- On second thought, I'll take this one on

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