Challenge 1: Hades part 5

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Korrina: Huh?
Bea: What is it?
Ash: I'm starting to get this whole aura thing in general. You know how when we battled Bea, we could feel our Pokémon. It was us, the trainer, allowing our links to be visible. Our pokemon have to be the ones to chase that link in order for unity to be made
Gloria: I'm a bit lost
Korrina: Yeah, could you like...maybe use an example and describe it in simpler terms
Bea: I believe I got it. You're basically saying that we're not the ones finding our pokemon, they find us
Ash: That's sorta right actually
Bea: But how do we make them find us?
Ash: That's the thing, you can't
Bea: What do you mean by that?
Korrina: -gets a sudden realization- It's because...they have their own wills. Pokemon have their own wants, dreams, and desires.
Gloria: I get it! We can't inherently make our pokemon do something because it goes against their own rights to freedom
Ash: Yes! Now we're getting somewhere. -grabs Dragapults pokeball- I was out training my Charizard and catching my new party member, Dragapult
Korrina: You caught a Dragapult. Aren't those things pretty rare?
Ash: They are, but I manage to find one and catch it thanks to Charizard. In the battle with Dragapult, I used what I know of aura and expanded on it. I asked Charizard what he truly desires, and I just felt a wave of his emotions pouring into me. He even managed to learn the move Dragon Rush by sharing mine and his emotions
Ash: We've been going at it all wrong Bea. We're not supposed to clear our mind when meditating, instead, we cloud it with emotions, and then our pokemon do the same. Once that is done, both the trainer and pokemon need to clear their minds together.
Ash: It's easier said than done, but it might possibly be the only way to complete this challenge and get our pokemon back.
Ash: It's starting to make sense why so many people failed this challenge. A lot of pokemon trainers use their pokemon as a means to an end, and never really try to even truly understand their pokemon.
Korrina: It's starting to make a lot of sense now, it's amazing you managed to figure that out.
Bea: I have to agree with Korrina, many people failed to see this, so how were you? -has a confused/serious look- Seriously, who are you?
Ash: That's not really important
Bea: You said something similar this morning. Are you hiding something?
Ash: (Hmph, she's really pressing me, she's not going to be satisfied until she gets an answer) Why would I be?
-Tension rises in the air-
Korrina: -grabs her arm- Stop asking him personal questions, it's none of your business
Bea: I was just curious, now let go  -forcefully let's go- 
Korrina: You've been so annoying lately
Bea: No, I'm the same Bea. I'm finally just not putting up with you anymore
Korrina: -irritated- Do you want to fight, you're purposely irritating me!?
Bea: We both know you don't want that Korrina. You'll just lose again
Korrina: Why you!! -about to rush towards Bea-
Ash: -gets in between them- Both of you stop! I'm sorry to say this but if you two don't settle your problems now, both of you will never be able to get your Pokémon!
Bea: This is fine, I'll still find Medicham
Ash: Listen to me, you can't! If you two continue to grow this selfishness in your heart, your aura will be affected. And if I'm right, it will result in your aura basically denying your Pokémon's aura. That's why so many others failed, they only really thought of themselves, or their own problems
Gloria: Yeeeeaaaahhhh I don't even know what you're saying anymore
Ash: -sighs- I'm just saying, these 2 need to make up if they want to have any hope in finding their Pokémon
Gloria: -thumbs up- I got it!
Ash: -sighs- (Oh Gloria)
Korrina: I don't think it's possible to fix something that's been in the making since we were born
Ash: I'm not asking you both to completely fix everything, just at least acknowledge each other's concerns and come to some kind of understanding
Bea: But how are you so sure!? That's my issue with you, you just seem to know these things, why is that?
Ash: I'm sorry Bea, I really can't give you a straight answer other then I simply put the clues together
Korrina: It only makes sense, he was raised by 2 world renowned professors. Of course ,he's going to be knowledgeable and quick-witted
Bea: Was I talking to you, mind your business
Korrina: You a-
Ash: -claps his hands- Look, only you two can solve each other's problem. So at least try to think of your pokemon. If you fail this, they're basically dead. That's really all I have to say, while you get this settled out I'm going to complete this challenge
Gloria: Wooooo aren't you cocky
Ash: -chuckles- Sorry if it sounded that way, anyway, good luck
Gloria: I'll come with you
-back at the pit-
Gloria: So how do we start exactly?
Ash: Not sure really, but our best bet is to try and envision memories about our pokemon
Gloria: How does that even work
Ash: I'm sorry, I don't really have the answers for this. Aura is confusing to me, at least I'm starting to pick up on it now
Gloria: -sits down and sighs- You tol me a little about you Riolu, so I tell you a little about my Cinderace. My Cinderace is special to me. I was really little when he was gifted to me as a Raboot. He really hated me, I was a bit whiny and spoiled so I don't blame him. But throughout our time together we grew closer and closer. If I'm going to be real, I think Cinderace still has a bit of hate for me cause I always get myself into danger. -laughs- Maybe it's because he is always trying to protect me. So the least I can do is to try and help save him

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