I feel so touch right now.

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When Davina was a little girl, her Lela¹ told her that their city was the kind of place that people runaway from, it was a crappy city were only criminals and looser stay.

Her Lela in her youth have been the first one, and when she grew old she became the latest, but it was okay for her because the place has kind of grown on her — "like cancer?" She asked back then and her Lela just laughed and told her that it was probably exactly like that — so she like it, even a little bit and besides she was probably still wanted in some states and her mother land was way to boring for her to return to, so yes, Gotham City was her home, and most importantly the home of her family so she was staying here until she died of old age or killed by some random gringo in a weird outfit, and since this city had lot of them she was betting for the last.

But the point here, was that Davina was still not a criminal — And she was gonna stay the hell that way because if she didn't her abuelita² was gonna murder her and Davina had no doubts about that — and was not a looser like her parents — Her Lela words not hers — so she was going to study in a fancy and good school, get in a real good university as far away from this city as possible and stay the fuck away sending lost of letters and calling at least once a week.

And since Davina was already a smart girl all she need it to do was live enough to get to the right university.

Usually that should have been the easy part, but since she lived in a city were it was a normal occurrence that people in tight spandex round around in people roof like it was the most normal thing in the world, and usually those same people tend to attack with some bullshit power just for the heck of it, staying alive wasn't so easy.

For that reason her Lela gave her rules — and her Bro also gave her some of his own — that Davina was supposed to follow all the time at all times.

Don't mess with rich people, beacuse they bring more trouble than they worth was a very important one.

So Davina was really, really sure that if her Lela found out where she was right now she would spank her so bad that she wouldn't be able to sit in a month.

"I'm sorry to be the one telling you this" She said looking a the thing with four legs that was as tall as her uncle Miguel and that his friend call a pet "but that ain't no dog that's a fucking horse" she accused pointing at the animal.

"You're being a nuisance, Titus is a perfectly good looking and healthy dog" he answered petting the animal.

"Ese es el Chupacabras yo lo sé³" Davina said looking at the dog with a little bit of distrust.

"Ella no sabe de lo que habla, no la escuches⁴" denied Damián rolling his eyes.

"Should I be worry about the fact that you care more about the feelings of a dog that all of the people you have ever met?" She asked sincerely curious about it.

"I care about your feelings, sometimes." He added the last part to be more honest.

"I feel so touch right now" she touch her chest dramatically not buying his words "but you still have to watch nation Z with me"

"Tt" he look away annoyed.

"Tough luck amigo⁵, you signed for this when you became my friend"

"I don't recall ever agreeing to that"

"You gave me the answers to my life proble—

"A math problem" he corrected

"And I fed you, according to my Lela that means that we almost made a blood pact, so you are stuck with me" 

"According to what you told me about your Lela she would kill you if she finds out that you are spending your afternoon with a Rico Gringo⁶"

"What my Lela doesn't know won't kill me, probably" just to be sure she made a sign like a prayer to saint expedito, so her Lela never found out about this. "Now come on, I want to go watch Ten K and Doc, and also I  have cookies, home made"

"The one with banana and chocolate chips?" He asked trying not to look interested but Davina knew him better.  

"Exactly those" she smiled walking to the projection room happily knowing that she was being followed.

Damián might be the exception to a lot of her rules, but he wasn't inmune to one of the more important rules of her Lela.

The fastest way to a man heart is trough her stomach  and his ego.

But lucky for Davina right know she only need it to use the first one.



Thank you for reading! And I hope you like it!

1.- Lela: is a latin affective way of saying Grandma
2.- Abuelita: Grandma
3.- Ese es el Chupacabras yo lo sé: that's the goat eater I know it
4.- ella no sabe de lo que habla no la escuches: She doesn't know what she is talking about, don't listen to her.
5.- amigo: friend
6.- rico gringo: Rich gringo



Damián: *teaching Davina how to drive*  If Grayson and Todd were in front of you what do you hit?
Davina: oh Dick, definitely I could never hurt Jay
Damian: The breaks Vina, you hit the breaks.

Damian: I can forget but never forgive
Damian: I am just walking around hating bitches, and can't remember why

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