Well I feel flatter

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As a citizen of Gotham Davina knew the Joker, the fucker had ruined clowns and circus for everyone in the city.

She also knew that the guy had a very toxic relationship with Batman — but by now Davina was pretty sure that that was the only kind of  relationship the guy had — and he would do everything in his power to have his undivided attention.

Like now when the fucker injected Damian with a more strong version of his laugh gas, what it would have killed Robin in no more than a couple of minutes if it weren't for Redrobin quick thinking.

He gave Robin a somniferous kinda of drug that helped slow the effect of the gas, but it was only a temporal Solution.

They needed a cure and lucky for them the only one who had it was a psychotic clown.

Davina let the Bat family tried to make the clown to tell them what was the cure or where they could find it for five minutes.

She pass her finger trough Robin's hair while she heard Jason pulling his guns and some kinda of fight between the brothers that lead to anything.

Her Lela had told her that one of the most important thing to do in a situation where you didn't had the upper hand was to remain calm.

Don't let other see your weakness or despair.

Was a very hard rule to follow when the life of the person that matter the most to her was on the line.

But she kept calm and waited for her opportunity.

"I'll be right back, espérame¹" she said softly watching her opportunity arise.

Redhood had kicked the joker in the stomach   sending him a couple of steps away from the heroes so Davina played her cards.

"You had your chance he is mine now" she told putting her hand in the shoulder of the villain and taking him with her.

They were going to play under her rules now.


To be honest he had been a little curios about the new member of the bats, first because she wasn't a bird but most importantly because she didn't really seem to respond to batsy but to the little bird.

Which was odd.

So he may have play a little more cruel than usual, but could you blame him? He was really curious to know what the girl was capable of doing if let loose and he was not disappoint when the girl took her chance and grabbed him right under batsy watchful eye.

When he opened his eyes it was clear that they where no longer in Gotham if the forest and the waterfall was any indicators.

"I wanted for you to meet a friend" she said walking to the waterfall.

"Well I feel flatter" he answered watching as some golden lights came from behind the waterfall, it wasn't until it was more close that he realized that they weren't lights but eyes.

Very big and glowing eyes.

"Oh you have truly good company" he said when he saw the first head of the snake monster show up and curl around the girl like a docile pet.

"I could tell you that if you don't give me the cure I  would torture you or something like that" she said making a gesture with her hand pointing at one of the heads and then at him without looking at him once "but we are from Gotham and we both know that even if a were to torture you all you'll do would be laugh"

"Oh so you do kno—he couldn't keep talking because one of the head breaht a strange black smoke right in his face making him cough "Y-You said—

"So I'll tell you exactly what I am going to do to you" she said with her eyes glowing golden looking even more dangerous than the eyes of the beast " and you are going to listen to every single word" Ophelia said tilting her head and the joker felt like her eyes pierced something inside of him.

For the first time in a very long time he felt his blood go cold.


Bruce was on the edge of a crisis, his son was about to die — again — and the only person who could help them was gone because the associate of his son decide to tried to play with the big boys and now he had to worry about her too.

The joker was a master of mental manipulation and dirty tricks, a newbie like Ophelia didn't stand a chance against him, so he had to find them before he did something to the girl and Robin wouldn't be the only one about to di—

"Grab" someone said besides him and by instint he took what was throw his way.

It was the Joker.

And the person who throw him like he was a ragdoll was Ophelia who walked in a straight line to Robin's side.

Everyone in the room went quiet because they yet couldn't understand what was happening.

Nothing of this matter to Ophelia who sit ride besides Robin and tried to make him drink the vial that had the antidote but failed because he was asleep.

She sighed and pull her mask down a little and took a sip of the antidote that it tasted like shit, she was definitely charging Damián extra for this.

Ophelia then softly opened Damian's lip and kissed him passing the liquid to his mouth massing his throat so he would drink the damn thing.

Once he drank it all she kiss his forehead and pull her mask once again to hide her face.

"How did you...?" Asked Batman sincerely confused about how a total newbie managed to make the Joker listen to her.

"Remember my promise" she said looking straight at the clown and Bruce could felt the shiver that went through the villain body.

He was scared of her.

But why? How? He didn't look hurt or bleeding, he just looked exactly how he did before she took him if not a little more tired.

What could she possibly could promise him that scared him to the point where he gave him the cure without fighting?

"I'll take him some place safe to rest" Announced Ophelia and not waiting for anyones respond she just left.

That was a bit annoying.

He would have to apologize to every person that he ever did that.

But now he had a criminal to send back to jail.


1: Wait for me.

Notes: any clue about what ophelia promise the joker? Jsjsjs I hope you like and not robins were hurt in the production of this chapter.



Joker: So I have this beautiful rock.
Joker: ophelia gave it to me.
Ophelia: I threw it at you.
Joker: She is very sweet.


Jason: *rolling down the car window * what's seems to be the problem officer?
Cop: get the fuck out of my car.

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