I like you sometimes.

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Davina might not like spending time with her classmates after class — Dami was an exception, but that wasn't something new —   but she did like getting extra credit in one of her less favorite classes such as P.E. She could run — which was something that you need it to be good on Gotham —  just fine and any other thing besides that it was just a plus that she could live without so when her teacher offer her to help her pass the class without having to climb the fucking rope in the Gym, she said yes right away.

"So this is how you do this?" Her classmate asked and she couldn't remember his name for the life of her, Mathew something? Mark? Mildred? Well that wasn't important right now.

"Yes, you are doing great" she answered avoiding the name issue, besides, with that last problem solved she was finally free for today. "your prize" she said giving him a bag of paper with some sweets.

"Chocolate chips cookies! You are the best!" He smiled taking one cookie and eating it right away.

"Well you did good today, if we keep things this way you might not need my help for much longer" Davina added taking her things so she could leave already.

"That sounds great, but I was thinking that maybe after this was all over you and I could do more things together" he suggested with a charming smile on his face.

"Like projects? Sure I mean I should probably ask Dami first since we always do then together, but I should be okay making one together" she said taking her bag with all of her things before standing up "I hope you have a nice day, bye!" She told leaving right away.

"That's not what I meant..." He sighed watching her left the library, well he could always ask her next time.


"I don't like him" said Damián making a face while he  watched the boy that Davina was helping after class.

"To be fair you don't like anyone your age" Davina answered while she was eating her lunch in the cafeteria with her friend.

"I like you, sometimes" He defend himself and he received a pointed look from his friend.

"So touching" Davina mocked rolling her eyes.

"But the point it's that I don't trust him"  he explained watching his salad like it had personally wrong him.

Damian couldn't believe that in a fancy school like this the only vegetarian option was a poor excuse of a salad.

"I don't either and that's why we always met in the library where we are never alone" She said looking at Damian's lunch and her Lela would probably faint about the lack of protein in her friend lunch.

"It one of her rules?" He asked a little curious not saying nothing when Davina  left her lunch in front of him.

It was some kind of green omelet, but it look and smell fine so he tried it. 

It was nice —it was more than nice, it was delicious and he'll have to asked  for the recipe later

"Don't trust men, and never stay with them alone" Davina said looking smug like she already knew that Damián like the tortilla.

"You stay alone with me all the time"

"That's because you aren't a man, you are a robot so no danger here"

"I am eating, robots aren't supposed to eat"

"Maybe that's what they want us to think" She told back with a smile and it was time for Damián to roll his eyes.

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