Ayuda por favor.

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When Vina was a little girl the only person that really took care of her on their house was her Bro, Donatello Vittoria, or Don for his friends and family. He was 7 years older than his Little sister, and when she was born his Lela told him that it was his job as the older brother to look after  her.

Don took that by heart and with a tiny baby Davina in his arms he promised to always take care of her.

He couldn't always keep his promise but he did his best, and Davina knew this in her heart and that was all that matter at the end of the day.

So even if they didn't longer live together — and their parents didn't knew that they were in touch — Vina met with her bro once a month.

Usually they would met in a discreet dinner place where they served Vina's favorite burger, and they would talk about how Vina was doing in school, and other little things like that, they talked about a lot of things except for one.

Her bro job.

It wasn't as much as rule but more a fact but her Lela had told her that every person in Gotham had at least one friend or family member that was a criminal.

Don was that person for Davina.

She didn't ask, and Don didn't tell, but Davina wasn't stupid and knew that nothing legal could make his brother earn enough money to pay for his new expensive leather shoes, designer coat, an expensive car — or Davina's expenses, because yes, her bro was the one paying for her bill's, her mother thought that it was her dad and her dad thought that with 10 dollars at week you could buy enough food for a whole month —

So yes, Davina knew that her bro was doing something very illegal, but that was okay, because this was Gotham and you did everything to survive here.

Returning to the point, This time because his brother had a cold she went to his house to make sure that he was okay, and since he was sick, he couldn't give Vina a ride home.

Never under any circumstances go to a black alley on your own.

It was the easiest rule to follow and Davina had the total set of mind to follow it, until he saw something shining in the beginning of the alley.

Now usually this wouldn't be enough for Vina to go to a certain rob — if she was lucky— but that particular shinny thing was something that she knew because she did it in her class of art.

A truly horrible bracelet with lots and lots of glitter — Art's was no one of her favorite classes — that she gave as a Joke to Damián, and while he looked horrify by that, he took it anyway and have being wearing it ever since — Vina was sure that he did it part to annoy her for using that monstrosity and part because she did it and he was a sap like that sometimes —

And since she was sure that this wasn't the type of place that her friend — or anyone on their school— visited on his own free will, Vina like a fool entered the fucking alley — and if something happened she was soo going to blame Dami from the grave for that —

What she found there was not really what she was expecting but this was Gotham, and this city had ways of always surprise it's citizen in the worst way possible.


When you have the life style that Alfred had, with masters that have as a job running in tight latex suits in one of the most dangerous places of the world, and fight with the people that made that place so dangerous you where hardly ever surprise.

It didn't happen often, but it did happen sometimes.

Like now, when one of his charge best friend was holding said charge in her arms clearly struggling to keep both of them standing.

And it was also the fact that his charge was in his latex suit.

"Ayuda, por favor¹" Davina begged looking clearly distress and in the edge of a panic attack.

"Of course, here let me" he tried to take Master Damián from her and for a moment he was sure that she was going to attack him, but then she hesitate and gave Master Damián to him.

Lucky for them, Master  Damián wasn't severely wounded, by what Alfred could see he probably was hit with some kind of sleep drug, and before he was taking captive he runway and hide himself between a couple of can of trash in some random alley where Davina found him — and recognize him for the bracelet next to him—

Now Alfred knew that he should tell this to master Bruce, but he was also sure that he would have a very unlucky opinion about Davina knowing their secret, and that would lead to a fight between father and son — son's maybe, if master Jason and Tim found out too

And he also knew that it couldn't being easy for miss Davina to carried Master Damián all the way to the manor, fearing that in any corner someone could target them just because any villain would pay good money for getting their hands on Robin — and they would have probably killed Davina on the spot, or made something worse to her—

Davina was a smart girl, and the smart thing to do in that situation it was looking the other way and move on, but instead of doing that she took the hard way probably saving master Damian's life in the process.

Alfred looked at the end of the room where miss Davina was holding Master Damián hands not moving away from him for even a second, she in fact haven't move from his side  all time since she entered the manor.

Well maybe he could wait a little before telling master Bruce, miss Davina and Master Damián had earn that.



1.- Help please.

I told you that I was going to bring more chapters! And all love to Alfred he is the only beacon of hope on Gotham and you can't change my mind!

Thank you for reading and commenting love you people!



Davina: I made you a friendship bracelet
Damián: I don't wear jewelry
Davina: oh that's fine then I can take it ba—
Damián: Back up! It's mine now and I'll wear it forever.


Tim: Damián gave me a "get better soon" card.
Dick: oh that's nice of him.
Tim: I wasn't sick, he just thought that i could do better.

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