Please don't eat me

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"be a sidekick he said, it's going to be fun he said" Ophelia mumbled watching the now not so small Hydra getting every time more close to her.

It was the size of a dog now, a very green and three heads dog — And for the record Davina didn't particularly liked dogs or animals on general —

"I'll be easy he said" she mumbled looking around in Damián's room.

She just wanted a nap.

And maybe eat Alfred cook, so instead of going home she came here when Damián was with his K-pop band — the teen something? She really should pay more attention to what he said but in her defense she was raised to not hear anything hero or villian related to no get in troubles— to sleep a nap on his bed.

But instead of a neatly clean room she found a mess and a very happy Hydra that was no longer the size of a small cat.

And she couldn't ran away because one of the heads had fucking electricity — Because of course that had that, fucking Gotham and it's stupid Law of Murphy that applied in the lest convenient ways —  coming out of his mouth that mess with her ability.


This is not how she expected to die.

She didn't really thought about her death much but she really didn't want to end up like food of a three headed lizard.

So she did the only thing that came to her mind at the time.

"Please don't eat me, because I'll swear that if you do I'll give you the worst stomach ache of your life" Davina promised closing her eyes when boris came more closely.

She really wanted that Boris took it's time whit her so she could write with blood on the floor that she blame Batman for this.

She knew that in theory daddy bat didn't had nothing to do with this but he still deserved the fault for being an asshole to his son's, or just in general really.

Davina close her eyes waiting for her death until she felt something soft caressing her leg.

Davina opened one of her eyes and saw one of the heads nudging against her leg softly.

Boris was being... Nice to her?

Ophelia blinked a couple of times, maybe it didn't want to eat her after all.

Did she freak out for nothing?

Well luckily for her there was no witnesses to kill to keep her dignity intact.

"This little mistake is between just the... both? Of us" she said petting boris on one of it's head and yes it liked it a lot.

"Ohh you are not a bad hydra, you are a  very good Hydra, the best" she complimented and the animal seem to preen for that.

Now she  really wanted to keep petting it for a while longer but if the bites on the bed and furniture were any indication Boris was hungry and Davina really didn't want to found out what will happen if he didn't found anything else to eat.

So she did what she usually did when she was hungry in the Wayne manor.

"Alfred!" She called with a smile.


"I am happy to see that it suits your taste" said Alfred to boris who was happily eating the food that the butler gave it.

"Thanks Alfred, I didn't knew what to give it" she said honestly.

"It's okay, I have a lot of experience with wild animals thanks to master Damián" he answered with a smile. "Did you already think of what doing with it?"

"Well it can throw up electricity, poison and God knows what else so I called Damián to found it a place where he can't be used or hurt" Davina said petting once again the heads of Boris who was happy for the attention.

"I see, that's good but I don't think that it's going to be happy being all alone"

"I guess I can pay it a visit or two, it is kinda cute" she recognized. "Don't tell Damián that I said that, he'll never let me forget that"

"It would be our secret" Alfred answered with a polite smile.


Boris was happy.

They knew that if they went looking for they're caretaker she would help them.

And now they live in a pretty lagoon with a forest that had lots of space for them and food.

And from time to time they caretaker would came to read story to them and spent some time with them.

They like it a lot!

They were very happy now.


Notes: miss me? Well I am here and alive! Maybe for now anyway jsjsjsjsjs I hope you like it and soon I am going to published my new fic about the Vittoria family!

Thank you for reading and I love you all!



Jason: I have an idea.
Davina: a good idea?
Damian: let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Davina: You should apologize to Tim.
Jason: Fine.
Jason: *To Tim* unfuck you or whatever

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