what's wrong?

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When Davina was little her mother had a spiritual awakening — or at least that's how she called it — and join a cult — Her mother called it with a more... Friendly name but Davina even as a child knew what a cult was and the thing that her mother join was definitely one —

His father hadn't being happy about it.

Specially for the fact that her mother not only left him to join to a new religion but she became one of the spiritual wife of the cult leader who was younger and more handsome than his dad.

A fucking crazy punk his father call him.

In her defense her mother did try to take her and Don with her but by that time Don was older enough to know that anything that had the word cult on it couldn't end well, specially not on Gotham so he refused, and Davina?

Well maybe for the first time her dad, brother and Lela were on the same side, there wasn't a fucking chance that they'll leave Vina go with her mom and become a fucking hippie.

Not long after that her Bro left for good and her dad became a workaholic and got a slightly better job and they moved to a better place on town.

In the end her father prohibited her to have contact with her bro and mother because they were bad influences for her.

She still saw her bro because he care for her even if they didn't longer live together.

But her mom...

She send some letters on the beginning but after a couple of years well... They just stopped, and Davina totally got it.

Being on a cult couldn't be easy so she probably was to busy to write, or use a phone or visit at all.

Dad live with her and he barely saw him anymore so...

It was fine.

Davina was too busy anyway with school and everything.

Yes, she was busy.

So she didn't felt bad on the mothers day with the other children making cards for their mothers, of course not.

She also didn't feel sad when other kids where picked by their mothers after school and she had to walk the whole walk home — an empty one —  on her own.

And she totally didn't feel disappointed every year on her birthday when not a single letter would come with his mother signature on it.

She was fine.

Completely and totally fine.

In Gotham City there were hundreds of family more dysfunctional than her's so she should be feel thankful for what she had.


The last thing she knew about her mother is that she was fine and happy in her cult so everything else was fine.

When you loved someone all you ever wanted for them was their happiness even when it hurt you — right?

Even when you were forgotten and you felt like crying most of the time for no apparent reason.

But that was okay because all that keep her in the path of knowing Dami and finally — Finally for the first time on her whole life — feel like she was enough for someone.

To the point where she hadn't really thought about her mom in a very long time.

Not until now.

"Your mom is death" said his dad on the phone.

Usually it was Davina who called him to make sure that he was still alive and well so she was really surprised when she saw his name in the ID of the call.

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