You ruined me too

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Damián started to move around in the mattress not been available of choosing a confortable enough position to sleep.

This was ridiculous.

All of this was Vina's fault.

A couple of months ago when a mission went wrong Damián end up in the hospital for a couple of days, it was nothing to serious, but Vina have being worried for him so she only left when it was absolutely necessary, and in the night she might have sneak out in his room to be with him.

And since the sofa next to him wasn't comfortable enough to sleep they slept together on his bed.

And when he returned to his manor, Vina still didn't trust him enough  to let him alone on the night — Wich was partially fair he assumed — so they slept together once again... And after that they never really stop.

Vina had shared her bed with her family most of her life, so she was used to sleeping next to someone else and used little space in the bed, and besides she run a little high in body heat, a thing he lack leaving him always cold in the night, but with Vina he slept to just the right temperature.

And maybe... Just maybe it was nice to sleep next to someone who he knew care about him, and whose heartbeat he could hear after a bad day or nightmare.

Finally he gave up and took his phone and call his friend — Whose contact information was under the name My Queen, after he lost a bet

"Dami?" He heard right away remembering that his friend had a honestly horrible sleeping schedule when he wasn't around.

"You ruined me" Damián complain passing a hand through his hair.

"Okay? You'll have to be more specific than that" she laughed and Damián felt wronged about the fact that just that made him feel already a bit better.

Stupid feelings and stupid Vina that made him feels stuff.

"Are you alone?" He asked when he realized that she was talking normally instead of using a more quiet tone in order of not waking up the person sleeping in the room next to her.

"Oh Dami if this is your try to get me to have sex phone with you, you'll have to tried harder I am not such an easy girl" she joked making him roll his eyes "My Lela didn't raised a fool, a fucking psycho maybe but not a fool"

"Tt" he answered but he was smiling taking advantage about the fact that she couldn't see him smile.

"You love me and you know it" Davina accused him "but it's okay because against my better judgement I like you too, somedays I even see you as a Human instead of the  undercover ciborg that you clearly are"

"Being good in math doesn't make me a ciborg"

"And that's exactly what a ciborg would say, you don't fool me" she answered and if Damián closed his eyes for  just one moment he could see her smile.

Stupid fluffy and smooching feelings, he was fine living without them before, Davina had truly and utterly ruin him, didn't she?

" Can you believe that my bro call me while he was working?"  Davina complain with that tone that she used when she pretend that she was annoyed for something but it was actually the opposite "I mean, how am I  supposed to pretend plausible denial if I can heard someone screaming in the middle of the call?"

"I am supposed to heard this?"

"If I fall you fall with me, that's all what friendship is about"

"About going to jail together?"

"Exactly" Vina said sounding exactly like every time that she explained something about friendship that he was supposed to know.

Where Vina got all this information was unclear seem he was pretty sure he was the first friend that Vina ever made — and yes he felt a little smug about it but he would never said that out loud or Vina will never leave him forget it — or at least her only true friend.

People liked Vina — at least a lot more than they liked Damián —  but most of the time the feeling wasn't mutual, in that regard they where the same, they avoid people like the plague, the only difference between them was that Vina was pretty good at pretending that she like people back.

She would be an amazing actress if she tried, about that Damián had no doubt.

He too was a good actor but he lack something that made people not trust him when he was trying to play nice, and Vina was a pro at playing that she actually care for people feelings — More than once Vina had complaint about a random girl on their school or a cousin telling her all of her life problems to her, and it was a little bit hilarious the fact that people actually search for Vina to tell her their things when truly the girl couldn't care less —

"Dami?" Vina call him and he was probably not paying attention to what she was saying but hey, it was almost three in the morning so it was normal that he wasn't available to pay attention that good. " I can't sleep"

"I would have never guessed" he answered.

"Can you come? Please" she asked in a soft voice and Damián looked at his room that even after all of this year's on the manor still felt cold and empty, the only times when it didn't felt that way was when he could feel the warmth of another person next to him.

"Yeah, I can" he said raising from bed. " I'll be there in 10"

"Dami" Vina called once again and for a while she was quiet and Damián was about to ask what she wanted when he heard her voice again "you ruined me too" she confessed and for someone like her who like to pretend that she was independent and didn't need anyone that couldn't being easy.

"Yeah, I know"

"Don't be late" she end up the call and Damián just took a backpack with all of the things he would need in the morning and left.

At least tommorow — or today to be more specific— was Saturday so they could sleep for a while longer than usual.

Exactly 15 minutes later Damian was crawling in a familiar bed, feeling just in place when the owner of the bed made herself comfortable in his arms.

"You know that this is pretty much codependency right?" She asked with a soft voice sounding already relax.

"Yes" he answered smelling the strawberry shampoo that Vina loved, once she was secure and good using his chest as a pillow.

"Should we do something about it?" Vina said with a tone way more sleepy than when she asked him to come.


"But that is the healthy thing to do..."

"And when someone in our families have ever done the healthy thing to do?" He said for her and was rewarded with a sleepy little laugh.

"True, so we stay this way, since it would go against our families principles to do something about it"

"Sounds good to me"

"Yeah, to me too" she mumbled finally going to sleep and it didn't take much for Damián to fall asleep when he could felt the warmth of his person next to him.

If you asked him, a healthy way of living was way to boring for him.

Note: here I am again! Did you like it? Thank you for reading love you guys!


Damián: you are the scum of the earth. You absolutely disgusted me, how dare you to even come within   10 feet of me you animal?

Tim: I Just ask you if you wanted pineapple on your pizza!!!


Talia: Damián is at that special age when he can only thing about one thing

Bruce: girls?

Damián: homicide

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