I am not a Robot Vina.

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Jason didn't like to go to the manor if he didn't have to go, usually was because he was... Cordial with his family in the best case, and they could work together from time to time but that didn't mean that he liked spending time with them when he didn't have to.

It was awkward and almost all the time they end up in a fight, so he was pretty sure that he was making them a favor by not going.

But he had a rough couple of days because of  work and now all he really wanted was to spend some time with Alfred, cooking together maybe, and drink some tea.

And besides Bruce wasn't supposed to be around today so no awkward encounter there — or forced small chat to would most likely end up in a fight —

As far as he knew the only people on the mansión were Alfred and the Little demon who was manageable, so you could imagined his surprise when he found a strange girl in the kitchen with Alfred.

A very familiar strange girl... Why did he have the feeling that he already met her before? Is this what they call a deja vu?

"Oh I didn't heard you coming master Jason, welcome" Said Alfred when he spotted Jason in the kitchen door.

"Long time no see Alfred" He answered walking to the butler to given him a hug. "Who's your new friend?" He asked watching the girl who was very focused on her task at hand, someone who took cooking seriously, he already like her.

"Oh this is Miss Davina, she is a friend of Master Damián from school" he explained taking another ingredients for the recipe from the table. "Here a little more of salt" he said to the girl who smiled and took the salt with a little thanks.

"Can the little demon make friends?" He asked really surprised.

Davina... That name ringed a bell in his head but not completely, where did he heard it before? It wasn't such a common name it shouldn't be that hard.

"Shockingly isn't?" Asked the girl without taking her eyes from what she was cooking "I didn't know that robot could made friends until I met Damián" she added with a little  playful smile.

"I am not a robot Vina" Someone said from behind and Jason could recognize Damián's voice but that wasn't what really took his attention.


He did knew that name.

The people around him was talking but he didn't pay attention, he was just looking at the girl with familiar brown hair and eyes of the same color.

Her eyes didn't longer looked irritated, she must had got used to her contact lents.

She grow up good, he was happy for that not a lot of people could do that in Gotham.

Jason needed a moment to ordered his though.

He left the kitchen and went to his old room where they still were some of his old stuff.

He searched in a tiny box of shoes under the bed and found some things that he brought with him when  Bruce adopted him.

Between other stuff he found a tiny book, Stardust by Neil Gaiman, a story of love about a star that literally felt from the sky and the poor skinny guy that found her.

That book was one of the only gesture of kindness that he ever received as a child on the street — hell even in his whole life —

A little girl with irritated brown eyes gave it to him, with a bag of cookies and a sandwich for his birthday.

The little girl was looking for her older brother after he runway from home, she really missed him, she said, and wanted for him to come home so she went to look for him.

But didn't have luck, and instead found a dirty kid with a book way too old and used on his hand, the little girl recognize the tittle and decide to give the food that she brought with her to the kid who haven't eat in days.

The little girl came back a couple of times after that and everytime she would bring something from him even when he told her that she didn't need to do it.

When she found out that it was gonna be his birthday she gave him a special present.

Her favorite book, and special cookies.

Jason used to walk her home to make sure that nothing happen to her.

He never forgot that little girl, and always wanted to meet her again, but when he had the mind to do it she didn't longer live in her old house and Jason took it as sign that it was better for her that he stayed away from him.

But now...

She was on his kitchen.

Maybe this was another sign.


Notes: We have Jay! And who is Team Damián and Team Jason now? I am sucked for good used Cliches and meeting as a child and not remembering is one of the ones I hate with passion so I decide to used to show the right way of using it.

Love you all! Thanks for reading and the comments!



Damián: Love is weakness. Any super hero Guided for his emotion is a disgrace to the job.
Dick: ...
Dick: You are literally making a Valentine's day card to Davina right now.
Damián: *pointing with glue gun threateningly* you are in fucking thin ice.


Jason: *fighting Harley* This is confusing! Is it sexist to hit you, is it more sexist not to hit you, the line gets real blurry!

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