He is not my boss.

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"I am pretty sure snakes aren't supposed to have three heads" Said Ophelia in the cave where Robin summed her to see a new species that they took from some mercenary.

"It's because it's not a Snake" said Robin rolling his eyes under his domino mask.

"Yeah, yeah is an Hydra, but aren't they supposed to be you know, a legend?" She asked watching the tiny little snake in the glass box that seem to look back at her.

She didn't really like snakes — or animals in general to be honest, they were cute when they were young and tiny but once they grew up they'll all became a menace, except for Goliath who was a love and would always be — but this one was a little cute for the way that it tried to come to her, apparently it was friendly.

"We are still trying to determinate where it came from" answered his friend changing his clothes.

"Did you already gave they a name?" She said touching the glass a little watching how the tiny thing put their forehead in the same spot as the point of her finger —awww that was cute right there —

"Batman said no to get attached to it" Answered Damián already in his normal clothes.

"Ouroboros, yes that seems like a proper name to a snake so mighty as you" She said with a tiny smile under her mask "boris for friends and family"

"What part of don't get  attached you don't understand?" Sighed Damián by her side watching the little snake with interest, it wasn't so friendly a while ago...

"He is not my boss, besides everybody deserves a name, and it likes theirs right boris?" she asked to the little criature who looked excited about the prospect of having a name of it's own. "See? it likes it" she said sounding smug.

"Yeah, yeah, you already see it, and I am ready, let's go" He said back taking Ophelia's hand in his.

"Yeah, sure" she sighed taking a step back away from the little snake who seem to not like the new distance "bye-bye Boris" she called goodbye and then she was gone leaving behind a blue smoke after her.


Since they birth they had only saw strange creatures that weren't really friendly, so they have being scared for a while.

They were supposed to be take care by someone else, they knew this, but none of the creature that they have met looked anything like them, so they couldn't be their caretaker.

And then they saw golden eyes, they have those too!

They watched at the creature and then they watched they reflection in the thing that it was half transparent, yes, they have the same eyes!

Besides this one looked way more nice and friendly that the others they have saw!

They managed to understand a little of what it was saying, creature speech wasn't really that hard.

It gave them a name!

They have never had one of those.

Boris, it sounded strong and mighty, they were those things! Clearly this was the caretaker that they were looking for!

But then when they finally found it, it disappeared! It totally vanish!

They have to found it!

They tried to hit the wall with their heads but I didn't broke so they had to use other means.

Luckily their toxic gas managed to melt the wall, and they fell to the ground, since there all they have to do was to find their caretaker smell and tracking it down.

They could do that, they were Boris! They were strong and mighty.


"Are you cold?" Asked Damián seeing Davina shivering a little.

"No, I just got a bad feeling, it must be nothing" she denied shaking herself a little focusing her attention in the tv were Francis and Deadpool were fighting.

And even after she told him she wasn't cold, Damián still hugger a little tighter giving her a little of his none existing body heat, so everything was alright.


Note: I liked three head snakes okay? It's just to cute! But in books in reality I would totally loose my shit if I find a snake. .

Thank you for reading and for the comments!



Jason: *taps pen*
Damián: *taps pen back*
Tim: Stop that!
Damián: Stop what?
Tim: I know you are talking about me on morse code.
Jason: Yes, that's what we are doing. In our very limited free time we took classes of very outdated and very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you.
Damián later to Davina: That's exactly what we did.


Davina: it's 4 a lot?
Damián: it depends.
Damián: dollars? No.
Damián: Murders?
Damián: Also no.

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