Damián I am scared.

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"I am not going" Refused Damián in the moment that Davina show him the invitation to the spring dance of their school.

"You are right, you're not going, we are going" She smiled happily.

"I'm not going and that is final" he said finally and Davina made a cute little pout but Damián was already death set on not going to that monstrosity that they call School dance.

He already had to go to too many events because of his last name so if he could said no to one, he would do it without hesitation and not even Vina looking all cute and pretty would change that, besides Vina didn't even remember half the name of their classmate and hated  with passion — almost as much as him — crowded places so he didn't understand why she wanted to go in the first place. 

"I don't even understand why you want to go to that hideous thing" He said honestly and Davina sighed a little.

"Sometimes girls like to were pretty dresses and make up and feel pretty, I wanna feel pretty Dami" She said hugging him and that was playing dirty and they both knew it.

Damian usually hated physical contact, but there was something soothing about it when  Vina was the one who did it... It was nice.

"You are always pretty" he answered back and that earn him an unimpressed look.

"Good try but I still want to go" she smiled realising him and dropping to the couch next to her.

"And I won't go" He denied once again and he had a little stare contest with Vina for a solid moment.

"Fine" she gave up taking her phone from her pocket "Then I guess I'll just have to go with someone else" wait what?

"Someone  asked you?" He asked trying to remember who of their classmates had show interest in Vina recently.

"Maybe" she said not even looking on his direction "but I was actually thinking of going with someone outside school since is allowed" someone outside school? Vina didn't interact with anyone outside their school and her family, well there wer—

"No" He said in the moment that it hit him who exactly Davina was thinking on taking to the dance.  

"What?" She asked back looking all innocent and nice, but Damián knew better "by the way, who do you think would have free this Friday night Tim or Jay?"

Damian was pretty sure that if Vina asked those two buffon's they would say yes without hesitation even if they were in the middle of an important mission.

"Tt" he closed his eyes for a moment and prayed for patience, she couldn't leave him win, could she? "Fine, I'll go—

"Yes! I knew that you actually care about me—

"But" he interrupted her giving her a look that asked for total silence "It'll be under my own terms, okay?"

"Fine" She agreed easily smiling a little too bright and okay know Damián felt a little bad for refusing when it made Vina so happy.


"Damian I am scared" Said Vina By the phone and Damián smiled a little if he had to suffer Vina too, her rule, friends share pain.

"You said that you wanted to feel pretty so I hired only the best to achieve your goal" He said choosing between shoes knowing that right now Vina was surrounded with people that'll treat her like a Doll while they talk about how fun was to be young and stuff like that, so pretty much hell to Vina "have fun"

"Wait Dami thi—Damian end up the call already feeling a lot better about this whole thing.

Until Dick entered his room and Damián felt a need that he hadn't feel in a while, the need of cut his  brother neck  and be done with it, but Vina would be sad if he couldn't go to the dance with her because he was running away from the police and his Father. 

So he controlled himself, and let his brother talk about hormones, hotels, condoms and be a gentleman while he tried his best to forget all of this.

If he thought that I couldn't get worse he was terrible wrong, because when he was finally leaving he got stopped by his father and for the way he talked he was pretty sure that Dick was the master mind of all this.

He was going to pay, Damián would make sure of that even if it was the last thing he did.

"The driver would take you to whatever place you want to go after the dance, and... Be safe" he was really sure he was not talking about his health so he decided to ignored it.

"Thank you father" he said actually thanking the fact that this was about to be over.

"Have fun" he wished him awkwardly and finally, finally Damián could leave, he really hoped that this night was worth the trouble. 


It was worth, all the hell he had to spend because of his family was worth this.

A thousand times worth it.

Davina was... Breathtaking.

She had her long hair falling from one of her shoulders — and by the way that it was shining he was sure that it had some kind of glitter that was also in her make up — like cascades, the make up was notorious but not in a bad way, but actually just enlighten her natural beauty, and she was wearing a very long blue dress with a lot of  sparklers in the chest and that seem to fall to the rest of the dress — he knew that it would fit Davina just right

"Do I look pretty?" She asked walking to meet him in the door of the limo.

"You always look pretty" he answered taking the corsage and putting it in her wrist "but today you look breathtaking" he said honestly watching Davina smile with a little blush on her cheeks.

"You don't look so bad yourself" she said letting Damián open the door for her helping her with her dress "now tell me in the scale of one to your mom asking me when where planning to have children's, how awkward was your talk with your dad?" She asked sounding amuse.

"You have no idea" he sigh getting in the limo with her.

In the end they only spent about an hour in the dance of their school before they decide to make an escape and go for something to eat.

They also ditched the limo and the driver because they couldn't really explain him how they got to the roof of one of the most tall building in Gotham just to be available to watch the stars while they eat their burgers— a vegetarian for Dami —

In all it was a rather good evening, besides Damián would never regret making Vina happy.

And in the morning he got his revenge when all of his family seem want to know if he did used the box of condoms that Dick gave him.

So Damián just sat there and enjoyed the awkwardness of wanting to make questions but not been available to do then without looking like a perfect pervert.


Notes: More fluff! And Damián and Vina are together? Maybe I don't know.

Thank you for reading! Love you!



Dick: *screams*
Jason: *screams harder to assert dominance*
Tim: Should we do something?
Damián: No. I want to see who wins.


Tim: I think we are missing something.
Jason: Teamwork?
Damián: Cohesión?
Davina: a general sense of what we're a doing?

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