I'll go get the shovel...

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"I thought that meta weren't supposed to get sick" Said Damián with his head on a bucket probably about to throw up all his food from this last week.

"That's racist" Answered Davina with a blanket all wrapped around her while she hugged the toilet sit without much strength "and we get sick sometimes, I once had a neumonía when I was little"

"You what?" He asked taking a deep breath to keep the food on his stomach there for a while longer.

"It started as a cold. Dad was working and mom and Don weren't around so there was nobody left to take care of me, I thought that if I slept enough it would go. Long story short it did not" Davina said throwing up the last of her stomach content on the toilet. "I am going to kill my classmate"

"I'll go get the shovel..." Damián added feeling like the whole room was spinning around so he just lay down on bed "if I survive"

"Weak" Davina accused him just letting herself fully fell into the floor of the bathroom, a nap sounded like the best idea but why was the bed so far away?

Well at least she had her blanket.

If she survived this Davina was definitely going to murder her classmate.

All this started three days ago when Davina had to do a project with a classmate who had the flu, and like the total control freak that he was instead of letting Vina do her part alone until he got better and was no longer a home for all kind of germs the neurotic moron insisted in supervising all of her work which meant spending time together.

So davina got the flu and since Damián lived with her — And had a lot of personal contact with her — he got it too.

And now they were both suffering on their apartment.


Vina was a little disoriented.

The last thing that she remembered was going to sleep on the cold bathroom floor but now she was on her comfy bed all warm and cozy.

Did Damián put her here?

Unlikely, the only reason why Davina got the toilet and Damián the bucket was because Damián couldn't even stand without falling to his knees on the next 3 seconds.

Davina really doubedt that he somehow got better enough to not just walk on his own but to carry her to bed.   

Did someone break in? Wait there was someone else that had a key.

When she could hear someone in the kitchen she knew that they were going to be okay so she went to sleep again.

They were in good hands.


Damián could heard Jason — he wasn't really sure when he started to call him like that on his mind — nagging them about how they should have called him when they realize that they got the flu.

And how irresponsible was of them to just lay around and wait for the best, between other things.

He really talked a lot and Damián's mind wasn't really fast enough right now to follow all of his words.

But what he did got was that Jason did them soup, make them take some medicine and after making sure that they were both comfortable enough was cleaning their apartment.

And Damián didn't felt annoyed about him taking care of them, he felt...  Fluffy and soft things in his belly — and he was just partially sure that they weren't a symptom of the flue —

It felt nice. Like when Davina took care of him when he was injured.

When Davina and him decided to start dating they made a list of the things that they wanted on their future partner.

This list went like that:

• Loyal — because they were and they wanted to have as much as they gave. —
• Hot — or cute enough
• trustworthy — because they had a lot of secrets —
• smart — they wanted to be available of have long and meaningful conversations —
• caring — because they knew that sometimes they weren't the best at taking care of themselves —
•  strict — when they were beings little shits —

And most importantly they had to be someone they knew that they would be there for them when they felt like the weight of the world was crushing them.

He checked all the tiny boxes insides his head for a second until he felt Davina's hand squeezing his.

He looked at her and he knew.

Davina came to the same reasoning as him.

Apparently what they were looking for was right in front of them all of this time.

They both nodded and silently agreed of making their move when the weren't longer bath in sweat and feeling like shit.

Yes, that was probably a good idea.


Note: Hello people! Miss me? I miss you guys a lot! I have being so busy lately but here I am with a new chapter! And soon I would be with a new fic too! It's about the life of three normal siblings on Gotham, well normal for Gotham standards anyway jsjsjs.

Thanks you for reading and love you!



Dick: I dare yo—
Damian: Jason isn't allowed to accept dares anymore.
Dick: why not?
Jason: "I have no regard for my own or others people safety", as some people would say.

Tim: I lost Damián.
Davina: How did you Lose Damián?!
Tim: To be fair, he's very quiet.

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