take care little bird.

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Tim was feeling a headache coming, he had been looking at the same police report for what felt like an eternity and he still didn't have a clue that would leave him more close to finish the case.

"Any luck?" Someone said behind him and if wasn't by the fact that the owner of the voice was someone that Tim was super aware all the time he would probably have missed it.

"I-I Vina?" He asked leaving his computer a little to look at the girl that it was walking to him using one of his shirt... It was him of the room was way hotter now? And did you guys felt that? That was the heart of Tim coming to an early stop.

"I brought you a cup of coffee, your favorite" she said sitting in Tim's lap like it was the most normal thing in the world.

This was it, this is the way that Tim was going to die.

He couldn't say that he minded very much to be honest.

But... There was just one thing that it was bugging him, the first time that he looked at her she didn't have the cup with her...

"Where did you find the cup?" He asked because Tim was just that neurotic and he needed to know everything.

"You don't want the coffee?" She said with a confused look and no, that wasn't the point, the point was tha—"then you want something more sweeter?" Davina asked with a more sweet tone closing the distance between their faces, and what a cup was to begin with? Tim didn't know and didn't care to know either.

Oh here so close he could smell the lovely smell of strawberry that Davina always had.

He could almost taste them, and maybe he would be available to taste them in Vina lip—

"Young master Timothy" someone called and it make him jumped out of his seat waking him immediately.

"A-Alfred" he said blushing a little about the dream that he was having praying that he didn't say nothing while he was sleep. "Good morning"

"Miss Vina is on the kitchen eating her breakfast with Master Damián I thought that you'll like to know that" said the Butler and Tim felt so mortified that Alfred knew that just saying that Vina was in a place was like the best invitation that Tim could get to go that place.

Of course Alfred made use of this to get  Tim to eat more often with them — making sure that Tim ate something more than coffee —

"I'll be there in a minute" he said passing his hand through his hair.

"His breakfast would be waiting for you" answered the butler leaving Tim alone, well he was not completely alone.

Tim had his shame, wich was his closest friend since his dignity decide to take a vacation.


"You should forget about her and move on" Said Steph who was helping him with the case and of course couldn't do it without prying in his personal life.

"You only say that because you shipp them" and it wasn't like Tim hadn't already tried to do that, he have being trying to do that since he met Vina and until this day he didn't got much luck with that.

"And every person in Gotham, I am saying this for you own good Timbo, if you mess with their relationship you'll have half of Gotham trying to murder you for ruining their OTP" wich was a fair point to be honest... It was all fault of that stupid Tumblr page dedicated to Gotham's favorite goal couple wich was cover of pictures of Damian with Vina being well.. themselves.

"They are not a couple" he defend himself because until now Damián or Vina haven't say not even once that they were and Tim was paying close attention to it.

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