Is cheesey

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Something was wrong.

Well that was obvious since the were tied in th ground of an old factory with a villain giving his speech about all the trouble that he will bring to the city and the way to complex way that he was going to use to kill them all.

And usually Tim would be a lot more worry about finding a way out for him and his brothers to make it up alive of this predicament that they found each other in.

But Damián was quiet.

Too much to be normal.

Usually this was the part that Damián started to taunt they captors or complaint about how all of this was his fault.

But instead of that Damián was deadly quiet looking a little bit smug, like he knew something than no one else knew and was just waiting for it to blow up in everyone faces.

So Tim was not really all that worry for their current situation.

"Are you listening to me?"  asked angrily the villain of the week who's name Tim knew but to be honest he didn't really care to remember, he was just a wannabe villain that would end up in blackwater by the end of the month probably for his own stupidity, the only reason why he managed to captured them was because he had more goons that Tim originally thought giving them the upper hand momentarily.

"I have being listening" someone said in the back "and I have a question" the same person asked and suddenly besides the villain was a new person. "I have always wanted to know if villain usually rehearsal their evil monologue or they just come up with them in the moment" she asked like it was the most normal thing in the world making the villain lose his cool.

"I ... what?" He asked looking very confused and Tim couldn't really blame him when the girl literally appeared out of thin air "who are you?"

"It's not very polite to ask for someone else name without giving your first, didn't your mother tell you that?" She said this time in the other side of the room besides some of the goons.

"You?! Who are you?!" He asked more angrily and more flustered

"Sorry I was told not to give my name to strangers" She answered this time behind Damián "oh but I can tell you something" She said cheerfully taking some kind of device from her pocket "goodnight" the girl told pressing a little black button in the device on her hand and all the goons and villain dropped to the ground like flies.

Electrocuted flies that was.

That had to hurt.

"You know when a pretty boy call me at two in the morning this is not the kind of fun that I am expecting" she said realising Damián.

"What took you so long?" Damian asked back helping Dick out of his restrictions.

"Oh you are very welcome, it was nothing" she answered sarcastically realising Tim next.

"Thank you Ophelia" he said and he immediately slap himself mentally.

Ophelia was the way he was calling the mystery girl in his mind because she didn't have a name of her own.

"Ophelia?" She asked sounding a little confused.

"I well... I gave you that name." He said awkwardly looking at everything but her. "But you don't have to used it if you don't like it"

"Ophelia for the crazy chick in macbeth?" Asked this time Jason sounding a little curious.

"No!" He denied right away "I... Is after a constellation" because her eyes shine like stars but he couldn't say that out loud or at least not without  having to commit suicide to save him from the shame.    

"Is cheesy" Said Damián like the asshole that he was, at least with Tim, not missing the opportunity to make fun of Tim.

"I like it" Approved the girl "Ophelia, yes, I like it very much, Thank you pretty bird" She thanked and Tim was thankful that  it was dark and they couldn't see the blush in his cheeks.

"It was nothing" he mumbled a little proud with himself.

"Hey, why he got a pet name and I don't?" Pouted Dick because even when Tim truly loved his brother he knew that he couldn't resist to flirt with a pretty girl.

"He gave me a name so he gets special treatment" she answered yawning and stretching herself a little "well I don't know about you guys but I need my beauty sleep so I am leaving, Robin a ride?" She asked offering her hand to Robin.

"Hey is not fair that only Robin gets a Ride" complained Jason and now Robin was giving them an smug grin.    

"Tough luck buddy" she lowered her shoulders while Robin took her hand and with her free hand she signed goodbye to Tim and in the blink of an eye they were both gone.

After they left Red Robin found little devices in the goons jackets, so the reason why she jumped around the room and talk to the wannabe villain was to distract them while she putted the gadgets in them.

So no only pretty, but smart too.

Tim was soo screw...


Note: Up is a how I imagine Ophelia in my head. Do you guys know who ophelia is? Do you like the name? It took me a while to find it but I like it!

Thanks for reading love you guys!



Damián: You like me? For my personality?
Davina: yeah, I know. I was surprised too.


Tim: You are like an angel but without wings.
Ophelia: So like a person?

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