Damián is going to kill us.

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Jason played with his phone while he waited for the baby bat to tell whatever the hell was so important that he actually send a SOS not only to him but to baby bird too.

"A very important mission that needs my expertise has arrived, and because of that I'll be out of the country for a few days" the demon spawn start saying looking very serious but to be fair he was pretty sure that Damián was born looking like that. "Usually when a situation like this arrives I'll ask Jon to take care of some business in my instead, but since he'll be coming with me I see myself force to ask for your help"

"Can just Alfred take care of your pets?" Asked Jason already deciding that this wasn't worth his time.

"Alfred is going to take care of them, what I need your help is another thing even more... Important and delicate" well now this had his curiosity, something that Damián care even more than his beloveds pet—

"Davina" Said Tim out loud and Yep, Jason had no idea what the little gremlin wanted but right now he was all in. "you want us to take care of Davina while you are gone"

"Tt" Damián answered and them he took his phone hesitantly for a second before he send something to their phones "even if I tell you to stay away from her, you are gonna pester her anyway so at least you can be useful"

"We don't pester her" defend Tim but Damián was clearly  having none of that and gave him one pointed look.

"Fine, then act like perfect fools in front of her" He corrected and this earn him a little blush from baby bird.

"Should we be worry about the fact that you have her scheduled, likes and dislikes order by importance and with a color system?" Asked Tim once he took a look at what Damián sent to their phones.

"And this is only her schedule for this week" Pointed Jason raising an eyebrow.

"Of course, I only gave you the necessary information to do an... Aceptable job, More than that would be a violation to her privacy" and Jason thought that baby bird was the one with stalking habits...

"Does she know about this?" Said Tim reading all the information like he was comparing notes, and probably he was.

"I haven't tell her, but she is Vina so she probably suspect it" answered Damián sounding a little smug about it, like he was proud of the deduction skills of his friend.

Or victim.

Jason thought that given all the information that Damián had about her either option was valid.

"Vina is usually good at taking care of herself and others, but this is Gotham, and I will no risk it" baby bat said with an air of importance, and for a second Jason could understand him.

He wasn't going to risk the security of Vina either, he had never done that before and wasn't going to start now.


It didn't take much for Davina to see him between the crowds of rich parents and Butler's on the gates of Gotham academy.

"I have some options" she said while they start to walk away from the school "one, your taking advantage of the fact that Damián isn't around to spend time around the more lovely girl in all Gotham academy" she joked but for Jason it wasn't really a joke since he was partially sure the Davina in fact was the more lovely girl in the city at least in his books "two, Damián like the overprotective mother hen that he totally is, convince you or threatened you to keep an eye on me" oh so she did knew Damián pretty well by now "or three" she enlisted showing her fingers.

"Wich will be...?" He asked a little amused and curios.

"All the other options" she said with a proud smile with her pretty eyes glowing a little surely smug about the fact of how good she knew her friend.

"I'll go with option number three" he answered while she took him by the arm and they walked together, and Jason couldn't say that he didn't like the feeling.

"Then where do we go first?" She inquiry  sounding a little bit curios.

"Well... I have tickets for this movie... " He started with a smile.

It was on the list.

For someone who grew on one of the least... Friendly neighborhoods of Gotham, and could probably be rob with a knife without blinking once, Davina got scare easily.

She liked horrors movies — zombies where her favorites of all time — but she would get scare right away and usually will end up all scared and taking refuge in the most close and trusted person next to her.

In this case Jason.

He knew that virtually and morally speaking what he was doing was not quite nice... But Jason was already going to hell anyway so a little bit more of mischief wouldn't hurt anyone.

Besides with this little mischief he got Davina hugging him and hiding her doll face in his neck where he could feel her breathing.

So all in all it was worth it.

Until the fourth day when the school called Alfred because Davina passed out in one of her classes — apparently in some point Davina had put or Damián put himself like Davina emergency contact and with him out of reach they contact the emergency contact of Damian —

"The school nurse said that she was a bit anemic for lack of sleep, any of you had any ideas why she would have troubles sleeping?" Asked Alfred who already put Davina to sleep in Damian's room with Titus and Alfred the cat on the feet's of the bed.

And Davina probably couldn't sleep because they have being having daily marathon's of horrors movies with her — Yes, Jason was apparently not the only one with the idea

"No idea" Tim denied looking a bit nervous and Alfred clearly didn't believe them but didn't pry further.

"Damian is going to kill us, isn't he?" jason said like a fact, because they have utterly fail in the only thing that he asked of them in the last year? Year's?

"Yes I am" said a voice behind them and when they turn around they were received with a very tired looking baby bat.

Suddenly Jason had the feeling that Davina was not the only one that couldn't sleep in this last day's, and that her lack of sleep was not entirely their fault.

"I should have known that you couldn't be trusted" and even if he didn't like to agree with the gremlin he did kind of have a point. "Now if you excuse me I have to repair your mistakes" he said not even bothering to give them a second glance leaving Jason with a bitter taste in his mouth.

But it was okay, Jason was not the kind of person that was naturally good at something, no, since he was a kid he work hard to get what he wanted, and now that he knew what he was lacking he could work to improve himself.

They where some things that they where worth work hard for it.

And Jason had no doubt that Davina was one of them.


Note: Redhood is on the house people! Today I posted early because I will be gone for the weekend but know that I love you all! And that I will miss you dearly!

Love you guys!

Posdata: I have so much fun writing the extras! Do you like them?


Davina: your are so tall. What can you see up there?
Jason: everyone's flaws.


Dick: Are you doing fine Tim?
Tim: why do you ask?
Dick: you asked if painkillers work on emotions?


Davina: Anyone else is scared?
Damián: not really. I've already lived longer than what I expected.

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