can I least keep my bags?

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In all her years in Gotham Davina haven't being kidnaped, not even once.

She liked to thing that it was because she was a good girl that followed the rules of her family and besides there wasn't really a reason to kidnaped her — not that your normal villain or criminal need it one, sometimes they just did it for the heck of it —

But even when she hadn't been kidnapped until know, she still had a rule about it.

When you get kidnapped, don't fight back, keep it cool and please don't annoy your captors.

So when Davina was walking to her house after buying a few things in the market for her lunch of tommorow — and for the Lunch of Damian too — and a car with Loud latin music — wich was a  stereotype if you ask her — stopped next to her she just pretend that nothing was wrong in the world, I mean, maybe it wasn't her that they wanted  right?

"Davina Vittoria?" Ask a guy with an accent so heavy that for a second she had troubles understanding her own name.

Davina wasn't really sure that it was a bad or good thing that they were searching for her and this wasn't some random abduction or rob.

For one second she considered telling them that they got the wrong girl and sending them in an another direction while she called her bro but... The probability that they already knew that she was the one they were looking for where high so playing dumb could be bad for her.

"Can I least keep my bags?" She asked because it would be a tragedy to loose all the vegetable that she careful picked for Damián who was a picky eater.

The men in the car shared a look until one of them just lower his shoulders.

"Sure" he answered and they open the door of the car for her.

"Oh thank you" she thanked getting in the car, because her Lela had teacher good manners.


The car ride was a bit awkward like when you shared your car with a co-worker that you don't really know that we'll and he is talking by the phone with his wife and his marriage is not in a very good place right now.

But the good thing was that her kidnappers didn't really had much experience in this — or they were trying to be nice with her, wich was stupid, useful for her but really stupid for them — and they didn't take her phone or her things.

So sending a text to Damián for help wasn't really that hard and for a second she thought about sending her location but by this point in their relationship she knew that Damián monitored most — if not all of them — her movements.

Where did he put the tracker on her she didn't have idea, and for the health of their friendship, it was better that it stay that way.

When the ride was over she was taken to a nice looking house — it probably was a mansion and in another times she would have being impress but daily visits to the Wayne manor had raised her standards — and left in a pretty table next to a big pool in a gazebo.

Davina was partially sure by this point that this wasn't how a normal kidnap was supposed to go.

If this was a good or bad things was yet  to be decide.

"Mucho tiempo sin vernos¹" someone Saluted her and she raised her head watching a guy that couldn't be much older than her with a strangely familiar face.

But what really got her attention was the several men with guns walking besides him.

Oh and the flowers that the man carried.

"I am sorry, but... Do we know each other?" She asked because maybe they did have the wrong girl after all.

"You... You don't remember me?" He answered a little surprised and now things were just awkward.

"I don't think so, no" she denied trying to be subtle about the fact that she was looking for an escape route.

"I am Marco, we went to school together remember?"  He tried just receiving a confused look from the girl "we used to do most of our projects together? Your brother threatened me after I ask you to go out with me?"

"Sorry doesn't really ring a bell for me, Don has threatened a lot of boys for me" Davina told honestly and by now her kidnapper looked a little bit flustered and even the guys with the guns were giving him a pity glance.

"Anyways that's no the point" He denied sounding a little bit angry " back then I was a nobody, but now I have more power and influence that your brother and that means that you're  mine"

"Legally speaking I can't be yours, slavery is illegal" she answered already deciding let Damián do whatever he wanted with this asshole.

How dare he talk about her like she was a piece of property? She belong to herself and sometimes when Damián was being particularly nice they could  made a compromise but even then he only got a 45% tops.

"Always so smart, but because of that you should know better than anyone that in Gotham law doesn't apply for those who have power" He smiled smug and Davina resisted the urge to roll her eyes "besides I'll treat you even better than that spoil kid you are dating"

"Dating?" She raised an eyebrow looking confused once again.

"Oh you don't have to pretend, I know that you are dating that Wayne brat, but we both know that a man is what you need" a fucking nap was what Davina need it, she was getting so bored with this evil monologue that she was about to fall asleep on the table.

"First I am not dating Damián" because dating couldn't even start to describe their relationship"and second he is a brat but only I can call him like that" she clarified "and third this isn't going to work out"

"And that'll be because of...?" He asked looking like he was talking to a toddler that didn't understand basic speech "please don't tell me that you think he is going to rescue you, I didn't take you for the naive type"

"I don't think he is going to rescue me" she answered focusing in the man in front of her because the other things to looks weren't really nice "but her mother is" she said finally and know Marco was the confused.

"What are you talking ab—" his words came to a sudden stop when he felt something sharp slicing his arm and for a moment he only look at his arm in the floor and then at his guard that where all dead in the floor with  fucking ninjas behind them.

"No scum has the right to call my son a brat" said a woman next to him and before he could look at her his head end up in the floor next to his arm.

And now Davina was sure that this wasn't how a normal kidnap was supposed to go...



1.- long time no see.

I am back! Still have a lot of chapters so I am going to keep posting when I have internet, thanks you for reading and for for all the love you give with the likes and comments!

Love you guys!



Damián: can you stop that?
Tim: stop what?
Damián; existing.


*On a mission*

Dick: ok, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Tim: Damián's.
Damián: fuck shit up out there and don't die.
Jason: *wiping away a tear* inspirational

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