This is hell, this is definitely hell

104 7 31

He couldn't breath.

Why couldn't he breath? It was easy just in and out, that should be it right?

He felt the finger of his hands go numb, and like if the walls of the apartment were closing around him.

A panic attack.

He could recognize the feeling but why he was having one?

He looked around the room.

It was Davina's place, but she was gone.


Davina was gone... She vanished right in front of his eyes.

Davina... She was... A meta.

She had the blue veins in her face that were a clear sign of that.

Why didn't she told him? She knew everything about him more than his family.

Why didn't she trusted him with this?

He closed his eyes, grounding himself for a second. Nothing of that matter now, he needed to put his feeling aside and find Vina.


She didn't have much time left.

Davina was smart she knew better than to go to an hospital and end up in  a register as a meta, so her only other option was... She didn't have oneShe did have one, let herself die, but Damián couldn't think of that option now or never, he wouldn't accept it —

If he managed to found her he could take her to the manor and take some supplies from the cave and save her.

He was going to do that — He had to do that —

Yeah, so he didn't have time for a panic attack now, he had to find Vina.

But he didn't know how far her ability allowed her to go,  as far as he knew she could be in the other side of the planet, so out of his reach that even if he knew were she was, he wouldn't be available to help he—


Vina was alone and probably in pain, so logically she would go to a place were she felt safe.

Damian looked the app in his phone that show it the tracker that he put on Vina hoping that he was right and she would be in some place close and safe.

He almost started to laugh when he saw where she was.


She was so so tired.

All Davina wanted right now was to sleep and forget all the pain, but she couldn't breath well, it was hard and painful. 

Besides she was feeling very hot right now, so she probably had a very high fever that couldn't be good for her body.

She bury herself more under the covers of the bed  trying to forget about everything that was hurting.

Davina did kinda felt sorry for Damián, he probably would have to change the bed.

But it wasn't like she came here because she planed to come, Davina just close her eyes and thought about the place were she felt more safe.

She assumed that it would be the library like when she was younger of her Lela's place, but to her surprise it was Damián's room. 

She probably should have seen it coming.

Davina would blame her feverish brain.

But it wasn't so bad... At least if she closed her eyes and tried really hard she could imagine that Damián was right next to her.

It was odd what your brain could came up to, like right now she was almost sure that Damián was in fact with her moving her and saying stuff to her.

She didn't remember having such a livid imagination but hey, she was dying so maybe her brain decide to give her a last mercy.

"Thank... You..." She said to the her brain version of  Damián because at least this way she won't die alone and that was more than she could ever want.


"Since you are here ... This can't be heaven" Said Davina looking around recognizing Damian's room and her friend sitting right next to her.

"You all most die on my bed and that's the first thing you say?" Asked Damián who sounded very, very tired and honestly looked like shit, Davina thought that maybe she should feel guilty about it.

"I blame my feverish brain, you should too" she answered coughing a little feeling her trough sore. "Did you get the patent of the truck that pass all over my chest?"

"Yes, the owner is Alfred Pennyworth" he told sounding way too smug.

"This is hell, this is definitely hell"  she assumed looking at the ceiling before moving her hand as best as she could to take Damian's hand "I am sorry... I was scared" Davina confessed sounding more vulnerable than ever barely being able to not just break and started crying.

"I know... Just" Damian took a deep breath and press his forehead to their join hands "Don't ever leave me... Please" he practically beg and Davina moved her hand to caress his hair softly.

"I won't... Never" she promised with a tiny smile and for the first time in her life she felt like...

Like she truly had a place where she belong.


Notes: some light angst but in the ends my baby's being happy!

You see perfect balance!



Damián: Wh—
Damián: Why are you screaming?!
Davina: I LOVE YOU!


Jason: Try this coffee and tell me what it tastes like.
Tim: *Takes the cup and taste it*
Tim: Hazelnut?
Jason: I don't know, I found it in the garbage.

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