Not my finest moment

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"what happened to your face?" Asked Damián watching Vina's face cover in a lot of make up? It look more like painting...

"What? You don't like it?" She asked back getting close to Damián putting her arms around his neck. "Don't you always said that I always look pretty?"

"And you are... Most of the time" he added resisting the urge to smile when he watch her pout.

"Mean" she complied letting him go so she could go to the bathroom "oh for the love of... " She murmured watching her face in the mirror with horror.

"I assume that you let one of your pattience do your make up?" He said while he heard the sound of the water running.

"In my defence, she looked very pleased with the result" Vina said drying her face with a towel watching her face on the mirror one last time to make sure that all the make up was gone.

"Why didn't you took it out before?" He asked a little bit curios.

"I promised her that I wouldn't take it out until I reach my house, and I was afraid too look..." She answered leaving the bathroom and letting herself fall to the couch. "It's cheating that they are so cute" 

"You wouldn't have to deal with this if you had study medicine like your Lela and I told you to do" he answered sitting in the couch next to her.

"I would have made a terrible doctor Dami, people would have died" she said letting her head rest in Damián's lap "besides I actually like tiny humans"

"Childrens Vina, they are called Childrens" he corrected her with a little smile on his face.

"Yes that, I always forget, but that's why I have you" She smiled letting Damián caress her hair softly almost purring because how nice it felt."How was your day?" She asked closing her eyes relaxing under his touch.

"I was surrounded by fools the whole day, but that's not new so it was like usual" he told founding comfort in the little things of their house like  hearing Vina's soft breathing or the smell of her shampoo — strawberry, an smell that Damián have came to associate with Happiness —

Little things that made his day a lot more passable.

"Just because your classmates are not as smart as you doesn't mean that they are fools"

"You are taking their sides? Didn't you said that friends were always supposed to be in each other side?" He asked pretending to sound hurt.

"Oh yes you are right, they all suck, but they are studying business management, what did you expect?"

" I am studying business management" He said raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, but you are cute, and taking classes of art too so it doesn't apply to you" Vina answered easily.

"What exactly doesn't apply to me?" He asked a little curious.

"Being a robot who only cares for money and his own perfect hair"

"I am not longer under the suspect of being a robot anymore?" He asked bemused.

"For now at least, is still being considered" she said getting herself more comfortable to take just a little nap

"Hey no, you have to eat something first, when was the last time you eat something?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"What day is today? " She asked not opening her eyes but letting a little scream leave her lips when Damián stood up and took her in her arms.

"You are taking a shower and I'll make dinner, and you'll eat everything" he ordered and received a pout as answer. "Are we clear?"

"Si Lela" she answered standing up when Damián let her in the bathroom floor.

"Tt" he roll his eyes and waited until he heard the sound of the water running to go to the kitchen and make dinner for both of them.

This was one of the reason because he didn't felt guilty that he made Vina's Lela to maker her agree to live together, Vina couldn't be trusted to take care of her on her own.

She always forgot to eat or it was too lazy to cook for her and decide to take a nap instead, Vina was amazing taking care of other people, of her? Not at all.

So in simple words, Davina need it him — and he need it her too

And Damián was happy to take care of Davina.

"Today I taught a little kid to curse in spanish" Said Vina with a towel around her hair in her head, helping him setting the table. "Not my finest moment got to admit"

"Why did you do that?" He asked smiling a little amused for the mischief of Davina.

"He didn't want to take his meds, I did my best" she justified herself sitting in the kitchen table to eat their dinner.

"I am sure you did" he smiled sitting next to her.

In the end Vina fall asleep while he cleaned the kitchen waiting for him, so he took her in his arms and put her in bed for the day.

She clearly had a long day at her practice, but it was okay, because she always have Damián to take care of her — and he knew that Davina would do the same for him and that was all that matter in the end of the day —


Note: See! Fluff! I can do this too! I am good and kind author!

Thanks for reading and commenting love you!


Tim: Why are you on the floor?
Jason: oh just resting.
Jason: Also I was stabbed on the chest and I am bleeding profusely, I might need some help.


Tim: *at a coffee shop* I want a venti vanilla latte with eight espresso shots, please
Dick: Please, just do cocaine.


Jason: Pretty girl you are coming with me.
Davina: ...
Davina: oh! I am pretty girl?
Tim: Yes!
Tim: that came to quick didn't it?
Damián: Yes.

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