Saw you Sing

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Song - Thinkin' about you by Britney Spears

My eyes flickered open I must've woke up before my alarm I thought to myself. But a quick glance to my left and I was reminded I slept with Timothée last night.

I relaxed into him, peppering a kiss on his shoulder.
"Mm good morning." He groaned in a gravelly voice.
"Good morning," I smiled as he turned onto his back facing me.
"I had a lot of fun last night." He said looking deeply into my eyes.
"Me too."

Just at this moment his alarm clock buzzed. He hit it turning it off.
"Ah shit,"
"You got work?"
"Yeah starts at ten."
"Wait what time is it the now?" I said panicked.
"Uh nine."
"Fuck!" I sprung out of bed and started putting on my clothes that were scattered across his bedroom floor.
"What's wrong."
"My work shift starts like right now." I hurriedly said pulling my tights up quickly.
"Oh fuck, um I can drop you off."
"Nonono you've got work . . . Hey where's my bra?" I lifted up a few things and I couldn't find it.
"Fuck I'll just go without."
He stood up putting on some boxers.

"I'm sad you have to go away so soon."
He said genuinely.
"I know I'd stay longer but my boss is gonna be on my arse about this all week."
I pulled down my top and zipped my pinafore.
I walked over to him.
"Hey come down to the club tonight we're on at 10."
"Your set?"
"Yeah I'd like you to be there."
"I'll be there then."
I gave him a kiss put on my shoes then I was on my way to work.

About 3pm I finally got off. I immediately showered and smothered myself in cocoa butter moisturiser. A whole sweaty summers day at work after a whole sweaty night of moaning and groaning I was exhausted and smelly.

After a well deserved nap I got ready for the gig. I was really excited that Timothée was gonna be there and hear my band. I really liked him, he was so interesting, both to look at and to listen too. He was a great listener himself which I appreciated given I'm such a gabber.

I arrived at the bar.
"Hey girls." My band mates were there before me.
"Y/n!" Flo shouted excitedly. "Rumour has it you got some last night!"
I laughed "How the fuck did your sneaky butt find that out?"
"Lois has been telling us that you didn't come home last night after supposedly going out with a tall handsome American." Nat chimed in.

"So yes the news is out, I slept with an American!" I said overdramaticly making the girls laugh.
"So who is the mysterious sexy American man?"
"His name is Timothée. He's from New York and he's coming here tonight so best behaviour girls." I pointed my finger warning.
"He's coming?"
"To see the set." I smirked.
"Oo girl this is so exciting!"
"I know!"
We done a little giddy dance and proceeded to prepare ourselves fo the set.

When our set started I looked for Timothée in the crowd. He was pretty tall so was obvious to spot his curly hair near the front and a dark drink in his hand. He wooed at the end of each song and I would see him do a little two step of a dance. It made me smile that he seemed so happy to be there.

After the set I went to see him, he was sitting at the bar. I tapped his shoulder smiling brightly.
"Hey," he turned around and hugged me.
"Hey your set was great. You've got a hell of a voice."
"Why thank you." I swooshed my hair.
"Seriously you were amazing!" He nudged me and I blushed.
"Thank you," I said genuinely. I leaned into him and he kissed me.

I giggled a little then; "So um how was your work?" I asked.
"Ugh a little slow."
"I couldn't stop thinking about you." He said tucking hair behind my ear.
I giggled again. His touch made me melt.
"I love that dress you look really gorgeous."
"Thank you." I was very clearly blushing now.

Before we had sex I was able to control myself better. But now, he had seen me vulnerable and naked and I him. Something had shifted in me, awoken, I was completely under his control and he didn't even know it. His scrunched up face of concentration thrusting in and out of me kept replaying over and over in my head.

"Hey listen do you wanna go out again?"
"Yeah I'd- I'd love that."
His lips curled up into a smile.
"So how bout next Saturday? I was thinking I could take you to this garden. It's supposed to be real hot next weekend and we could eat outside and makeout a little..." he stroked my hand as he spoke.
Everything was happening so fast.

I kissed him again cutting him off.
"Uh sorry."
"Nonono don't apologise." He pulled me in by the waist and kissed me deeply his hands resting on the small of my back.
I pulled away.
"Mm, I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
"I'll be in the third cubicle."
"If you knock three times I'll let you in."

A/N : I think you can see where this is going.

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